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6.     Wuxi is     Jiangsu.


5.     This is a picture     our school.


4.     The woman     the coat is Mrs Brown.


3.     Is Han Meimei     duty today?


2.     I can see a kite     the wall.


1.     Please look     the blackboard. Don’t listen      the teacher.


1.(   ) A. name      B. same       C. game       D. come

2.(   ) A. table       B. paper       C. race       D. any

3.(   ) A. have       B. than       C. plan       D. many

4.(   ) A. animal      B. camera      C. glad       D. fast

5.(   ) A. plane      B. make       C. take       D. away

6.(   ) A. ask       B. France       C. afternoon     D. anything

7.(   ) A. bookcase     B. baseball      C. danger     D. basketball

8.(   ) A. past       B. father       C. after       D. happy

9.(   ) A. better      B. lesson       C. he       D. best

10.(   )A. envelope     B. desk        C. she       D. bed

11.(   )A. French      B. second       C. fever      D. then

12.(   )A. he        B. she        C. tell       D. fever

13.(   )A. yesterday    B. present       C. be        D. penfriend

14.(   )A. seven      B. relative       C. me        D. dress

15.(   )A. before     B. behind     C. festival      D. because

16.(   )A. like      B. history     C. Friday       D. time

17.(   )A. find      B. film      C. five       D. climb

18.(   )A. mine      B. live       C. white       D. Mike

19.(   )A. milk      B. kite       C. finish      D. give

20.(   )A. this       B. sign      C. with       D. little

22.(   )A. sorry      B. note      C. home      D. cold

23.(   )A. hobby      B. piano      C. over       D. comb

24.(   )A. open      B. lovely      C. mother     D. Monday

25.(   )A. smoke      B. from      C. crossing     D. box

26.(   )A. brother      B. also      C. so       D. old

27.(   )A. jump      B. but       C. up       D. music

28.(   )A. must       B. museum     C. public      D. run

29.(   )A. fun       B. subject      C. July      D. hungry

30.(   )A. put       B. beautiful     C. carefully     D. Tuesday

31.(   )A. head       B. eat       C. seat       D. please

32.(   )A. breakfast     B. really      C. weather     D. heavy

33.(   )A. ear        B. hear       C. pear      D. year

34.(   )A. near       B. dear       C. hear      D. bear

35.(   )A. know       B. how       C. now      D. brown

36.(   )A. window      B. down      C. slow      D. low

(   )37.A. blow       B. know       C. cow      D. window

38.(   )A. house       B. mouth      C. about      D. cousin

39.(   )A. blouse       B. young      C. country     D. touch

40.(   )A. mouse       B. countryside    C. outing     D. shout

41.(   )A. look        B. book       C. school     D. good

42.(   )A. cook        B. look       C. foot      D. cartoon

43.(   )A. classroom      B. afternoon     C. food      D. moon

44.(   )A. order       B. world       C. morning    D. more

45.(   )A. work       B. worker      C. doctor     D. word

46.(   )A. father       B. teacher      C. farmer     D. her

47.(   )A. thin        B. this       C. there      D. mother

48.(   )A. three        B. they       C. thank     D. maths

49.(   )A. what        B. where       C. who      D. which

50.(   )A. there        B. where       C. pear      D. here



1.     写出下列各词的复数


photo ________diary______day________foot________book_______dress ________ tooth_______sheep______box_______strawberry_____thief_______yo-yo______

peach______sandwich______man______woman_______paper_______juice_______ water ________milk __________rice ____________tea_____________

2. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink_________go_________stay________make____look________have_______

pass _______carry ____come ________watch _______plant ________fly ________ study ________brush _________do ___________teach____________ 3. 写出下列动词的现在分词 put________give_______fly________get _____dance________sit_______run_____plant ______take________swim _________ask ________stop _______ take ______write __________have _______smoke ______ 4. 写出下列动词的过去式 is\am_________fly______plant_______are_______drink______play______go_____make________does________dance_______worry________ask_____taste_________eat __________draw ________put _________do ________ 5. 写出下列词的完全形式 can’t_________I’d________aren’t________they’re____let’s_________wasn’t______that’s________don’t _____when’s_______didn’t________you’re_______doesn’t ___ he’s________she’s________I’m_____isn’t________I’ve________shouldn’t_______

