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34. Walking and running are the oldest, and the newest, excellent______exercise for all ages and fitness levels.

  A. bodies shaping    B. body`s shape   C. bodies shaped    D. body shaping


33. ------English Department, can I help you?

  ----- Hi, I`m Nancy. I`ma student in English101, I need to know Professor Wang`s e-mail address.

  ----______....I`m sorry, Dr. Wang does not have an e-mail address in our system.

  A. Just a minute   B. I beg you pardon   C. At your service   D. It`s your


32. Sleep patterns change ae we ______, but disturbed sleep and waking up tired every day is not part of normal aging.

  A. have a age    B. age    C are aging     D. asre more aged


31. I can`t go to that opera,______, seventy dollars is just too much for me to spend in one evening

  A. in other words    B. I say     C. in particular    D. I mean


30. It was in a small village ______ is now a small town______ the earthquake occurred

  A. where; which    B. which; where   C. which; that    D. that; where


29. ---- I hear that you ran in Marathon last week.

  ----Year. But I ______ after 15 kilometers. I wasn`t fit enough.

  A. left out    B. dropped out    C. carried out     D. ran out


28. ------What`s the matter?

  ----My history paper ______ due tomprrow and I ______ a few more reference. My computer is down and most of the books I want are out.

  A.is; will need    B. will be; will need    C. is; need     D. will have been; need


27.Doctors and meical supplies______to the scene of the accident.

  A.had rushed    B. were rushed    C. were rushing    D. rushed


26. ----Do you think there`ll be time to stop for meal?

  ----We`ll have to ______.

  A. think      B. consider     C. see      D. wonder


25. The markwt for______ used computers is getting larger and larger as______ years go on.

  A. 不填; 不填   B。 the 不填    C。 the; the    D。 不填 the

