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4.  From the information given in the passage we can deduce that _______________.

A.   SARS is a type of pneumonia which is caused by influenza.

B.    When an infected person travels, he can not spread the virus to other passengers on his flight.

C.    In order to control the spread of the disease, patients should be placed in an isolation unit.

D.   Wearing a mask is not a good way of keeping off SARS .

Passage  5  Goodbye SARS!

BEIJING, China and the world celebrated a great day of victory on June 24. On that day, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced its removal of Beijing from its list of SARS-infected (感染"非典"的) areas. It also lifted it's travel warning against the city - the last in the world. Beijing was put on the WHO's travel warning list on April 23.

The announcement came after the number of cases in Beijing's hospitals fell to 46 - well below the WHO cut-off point of 60. Beijing had recorded a total of 2,521 cases of SARS and 192 deaths by June 26.

"Today's development is a milestone in the fight against SARS, not only in China but also the world. From today, the WHO has no more warnings against any places around the world," said Shigeru Omi, a WHO official.

Just one month ago, going out without a mask would have been thought of as daring and even irresponsible (不负责任) in the capital city of 13 million people. "Change clothes and wash hands more often, take more physical exercise and organize fewer gatherings" were commonly-heard pieces of advice.

People opened their windows more often and disinfectants (消毒液) could be smelled in the subways (地铁), buses and offices.

Spitting in public became socially criticized. In Beijing and Guangzhou, public spitters were forced to pay a fine of 50 yuan. The fine (罚款) went up to 200 yuan in Shanghai.

At the peak of the SARS outbreak, Beijing residents were the "most unwelcome people" in the country. They were forced to cancel or put off almost all their travel plans, as most provinces and cities put a two-week quarantine (隔离) on travellers from Beijing.

With the WHO's announcement, life in China has returned to normal. All students in Beijing will return to school after more than two months of staying at home. And travelling has again become a big plan for the summer holiday.

However, medical experts have warned against any relaxation (放松) of SARS prevention and control measures after the lifting of the WHO travel warning.


3.  Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.   Even though there is currently no specific cure, the doctors can treat SARS with an anti-viral drug.

B.    Before victims show flu-like symptoms, SARS has an incubation period of between two-to-seven days.

C.    That SARS could be airborne has not been ruled out by health experts from WHO.

D.   Doctors believe that every victim without other serious illnesses can be cured.


2.  It is possible that a person will be infected with SARS if _______________.

A.   they touches their nose after contacting with a contaminated phone.

B.    they don’t wash their hands twice a day.

C.    they  don’t know the contagious nature of the virus like health experts.

D.   they don’t go to a doctor  at once when they catch a cold.


1.  Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the symptoms of SARS?

A. dry cough   B. shortness of breath   C. bleeding   D. loss of appetite


4.  From the last sentence, what Xinhua said means __________.

A. “The Shenzhou IV was the same as a manned spaceship but there were no men aboard on it this time.”

B. “The capsule was an unmanned spacecrafts and it needed improving in order to let men aboard.”

C. “The Sacred Vessel IV was identical to a manned spaceship but it was not able to carry men into space.”

D. “The spaceship is very similar to a manned one but it could not hold an astronauts.”

Passage  4  SARS

Scientists say Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is caused by a new virus from the family of coronaviruses(冠状病毒), which also causes the common cold. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS?

The World Health Organization says the main  symptoms of SARS are high fever (over 38℃), dry cough, shortness breath or breathing difficulties. Changes in chest X-rays, which are indicative of pneumonia(肺炎), also occur. SARS may be associated with other symptoms, including chills, headache, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite, malaise, confusion, rash and diarrhoea.

Health experts say the disease has an incubation period(潜伏期) of between two-to-seven days, with three-to-five days being more common, before victims start showing flu-like symptoms.


The mortality rate(死亡率) appears to be between 3 to 5 per cent. In Hong Kong, at least, those who infected invariably develop severe pneumonia, which can cause numerous complications. The victim’s condition can deteriorate(恶化) very quickly in as little as five days.


There is currently no specific cure for the disease. But doctors worldwide have been treating it with ribavirin----an anti-viral drug----and steroids(类固醇). Doctors say if treated early most patients without other serious illnesses can recover.


WHO (世界卫生组织)and Hong Kong experts say the virus spreads through droplets by sneezing or coughing and such direct infection(传染) can usually happen within a radius of around three feet.

The virus can also spread indirectly as it can survive outside of the human body for three to six hours. Contact with any object that is tainted by droplets containing the virus, for example, a contaminated phone, could lead to infection if a person then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.

Health experts have not ruled out that it could be airborne (空气传播的), which infinitely raises the contagious nature of the virus and would make it far harder to contain(控制).


3.  The word “taikonauts” in bold may mean __________ in Chinese.

A. 太空    B.太空人   C.宇航员   D.太空舱


2.  Shenzhou IV finished the following tasks successfully except that _________.

A.   it orbited the earth 108 times.

B.    It performed hundreds of maneuvers.

C.    it collected a large amount of test data

D.   it brought back a rock from the moon.


1.    What’s the best title for the passage?

A.   Unmanned Space Mission a Success

B.    Chinese Fourth Unmanned Spacecraft Into Space

C.    Chinese Astronauts Sent to Russia

D.   China--- the Third Country to Send Astronauts Into Space


4.    The Last sentence in bold implies all of the following but _________.

A. The leading official is quite sure that China is capable of sending manned crafts into space.

B. The astronauts who will take the first trip into space were picked out among the fighter pilots.

C.  Chinese astronauts have made several voyages to outer space before.

D.   Xinhua news agency quoted impersonally what Su Shuangning , the leading official for the manned flight program, said.

Passage  3 

An unmanned Chinese space capsule returned safely to Earth on Sunday, media said, laying the groundwork for China to attempt later this year to send an astronaut into space. A successful manned flight would make China only the third country, after Russia and the United States, able to send its own astronauts into space.

  The Shenzhou IV capsule landed as planned just after 7:00 p.m. on China’s northern grasslands in the Inner Mongolia region. Chinese officials said that the next launch would be manned.

  Shenzhou IV blasted into space Dec. 30 from a base in the Gobi desert. It orbited the earth 108 times and performed hundreds of maneuvers (机动运用), including unfolding its solar panels. Instruments functioned normally and collected a large amount of test data. The re-entry vehicle and its contents will be sent to Beijing for analysis. The flight was the second in less than 10 months for a Chinese space capsule -- the shortest period to date between launches and a possible sign of growing official confidence in the program.    

  A corps of about a dozen astronauts picked from among fighter pilots in China’s air force have been training for years to take the first trip into space. At least two were sent to Russia’s cosmonaut school, called “taikonauts” after the Chinese word for space, they used the      Shenzhou IV capsule for training.

   The Shenzhou IV, whose name means “Sacred Vessel,” carried the necessary equipment for a manned flight, and the mission tested life-support and other systems. Xinhua said the capsule was “identical to manned spaceships except there were no men aboard.”


3.    Which is NOT true about “the Shenzhou IV” according to this report?

A. It’s Chinese fourth unmanned spacecraft launched into space.

B. It is likely to be a final test before launching a manned craft.

C. It was successfully launched early Monday morning.

D. It did not boast a system needed for manned flight.

