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8.(  ) Marry and Kitty are____awake in their bedroom. A.all  B.both  C .two


7.(  ) ____are your English books?Eighteen yuan. A.What B.How many C.How much


6.(  ) Eric _____his bicycle to the shop. A.rides B.ride C.riding


5.(  ) I can’t see ____durians,but I can see ____pine apple. A.some,some B.any,some C.any,any


4.(  ) The pair of glasses _____in my handbag. A.is  B.are  C.am


3.(  ) Miss Li _____a bag.I____a sketch book. A.have,has B.is,have C.has,have


2.(  )The _____are behind the cat. A.mouse B.mice  C.mouses


1.(  )It is evening.The girl’s shadow is _______.  A.small B. short C. long


(   ) 1. Thanks, see you later. Where shall we meet?

A. See you.           B. At 4:30.                 C. At my house.

(   ) 2. Shall I carry your bag?

A. You can’t.          B. No, thank you.            C. You shall.

(   ) 3. Can I see your story-book?

A. Here you are.        B. Yes, you see.              C. They’re not mine.

(   ) 4. What did you do yesterday after school?

A. I went fishing.       B. I’m visiting a friend.       C. I didn’t.

(   ) 5. Would you like to come to the cinema with me after school?

A. Yes, I like it.        B. I’m going to school.        C. Yes, I’d love to.

