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This Chinese boy is Li Lei. Li Lei’s _____1___ is on the May 1st. He was born(出生) in 1993. He is __2___ years old. Jack is ___3___ good friend. He’s ____4____ English boy. He’s in Li Lei’s___5__. Mrs. Read is their _____6____. She’s an English ____7___. She teaches them English. Jack and Li Lei ___8__ a secret (秘密)-Jack is __9__ English teacher’s ___10_____.

1.(   ) A. born    B. birthday  C. date

2.(    ) A. fifteen   B. twelve   C. eleven

3.(   ) A. Li Lei   B. Li Leis’  C. Li Lei’s

4.(    ) A. an    B. a     C. the

5.(    ) A. home   B. school   C. family

6.(   ) A. mother  B. friends   C. teacher

7.(   ) A. woman  B. man   C. girl

8.(   ) A. has    B. there is  C. have

9.(   ) A. your   B. their   C. our

10.(   ) A. uncle  B. father   C. son


5.It’s time to lunch now. __________________


4. Today is the one of June. __________________


3.My birthday is in the 18th of September. __________________


2.They are talk about some signs. __________________


1. It means “Not smoking”.   __________________


3. ----我的鞋子在哪里? ----在床下面。

----Where ______ my ________?  ----They’re _______ the bed.


2. ----你爸爸的生日在八月吗? --不,在10月22日。

  ----____your ________ birthday ____August?  ----No, It’s _____ the ________ of _______.


1. 看鸟笼上的那个标志,那意思是你不应该在这儿吃喝、

  _______ _______ the ________ on the bird’s cage. It _______ you _______ eat or drink here.

