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45. All possible means ____. However, nothing can ___ him dying of lung cancer.

   A. has tried; stop   B. have been tried; make

   C. has been tried; stop D. have been tried; stop


44.  When eleven o’clock ___ and he still ____, I began to wonder if he ___ an accident.

   A. came; arrived; had had   B. came; hadn’t arrived; had

D.  came; hadn’t arrived; had had  D. had come; hadn’t arrived; had


43.-I’d like to go hunting with you, but I have a meeting ____.

  --If you don’t go, _______.  

   A. to attend; so do I     B. attending; so will I

C.  attending; neither will I  D. to attend; nor will I


42.-Will you go to the museum tomorrow ?

  --I will if I ______ no visitors.

   A. have  B. will have  C. shall have  D. am having


41.He ____ his leg when he ____ in a football match against another school.

A. broke; played     B. was breaking; was playing

C. broke; was playing  D. was breaking; played


40.-Why does Jenny  look so unhappy ?

  ___ She _______where she doesn’t want to.

A. made to go   B. is made go

C. makes to go   D. is made to go


39. In some parts of the world, tea ____ with milk and sugar.

   A. is  serving  B. is served  C. serves   D. served


38.-Have you moved into the new house ?

  --Not yet. The rooms _______.

   A. are being painting   B. are painting

   C. are painted       D. are being painted


37. Come and sit down by the fire. You hand ________.

  A. feels so cold   B. is felt so cold

B.  feels so coldly  D. feels so cold


36.John ____ to work in a government office though he hated serving there.

  A. wanted   B. had wanted  C. was wanted  D. was wanting

