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2.A.right       B. left       C. side       D. way


1.A.lead      B. stick      C. turn       D. join


20.A.kept     B. saw       C. recognized    D. pretended



   Over years of study, Paco has discovered that people act in predictable (可预测) ways when they are shopping. Successful shops adapt(使适应) themselves to these habits. For example, people tend to  1   to the right when they enter a building. That is why many shops have their entrances on the  2  . Also, people speed up when they enter shops and need space to  3   down. That is why there is often a(n)  4   space just inside a shop door giving people a  5   to make themselves at home.

   Men and women shop in different ways. Men like to decide what they want

  6   they shop. Then they go straight out and get it without buying anything else. Seventy-five per cent of men who try clothes on buy them  7   away. Only 35 per cent of women do the  8  . Men also  9   not to talk to shop assistant.

   Women enjoy the shopping  10   more. They will shop first and decide what they want later, trying different things out  11   the way. Women also like to

   12   their time. A shopping trip that takes a man and a woman one hour will take two women three hours. Paco suggests that shops provide nurseries for

   13  , with video games and a TV tuned to a sports channel. The women can then shop in  14   while the men play.

   According to Paco, these differences can  15   back to the hunter-gatherer period of human history. Men were hunters. They focused(集中) on stalking  16   and then killing them. Women  17   wild vegetables and fruits. They needed to be  18 , to talk to each other and to cover as much ground as possible.

   Every modern city has its shopping area. And the shops are  19   of modern, hi-tech goods. But the people shopping are  20   in the same way that their ancestors did forty thousand years ago.


19.A.driven    B. acted      C. called       D. run


18.A.efforts     B. sense      C. recovery     D. use


17.A.on      B. over       C. around      D. from


16.A.walk     B. journey      C. match      D. level


15.A.S-shaped   B.X-shaped     C. direct       D. square


14.A.around    B. again      C. ahead      D. across


13.A.press     B. pull        C. command    D. catch

