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2.江苏省如皋市不少农民在卖粮难的情况下,由原来种植水稻改为种植草莓,培育苗木花卉。他们聘请了科技人员作指导,选用优良品种,加强科学管理,产品高价销往周边市县,他们因此而致富。可见                                       (   )

①经营种植业也可以致富 ②放弃粮食生产,才能增加农民收入

③优质才能优价     ④农业发展,主要依靠科技进步和劳动者素质的提高

A.①②③      B.①②④      C.①③④       D.②③④


1.《吕氏春秋·审时》:夫稼,为之者人也,生之者地也,养之者天也。明代农学家马一龙:合天时、地脉、物性之宜,而无所差失,则事半功倍。我国古代的这些农学思想对我国发展现代农业的启示是                                         (   )





A.①②③       B.①②④      C.②③④       D.①③④ 


75.In this passage, the author mainly wants to tell us that________________.

   A.teachers sometimes have wrong opinions on a student

   B.Jay Chou’s music will rule the Asian pop world

   C.Jay Chou became the first Asian male singer appearing on the cover of Time

D.Jay Chou is a very successful singer, though he did poorly in school



74.The underlined expression “shoots to stardom” in Paragraph 4 probably means“__________”.    A.becomes rich                  B.becomes old     C.becomes famous  D.gets experienced


73.From the passage we can learn that_______________.

   A.Jay Chou thinks he is the king in the Asian pop world

   B.Jay Chou worked hard at practising playing the piano when he was young

   C.as soon as his first album was released, his music ruled the Asian pop world

   D.one’s image plays the most important part in his success in the music world


72.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A.Jay Chou was thought to have a gift for music by his teachers.

   B.Jay Chou is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.

   C.People call Chou “a small heavenly king”.

   D.Chou was not a good student in high school.


71.From the passage we can draw a conclusion that Chinese folks are__________.

     A.brave          B.hard-working  C.skillful         D. kind-hearted


   His teachers thought he was stupid. Talent spotters(物色新秀者)thought he  was ugly, but Zhou Jielun, whose English name is Jay Chou, is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.

   Last week he had the honor of being the first Asian male singer to appear on the cover of Time, a popular magazine in the US. He has won more than 30 entertainment(娱乐)awards over the past two years.

   Chou released(发行)his first album "Jay" in November 2000, and with two follow-up albums--- “Fantasy” and “Eight Dimensions”--- his music has come to rule the Asian pop world.

   The entertainment industry has called him “a small heavenly king”. But Chou says he is not a king, at least he isn’t before he shoots to stardom. As a boy, he was thought “stupid”. His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability. “He had very few facial expressions. I thought he was dumb.”

   Chou did poorly in math, science and English. But his mother noticed the quiet, shy boy was sensitive(敏感的)to music: When he heard western pop music, he seemed to dance. So she took Chou to a piano school at four years old. He practised all the time, concentrating on the keys the way other children focus on ice-cream. At the end of high school, he failed his exams and didn't go to university.

   But he liked playing the piano very much. In a show he was seen playing the piano by a major Taiwanese entertainer, Jacky Wu. The 18-year-old Chou became a contract(签约)song writer for Wu’s music studio. There he spent one and a half years writing songs for famed artists  such as Valen Hsu and Coco Lee.

He proved that he could be more than a song writer. His catchy tunes have mainstreamed (成为主流) rap and R&B (Rhythm & Blues) in the Mandopop world (华语音乐). And his success proves that gifts still matter more than looks and images.


70.The right order of making the patterns for embroidery is______________.

     A.The paper is then charred by a lamp or candle.

   B.The sewn pattern outline is removed.

   C.The cutter cuts the outline of the pattern.

   D.The outline is sewn onto another piece of paper.

   A.a, c, b, d       B. a, d, b, c       C. b, a, c, d       D. c, d, a, b


69.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

     A.Paper cuts can be used in many different situations.

     B.During the Spring Festival,farmers usually paste their windows with paper cuts.

     C.Paper cuts can only add a cheerful atmosphere.

     D.Paper cuts have something to do with traditional Chinese customs.

