
 0  314504  314512  314518  314522  314528  314530  314534  314540  314542  314548  314554  314558  314560  314564  314570  314572  314578  314582  314584  314588  314590  314594  314596  314598  314599  314600  314602  314603  314604  314606  314608  314612  314614  314618  314620  314624  314630  314632  314638  314642  314644  314648  314654  314660  314662  314668  314672  314674  314680  314684  314690  314698  447348 

23.-How did you sleep last night?

-Like a log.Never slept ___________.

A.better                           B.a better

C.best                            D.well


22.The old couple prefer a house in the country to spend their late years to ___________ in a large city.

A.it                              B.this

C.that                            D.one



从A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21.-___________ came to see you this morning,sir.

-Which Mr. Smith?

-I don't know;he just called himself Mr. Smith.

A.Mr. Smith                        B.A Mr. Smith

C.The Mr. Smith                    D.Mr. Smiths


50.Now this book is very popular and it ____  out in the city .

A. has been sold   B. has sold out

C. is sold      D. was sold


1-5 AABBB   6-10 DCDBA  11-15 DDBDC  16-20 CBADA


1--5CBBDB    6--10DBAAC  11--15DADDB  16--20ACABC   21--25BAADA

26--30AADBA  31--350CCAAB  36-40CADBD  41-45CADDD   46-50CACCB


49.-Why does Lingling look so unhappy ?

  --She ______ at  by her classmates.

   A. was laughed       B. laughed 

C. has been laughed   D. had been laughed


48.-Why aren’t you driving forward ?

  --The road ____________.

   A. is repaired     B. was repaired 

C. is being repaired  D. repairs


47.-Oh, it’s you ! I ____ you.

  __I‘ve had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.

   A. didn’t recognize   B. didn’t know

   C. hadn’t recognize   D. haven’t recognized


46.I am sorry if I hurt your feeling and I ______.

A.   did mean to   B. don’t mean to 

   C. didn’t mean to  D. don’t mean to

