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2. --Jeff said he was with you at your home.

--He _____ in my home. He doesn’t know the address.

A. couldn’t be    B. can’t have been    C. might not be   D. might not have been   


1. The difficulty didn’t in the least shake her _______.

A. idea         B. opinion          C. thought       D. decision


15. Mother: It's getting late. Turn off the TV, Bob, and go to bed.

Bob: Can't see just this program through? It'll be over in ten minutes.

Mother: OK. ______. It may trouble our neighbors.

A. But turn it down              B. Then you won't get enough sleep

C. But turn it off for a while           D. But when will you study for tomorrow?

Unit 8


14. Look! There _____ an old man!

A. stands               B. is standing        C. stood        D. has


13. He regretted the day ________ he wasted in the woods and ______ he should have studied.

A. when, when       B. that, when     C. when, that        D. that, that


12. --Would you like to go with us?    --Yes, ______.

A. I’d           B. I’d like        C. I’d like to      D. I’d like to do


11. The old professor wanted a quiet room for the night because he just couldn’t stand _____ in a noisy room.

A. having slept       B. sleep        C. sleeping      D. being slept


10. Don’t leave your feet ______. Have ourselves _____ well.

A. exposing, covering B. exposing, covered  C. exposed, covering      D. exposed, covered


9. I ______ in the quiet countryside instead of in the busy city.

A. feel like living      B. would rather to live     C. prefer to living     D. feel like to live


8. The exhibition was quite near. They _______.

A. mustn’t have hurried    B. needn’t have hurried  C. mustn’t hurry      D. needn’t hurry 

