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24.A  on your team指你们队里,习惯上用on,不用in.


23.C what在这儿指的是一种情况,并非“人”,所以不能用who,whom。




21.D  题意是问老师为人怎么样,所以D最符合。


16.C        17.B        18.A     19.C       20.B

Text1  M: Did you go to the theatre last Saturday?

W: Yes, I saw“The Tea House”. The acting was excellent.

Text2  W: Has your father ever been to New York?

M: Yes. He went there last summer.

Text3  W: Do you think that every language has a spoken form?

M: Certainly I do, but not every language has a written form.

Text4  M: Those oranges look nice. How much are they?

W: They are sixty cents a pound.

Text5  W: What does Billy need ten dollars for?

M: He wants to buy a few pencils and some paper.

Text6  W: Did you pack your bag, Steve?

M: I'm going to do it now.

W: How long will you be away?

M: I won't get back until Saturday evening or Sunday morning. I have a lot of business in Los Angeles.

W: Do you need to stay that long?

M: I don't want to, but I have to. I have a lot of meetings on my schedule.

W: You know, you'll miss Peter' s birthday party.

M: Oh! I forgot about that! What time is the party?

W: Two o'clock Saturday afternoon.

M: Well, I'll try to get back Saturday morning.

W: That will make Peter very happy.

Text7  W: When do you take your winter holidays?

M:I usually take it during the second or third week of January.

W: Do you like to ski?

M: Yes, I love to go skiing.

W: Where do you go?

M:I go to a hotel in the mountains.

W: Is it far from here?

M: It's about a hundred miles away.

W: Does it get cold?

M: Oh, yes! It gets very cold. It snows a lot.

W: Do you go alone?

M: A couple of my friends usually go with me. Do you want to come along some weekend?

W: No, not me. I don't like cold weather.

M:I really like it. I love snow!

Text8  W: How's you new office?

M: Oh, it's great! I really like it.

W: Is there enough space for everyone?

M: Yes, there's plenty of space. We aren't crowded at all now.

W: Do you have a large office?

M:I have two offices.

W: Two offices! Why do you need two offices?

M: There's one for the mail and another for the supplies.

W: Is there any place to eat in the building?

M: There's a cafeteria on the second floor.

W: Is it expensive?

M: No, it isn't expensive. The prices are very low.

W: Is there a bank in the building?

M: Yes, there's a bank on the ground floor.

W: What about parking?

M: There's a garage in the basement, but I'm going to take the subway to work now. The subway station is very convenient.

Text9  M: Hi, would you like some help?

W: Well, I'm looking for something I saw at a friend's house a few days ago. He said he bought it here. It's a long sofa with a yellow silk cover, about two and a half meters long.

M: You're in the right store. But all of them were sold out last Sunday.

W: Oh, what a pity! Are you going to be getting more to sell?

M: We are ordering them now. But I have to tell you that the price has gone up.

W:I don't mind. Just my luck. You know I really like it.

M: In the past they were $62 each, but the new ones will be 3 dollars more. They will be sent here next Thursday, exactly one week from today.

W: Okay, I'll be back next weekend.


After a rather difficult case, Sherlock Holmes and his good friend Dr. Watson decided to take a camping trip. Once finishing a fine meal and a bottle of wine they decided to turn in for the night. A few hours before daybreak, Holmes woke up his friend and said, “Watson, Look up and tell me what you can see and think of. ”Watson did so and said, “What does this suggest to you, good friend?” The doctor thought for a moment and said,“I can think of many things, Holmes…from a scientific standpoint, the millions of stars  visible suggest there are ten fold planets moving around those stars. ”“Go on,”said Holmes. Watson thought a moment more and continued, “From a religious standpoint, I can see that from a weather-reporter's standpoint, from a clear sky, I think that tomorrow will be quite sunny. So tell me Holmes, what do you think by this wonderous sight?”Holmes replied, “Watson, how foolish you are! Someone stole our tent!”


11.B        12.B        13.C     14.A       15.B


6.C         7.B         8.B      9.B        10.C


1.A        2.B         3.C      4.C        5.A












How robins (知更鸟) know when it is time                    76.____

to go back north? They seem to tell by how

soon daylight lasts. In late winter, daylight                    77.____

begins to last longest each yea. When the                     78.____.

light lasts long enough, robins start the north.                  79.____.

They fly day by day. Each year they follow a same              80.____

fly-way. At first, they fly only few miles a                    81.____

day. They stop often in the field to eat bugs (小虫子).            82.____

Late, they seem in a hurry. They fly                         83.____

over 100 miles a day. Some are going so far                   84.____

as 180 miles. When they get to home, they                    85.____

always stay together high in a tree.

