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A: What     is  it      ,kate?

B:  It’s  the       of      .

A:  Oh,  my  birthday’s         soon.

B:        your  birthday?

A: It’s      the  25th  of  April.

B: What      you  like  as  a        present?

A: I’d  like  a        .



(  )My  Dad’s  mobile  phone  is  near  the  telephone.

(  )2、Nancy  can’t  find  her  keys.

(  )3、Su Yang  picks  the  stamps  up  for  Su Hai.

(  )4、It  is  the  21st of  November  today.

(  )5、Tom’s  birthday  present  is  a  VCD  of  American  cartoons.


(  )1、A、Yes, I am .   B、Yes, I do.  C、Yes, I can.

(  )2、A、It means “Danger”  .  B、It is tall.   C、 All  right.

(  )3、A、Tuesday   B、July 5th   C、7:15

(  )4、A、It’s  the  7th  of  May.

B、It’s  in  the  7th  of  May.

     C、It`s  on  the  7th of  May.

(  )5、A、It’s  Wednesday.

     B、It’s  August  8th  .

  C、It’s  June  5th.


(  )1、A、public    B、people   C、picture 

(  )2、A、see     B、say     C、sign

(  )3、A、July    B、June    C、Jane

(  )4、A、feel     B、film    C、fish

(  )5、A、8:30    B、8:13    C、8:50

(  )6、A、must    B、past    C、fast

(  )7、A、quiet    B、quietly   C、quickly

(  )8、A、5th     B、15th    C、50th

(  )9、A、No parking    B、No littering   C、No smoking

(  )10、A、horse    B、 house   C、mouth


5. it rainy was yesterday (?)



A  What d    is it today? 

B  It’s the 1st of jJune . 

A  Great.It’s C     D     ,shall we go to the p     ?  

B  Good  i    .But h    ? 

A  Let’s go t    by b    。 

B  I’m afraid(恐怕)  we c    . 

A  Why ? 

B  Because there is a  p     s     ‘No c    ’ 

A  What does it m     ? 

B  It m     we s     ride  the bike  t    . 

A  Oh ,I s    . W     a    going f    ? 

B  T     good,let’s h     up. 

A  OK. 


Nancy is talking with her aunt.(N---Nnacy  A----  her aunt) 

N  H    are you ? 

A  I’m f     .t     a l     . 

N  It’s f     today. Shall we go to the l     ? 

A  S     ,I’m b    ,what d    is it  t     ? 

N  It’s the 2nd o     S     . 

A  Perhaps you d    k    it’s  my b     . 

N  H       b     . 

A  Thank you . 

N  W     you like to c    t      my birthday p     ? 

A  S    . Do you a     have a b     p     ? 

N  No ,it’s the o     one . 

A  What w    you l     a    your b    p     ? 

N  A  P   . I  like p    c    games and w    c     . 

A  I’ll  b     you  a  PSP. 

N  Thank you . 


Tom is talking with his mother in the morning. 

T  Mum, what d     is  it  today? 

M  It’s W    .We have a P    l    t    a    .

I c    f    my f    s    .  W    are they? 

T They w    u     your b     j    n    .where are they ? 

M  Let m    s    .oh ,they’re u    my t    . 

T  What time is it n    ? 

M  It’s h    p     seven. 

T  It’s t     l    .B    q    .t     f    s     . 

M  D   w    .H    some b    and d    some m    , you can go there in my c    . 

T  T    you,m    . 


总是有问题          问问题 

表示不同的事         必须远离    

应当安静           散步   

捡起他们/它         谁的生日  

几月几日-          是在何时  

在三月二日          四月三日  

在五月            在六月四日    

非常激动的          片刻以前    

刚才             一部手机   

两副眼镜           十二岁   

公共标志           他的表兄     

远离那幢大楼         远离草坪   

在鸟笼上            发出吵闹声

严禁吸烟           突然看见某物

一张十元纸币         四下环顾  

附近没有人           一个公园看守人  

指着             罚款十元

 在八月和九月         作为生日礼物 

 一张日本卡通光碟       看阿拉丁 

 让我们等等看         在一月或二月 

 在11月5日         吹灭蜡烛 

 祝你生日快乐         脱下戏服 

  在12月12日         体育运动日 

  看一场激动人心的赛跑     寻找照相机 

  一卷胶卷           一副耳机  

  走上前            快速走向(物)  

  写一篇日记           在地上 

  举行一个生日聚会       在生日聚会上 



1 My earphones     (be) on the desk just  now. 

2 His cousin    (be) in  Jiangyin two  years  ago. 

3    (Be) you in the reading room just now? 

4  I     (be) in the playground now ,but I     ( be) on the slide  ten

minutes ago.   

5 You shoud     (be) quiet in the library. 

6     (Be )there any milk in the fridge two hours ago? 

7 There     (be)  a lot of diaries in the supermarket. 

8     (Be) he a student two  years ago? 

9 He and she     (be )in America  in 2007. 

10 There     (be) a building in the garden in 1996.

11     (be) there any mobile phones  in the shop?

12 Nancy    (be) in green two minutes ago.Look,she    (be) in blue now.

13 He  would like     (be) a  nurse.How about you?

14    (be) Tom in Australia two weeks ago?No,he    (be) in England.

Listen ,he    (be) in the  music room.

15 There    (be ) a pair of glasses on this magazine  this morning,but

It     (be)  not  here now.


1  What  does the sign ‘No smoking’ mean? 

2 How old are you ?  how about your father?  

3 What are you? And your mother? 

4 What day is it today? 

5 What time is it  now? 

6 Are you in the classroom ? 

7 What date is it today? 

8 Was  your deskmate a school girl  1996? 

9 Can you tell me your bithday? 

10 What  would you like as your birthday present? 

11 What date was it this  Monday? 

12 Were  there any  flowers in  your house  just now? 

13 How old were  you in 2005 

14 When’s your english teacher’s birthday? 

15 Would you like some  bread for lunch? 

16 When do you usually go to school? 

17 Was your chinese teacher in your classroom? 

18 Can you show me how to make a birthday card? 

19  Would you like to sing a song  to us? 

20  When can you teach me how to skate well? 

21 Was your house in Jiangyin three years ago?


4. walked to the she back school (.)



3. went there I taxi by (.)



2. did he what in eat evening the (?)



1. you go the did to city yesterday (?)



14.(    )They stopped here because they__________ the way to the station.

 A. didn’t know  B. don’t know  C. will know

(   )15---Where __________ you find your ticket?

 ----I __________it on the ground.

 A. did, found  B. do, found  C. were, find

