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3.    Which is NOT true about "the Shenzhou IV" according to this report?

A. It's Chinese fourth unmanned spacecraft launched into space.

B. It is likely to be a final test before launching a manned craft.

C. It was successfully launched early Monday morning.

D. It did not boast a system needed for manned flight.


2.    Which nations succeeded in carrying people into space?

A. the Soviet Union and China     B. the United States and China

C. the  former Soviet Union and the United States  D. Russia


1.    In ________ China started its manned flight program.

A. 1961    B.1962    C.1992    D.2000


4. Why did the writer use "giant leap" in the title?

  A. Because the space flight marked China's great progress in the field of space exploration.

  B. Because Neil Armstrong said it was a "giant leap" for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.

  C. Because the space flight was a huge success.

  D. Both A and B.

Passage  2  Chinese fourth unmanned spacecraft into space

China blasted its fourth unmanned craft into space on Monday in what is likely a final test before sending its first astronaut into orbit around earth, state media said.

  The Shenzhou IV, or "Divine Ship," took off from its launch center in the northwestern province of Gansu early Monday morning and had already settled into its course around Earth, the official Xinhua news agency and newspapers reported. "The successful launch of the Shenzhou IV has laid a solid foundation for China to send Chinese astronauts into space," the China Daily quoted an official at the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center as saying. Like its predecessors, the craft will circle Earth once every 90 minutes. The vessel, which boasts a complete system needed for manned flight, will fly in space for a few days before landing.

   China's space program is a test of national pride as the country, growing fast after two decades of market-oriented reforms, seeks a place on the world stage alongside great powers. China aims to become the third nation in the world capable of putting people in space. The Soviet Union first accomplished the feat in 1961, with the United States following the next year. The country started its manned flight program in 1992, the Xinhua reported, adding astronauts had entered the Shenzhou IV to train for missions for the first time. Xinhua quoted Su Shuangning, a leading official for the manned flight program, as saying Chinese astronauts, all with fighter pilot backgrounds, were absolutely capable of making their maiden voyage to outer space.  


3. Why did the writer mention the gravitational forces on takeoff and landing?

  A. To stress the hardship and the spaceman had to experience.

  B. Because it was a very special experience for any spacemen.

  C. To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight

  D. To show that Yang is lucky.


2. How long did each of Yang's orbits take on average?

  A. 1 hour.

  B. 1.5 hours.

  C. 6 hours.

  D. The story didn't mention.


1. What is the main idea of the story?

  A. China's first manned space flight.

  B. A hero with great courage

  C. The first Chinese man in space

  D. How Yang Liwei became China's first spaceman






3.    本题考察对文章写作意图的理解,全文侧重警告人们警惕恐怖主义的新威胁---即恐怖分子使用大规模杀伤性武器。答案为:C。

Passage  10    1. D   2. C   3. A


