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2. What is the main idea of this story?

 A. Baghdad saw the bloodiest day since peace was declared on May 1.

 B. The US occupation has not been a success.

 C. The rebuilding of Iraq mainly depended on UN's decision.

 D. There are still many disagreements over how to rebuild Iraq.


1.Which of the following is NOT one of the disagreements over rebuilding Iraq?

 A. Whether the US occupation has been a success.

 B. Setting a clear date for the handover of power to Iraq.

 C. Whether the UN should take the leading role in rebuilding Iraq rather than the US.

 D. Removing the rebel forces that still support Saddam.


2.    Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A.    During the peak of the SARS outbreak, life of Beijingers was greatly affected.

B.    Most provinces and cities put a two-week quarantine (隔离) on travellers from Beijing.

C.    In Beijing and Shanghai, public spitters were forced to pay a fine of 50 yuan.

D.   The number of cases in Beijing's hospitals fell below 60 by June 24.

Passage  6  Peace problem

Six months have passed since Saddam Hussein's rule of Iraq was declared over, but in many ways the war is still being fought.

   Groups opposed to American control of Baghdad have launched a series of suicide bombings across the city. Last Monday around 40 people were killed and more than 200 injured in the bloodiest day since peace was announced on May 1. One bomb even attacked the headquarters (总部) of the International Red Cross.

   Dr Jalal F Massa, a doctor whose daughter was injured in the attack on the Red Cross, said: "We, the Iraqi people, who have suffered so much, feel helpless when we see these things. The US occupation has not been a success."

   In the last three months, there have been several attacks in Iraq causing heavy damage. Not only were US troops targeted, but also UN buildings and workers, religious (宗教的) leaders, foreign officials and members of Iraq's new government.

   On October 28, the number of US soldiers who have died in Iraq since May 1 rose to 139, one more than the number who died during the war itself.

   Paul Bremer, the US chief administrator (行政长官) in Iraq, told the Iraqi people the US didn't like being an occupying power and promised they would only stay as long as is necessary.

   Although, there is transitory government in Iraq, it is controlled by the US and there is no timetable for handing over power to the Iraqis. Many other countries, including France, Germany and Russia, see this as a key part to rebuilding the country.

   "Only in this way can it be made clear that the present political situation in Iraq is a temporary (暂时的) one," said Gunter Pleuger, Germany's Ambassador (大使) to the UN. Although the UN has agreed to help rebuild the country, it remains divided over what its role should be. While the likes of France and Germany want to see a quick hand-over of power, the US and Britain focus more on removing rebel forces still supporting Saddam.

Rosemary Hollis, of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, said that whatever the US-led troops choose to do, they must act quickly. "If they do not move soon, they will lose control and there will not be any new government to put in power," she warned. "They will be stuck, as happened to America after the war in Viet Nam (越南)."


1.    The last paragraph suggests that _______.

A.    medical experts believe that there will not be another outbreak of SARS

B.    After the lifting of the WHO travel warning people can plan their travel to Beijing

C.    With the WHO's announcement, life in China has returned to normal

D.   medical experts warned us not to relax our efforts on SARS prevention and control measures


1.  June 24 was a great day worthy of being celebrated because ______.

A. The last SARS-infected patient recovered on that day

B. WHO announced to remove Beijing from its list of SARS-infected areas

C. WHO's travel warning against Beijing was lifted on that day

D. both B and C


3.    逐一判断,正确答案为:D.


2.    推理判断题。理解HOW DOES IT SPREAD?一段,了解SARS 的传播途径,判断A为正确答案。


1.    细节理解题。根据文章二三段, C项 bleeding 不是SARS症状。


4.    推理判断题。根据全文中心推断:神舟四号和载人飞船装备一样,只是没有宇航员。答案为:A.

Passage  4    1. C   2. A   3. D   4. C

这是一篇介绍 SARS的文章。

