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81.cloud→clouds 82.interested→interesting  83. √  84. in→by   85. make→ making

C: 76. 去in 77. there→where 78. over 前加was 79. returned 后加to 80. where→which/that 81. like→liked 82. moving→move  83.will→would  84.√        85. put→set

D: 76. am→was   77. read→reading  78. very→so  79. getting前加was  80.there→it  81. get→got  82. listen→heard  83. come前加to  84. so→because      85. √


55. A. through       B. with            C. by              D. of


During the weekend I traveled by air the first time     76.________

in my life. I generally travel by train and bus. It is        77.________

all cheaper and safer. But this was a short journey.        78.________

In the beginning I did not feel very happily, but this       79._________

feeling did not last longer. The journey was very exciting.     80._________

I was soon high up in the sky among the cloud. The views     81._________

of mountains, fields and rivers were interested.          82._________

I enjoyed my short and comfortable journey very much.     83._________

This experience has shown that traveling in air is         84._________

actually the safest way of make journeys.            85.________


When World War II broke out, Disney joined in      76.___________

the Red Cross (红十字会)and went to France , there      77.___________

he stayed until the war over. After the war, he         78.___________

returned Kansas to work for a company           79.____________

where made fairy story cartoons. This was          80____________

the kind of work he like best. He determined to        81.____________

find better ways of making the cartoons moving        82.____________

so that the cartoon characters (卡通人物)will seem alive.    83.__________ 

Later he joined his elder brother, Roy, in Hollywood,      84.___________

California. There they soon put up their own company.     85.___________


One summer evening I am sitting by the           76. __________

window and read a good science storybook. I was       77. __________

very interested in the story I was reading that I        78.__________

didn’t notice that it getting dark. When I realized       79. __________

there was too dark for me to read easily I put          80. __________

the book down and get up to turn on a light.         81. __________

Just then, I listened someone crying “Help!          82. __________

Help!” It seemed come from the trees in the         83. __________

other end of the yard(院子).I looked out so it         84. __________

was dark and I couldn’t see anything. I went out        85. __________

of my house and found there was a big parrot crying.

A: 36-40 DAABC 41-45 DBACC  46-50 DADBD 51-55 DACAC

B: 76.air后加for  77. and →or  78. all→both 79. happily→happy   80. longer→long


54. A. because       B. as              C. for             D. when


53. A. admire        B. comfort          C. please           D. cheat


52. A. it            B. he              C. she             D. one


51. A. strange        B. lucky           C. terrible          D. wonderful


50. A. interesting     B. obvious          C. strange          D. natural


49. A. lived         B. got on           C. stayed           D. treated


48. A. wanted        B. hoped           C. expected         D. thought of


47. A. prize         B. painting          C. praise           D. thing

