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11.---Hey, look where you are going?

   ---Oh, I'm terribly sorry. ______.(NMET99  24)

   A. I'm not noticing     B. I wasn't noticing    C. I haven't noticed     D. I don't notice


10. The price ______, but I doubt whether it will remain so. (NMET99  16)

   A. went down    B. will go down      C. has gone down     D. was going down


9.---Hi, Tracy, you look tired.

   ---I am tired. I______ the living room all day. (NMET98  24)

   A. painted    B. had painted       C. have been painting    D. have painted


8. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.

    A. has written   B. wrote   C. had written   D. was writing  (NMET98  20)


7.---Nancy is not coming tonight.          ---But she ______ !(NMET98  10)

   A. promises     B. promised     C. will promise       D. had promised


6. ---Oh, it's you! I ______ you.

   ---I've just had my hair cut and I'm wearing new glasses.(97上海  19)

    A. didn't recognize  B. hadn't recognized    C. haven't recognized    D. don't recognize


5.--- I haven't heard from Henry for a long time.

   ---What do you suppose ______ to him?(97上海  11)

   A. was happening     B. to happen     C. has happened      D. had happened


4. ---Is this raincoat yours?

   ---No, mine ______ there behind the door.(NMET97  16)

   A. is hanging       B. has hung     C. hangs          D. hung


3.--- Alice, why didn't you come yesterday?

   --- I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.(NMET97  22)

   A. had          B. would     C. was going to       D. did


2. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ______ at a radio shop at the time.(NMET97  10)

   A. has worked       B. was working     C. had been working    D. had worked

