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60. Yours is a very nice bike. How long have you ___ it?

    A. bought    B. had       C. taken     D. been bought


59. How we ___ the Olympic Games would be held in 2000 in Beijing!

    A. looked for     B. wished        C. excepted       D. hoped


58. He worked hard at his lessons. At last he ___ to pass the examination. 

A. managed  B. tried      C. succeeded      D. looked forward


57. Many parents _____ their children to make their own decision. 

A.   let  B. make  C. have  D. allow


56. ___­ this book for example, it is very instructive for children. A. Bring B. Take C. Make D. Do


55. China is still a large agriculture country, for most of the Chinese __ their living by farming.

   A. enjoy  B. support  C. earn  D. set


54. Now the problem is how to ___ a growing population of 5.2 billion.

    A. support  B. supply  C. feed  D. feed on


50. There the brook ___ the river. A. joins  B. connects  C. joins in  D. meets


45. Every year about 40 million people ___ . A. starve death   B. starve dead 

    C. starve to die        D. starve to death


44. Kangaroos and Koala bears ___ very small and weak young.

    A. born      B. are born       C. give birthday to     D. give birth to

