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4.    该题考查对文章最后一句的理解。 D项是说新华社客观引述了Su Shuangning的原话,答案为:C.

Passage  3    1. A   2. D   3. A   4. A



3.    ABCD 逐一查证,D为不正确的说法。


2.    从相关信息句 “The Soviet Union first accomplished the feat in 1961, with the United States following the next year.”推知答案为C项。


1.    细节理解题。从最后一段 “The country started its manned flight program in 1992, 。。。”一句得知答案C。


4.  结合全文理解标题中的“giant leap”,其意义为选项A. 意即:神舟五号的成功标志着中国在航天领域里迈出了“一大步”, B 项表明:“giant leap” 这一遣词的来源。所以答案为:D

Passage  2    1. C   2. C   3. D   4. C



3.  分析和该题相关的信息 “He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitational forces (重力) on takeoff and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.”,不难推知选项 A 意义相符。


2.  计算题。信息源在第一二段这两处: “… …he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space… …”  “ … …which orbited the earth 14 times” 也就是说环绕地球转了14圈耗时21小时,简单计算得平均每转一圈 1.5 小时,答案为: B。


1.  全文行文角度以杨利伟为中心,故答案为C。


3. Which of the following is true according to the four pieces of news?

A. Tong Liqing from Chongqing was wrongly jailed for nearly 7 years before a local lawyer proved his innocence.

B.    The quake in Tokyo was not a moderate one.

C.  Girls from Chinese mainland intend to marry to a man whoever is a Hong Kong resident.

D. The columnist, Sheng Dalin, thinks that the teachers should knee down before the kid’s mother.

专题一  时事新闻练习答案及详解

Passage  1    1. C   2. B   3. A   4. D



2. Which of the following will be the best heading for News Item 3 ?

  A. Women married to Hong Kong      B. Mr. Right in Hong Kong

  C. Match girls             D. A Hong Kong matchmaking agency

