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6.( You can take as many as you like because they are free of ______.

A.fare       B.charge     C.money        D.pay


5. You’ll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.

A.price      B.cost       C.value         D.usefulness


4.( Those football players had no strict ______ until they joined our club..

A.practice    B.education   C.exercise        D.training


3. If by any chance someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a ______.

A.message    B.letter      C.sentence       D.notice


2. Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of ______.

A.energy     B.source     C.power         D.material


 1-5 CBCDC  6-10 BCACB  11-15 BDADA  16-20 ABCDB  21-25 AADBB  26-30 DCDBD


26. Do _____ you think is right _____ difficulties you may have.  A. what/however    B. that/what  C. whatever/whoever  D. what/whatever  27. Are you sure _____?  A. whether she is honest  B. that she is honesty  C. she is honest      D. is she honest  28. He was interested in _____ he had seen at the exhibition.  A. which   B. that  C. all what  D. all that  29. He often thinks of _____ he can do more for the four modernizations.  A. what  B. how  C. that  D. which  30. Take _____ much you want and _____ you want to.  A. however/when    B. whenever/how  C. however/whoever  D. however/whenever


25. I will give this dictionary to _____ wants to have it.  A. whomever  B. whoever  C. whom    D. whatever


22. I'll certainly tell the Emperor _____ pleased I am with it.  A. how  B. what  C. who  D. whom  23. I wonder _____ he asked such a silly question in public.  A. how  B. what  C. that  D. why  24. _____ do you think will teach us maths next term?  A. Whom  B. Who  C. What  D. That


15. The reason I have to go is _____ if I don't.  A. that she will be disappointed  B. because she will be disappointed  C. on account of her being disappointed  D. that she will be disappointing  16. It was _____ he worked hard that he succeeded.  A. because  B. since  C. as    D. for  17. It seemed that the girl _____.  A. had lost important something  B. had lost something important  C. lost important things     D. lost something important  18. The fact _____ he is an advanced worker is well known.  A. what  B. which  C. that  D. why  19. The fact _____ in the past few years proves that our Party's policy is correct.  A. that great achievement was made  B. which great achievements were made  C. what have been made  D. that great achievements have been made  20. I have no idea _____.  A. what does the word "infinity" mean  B. what the word "infinity" means  C. what the meaning of the word "infinity"  D. what the word "infinity" mean  21. His suggestion _____ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.  A. that we go     B. which we should go  C. that we would go  D. when we should go