I’ll _________who’s _____

用“be动词”或“助动词”的适当形式填空: 1. It        a quarter to ten . We       having an English lesson. 2. They        my parents . They        doctors. 3. It        Sunday morning. It       sunny. 4.             it often rain in spring? No , it        5.             you from the USA? Yes, I      . 6.What       Miss Li doing now? 7.             you often play football together? No, we       . 8.What       Su Yang and her sister do at the weekends? 9.              there any apples in the bag ? Yes, there        . 10.              he like singing ? Yes , he        . 11.There        a pencil-box and some books in the desk. 12.              quiet , please. 13.              climb the tree . 14. I’ll       a goalkeeper. 15.              you at home last night ? No , I        . 16.              Mike go shopping this ? No ,he       . 17.              there a lot of snow in winter? No , there        . 18.             you feel tired? Yes, we        . 19.             the ball here just now ? No , it       . 20.             we going to see a play this weekend? Yes , we       . 21.Which season      your mother like best ? 22.How many bananas      you have ? 23.How many cars      there in the park ? 24.How far        it from here ? 25.What animals        you going to see tomorrow?



(1)[ei] name  same  came  game  cake  cage  date  late  lake  take make  tape bookcase baseball  race  plate  place  plane  skate  shape  paper  radio  table danger

(2)[æ] apple animal  at  cat  can  bag  camera  back  can  fat  fax  glad  grandpa  hand  have  had  has  happy  ran  tap  than  that  man  plan

(3)[ɑ:] basket  ask  fast  past  father  France  after  afternoon

(4)[ǝ] away  along  ago  again  about  address  America  machine  sofa

(5)  [e] any  many  anything


(1) [e] better  best  lesson  festival  exercise  chess  egg  envelope  dress  desk  bed  red  yes  yesterday when  then  tell  ten seven  present  pen  pencil  penfriend  next  neck  met  letter  let  leg  left  help  get  forget  French  relative  second  twelfth  very  every  everything

(2)[i:] be  he  me  she  fever

(3)[i]  because  beside  behind  before  pretty


(1)[ai] like  kite  mine  white  sign  find  Mike  Friday  five  time  climb

(2)[i] is  it  this  miss  minute  litter  little  film  milk  fish  finish  fifth  give  history  ill  hill  will  live  which  wish  with


(1) [ǝu]note  notebook  only  photo  so  also  don’t  open  go  home  old  cold  post  smoke  nose  no  piano  comb  over

(2) [ɔ]project  volleyball  sorry  box  dog  hobby  office  along  stop  lot  hot  often  not  popular  from  crossing

(3) [ʌ]does  love  lovely  mother  Monday  some  other  brother


(1) [ʌ] must  public  run  fun  funny  but  up  jump  subject

(2) [ju:] museum   music   Tuesday   beautiful 

(3) [u] put  July  beautiful


(1)    [i:]please  seat  tea  teapot  eat  each  really  read  mean

(2)    [e]head  headache  bread  breakfast  ready  read(过去式)  sweater  heavy   weather


(1)    [iǝ] ear  hear  near  dear  year 

(2)    [Ɛǝ] pear  bear

(3)    [ǝ:] learn  early


(1)    [au] how  now  brown  cow  down

(2)    [ǝu] low  slow  blow  know  window  bowl


(1) [au] house  blouse  mouse  mouth  about  out  outing  shout

(2) [ʌ] cousin  young  country  countryside  touch


(1)    [u]look  book  cook  good  classroom  sitting-room  foot  football

(2)    [u:]zoo  too  school  afternoon  soon  food  room  choose  balloon  cartoon  moon


(1)    [ɔ:] or  order  more  morning 

(2)    [ǝ:] work  worker  word  world 

(3)    [ǝ] doctor


(1)    [ǝ] father  mother  brother  sister  heavier  older  teacher  worker  farmer

(2)    [ǝ:] her  hers 


(1) [ð]this  that  the  they  there  these  those  mother  father  farther  brother

(2) [Ɵ] three  thirteen  thirty  thirtieth  thin  thank  maths  mouth


(1) [w] what  where  which

(2) [h] who  whose


40. It’s a      seven in the e     .


39. Stand b      your parents, please.

