It’s great for us to work with those volunteers. 查看更多




1.If you go to the park in summer, you will enjoy v             flowers.

2.Tom,please throw the rubbish into the         (垃圾桶).

3.You can’t see the words on the blackboard clearly. I can’t,e       .

4.If you agree with me,n        your head.

5.The students were s       the floor when Mr Wu came in.

6.The financial crisis (金融危机) made a great change to Americans’ e              lives.

7.With the help of my teacher , I have made great ________(进步)in this term.

8.To tell you the ______(true), I felt sad when I missed the chance.

9.The police think the man in red is one of the ___________ (rob)

10.Our planet, Earth is becoming more and more crowded and _________ (pollute).

11.The teacher told us that light__________(travel) much faster than sound.

12.It’s necessary for us ______________(do)some exercise before the final exam.

13.We _____________ (run) outside when you called us at this time yesterday.

14.---Why not ________(buy) a toy car for your son .

    ---Good idea. He must like it very much .

15.Linda spends as much time as she can _____________(practice) reading English.



【小题1】My uncle is       (连接)the mouse to the computer.
【小题2】The new skill has brought many___________ to the students.(好处)
【小题3】The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are both _________ of China.(象征)
【小题4】With the            (发展) of our country , more and more people are living a happy life.
【小题5】They will celebrate their ten years of _____(结婚).
【小题6】People have_______(意识到)pollution has become a serious problem.
【小题7】We hope the meeting will be held__________(success).  
【小题8】My cousin is good at all her lessons,  _______ English. (特别)
【小题9】Don’t be afraid .The snakes are          (harm) to us .
【小题10】It’s good for us to speak more__________ (日常的)English every day.
【小题11】Stop____________(鼓掌)your hands and listen to the speech.
【小题12】I didn’t pass the English exam because I wrote lots of words       (correct).
【小题13】After_________  a file, you can begin to write your article. (创建).
【小题14】Wenchang Square is one of the most important ________ centers of the city. (culture)


There was a big drought(干旱) in southwest China in May, 2010. Most places got less rain than usual in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing. People do not have enough water to live. Crops(庄稼) die before the harvest(收获).
People from other places in China are giving help. Kids in different places give them water and money. Students at Yingcai Primary School in Haikou donate 2,512 bottles of water.
Li Jiahang is a 2nd grade student at Huang Cheng Gen Primary School in Beijing. “There are 47 students in my class. We give our pocket money. We hope we can help the kids to drink clean water and buy things they need.”
In China, there are 669 cities. But more than 400 cities are in great need of water. Water is important in our life. Everyone has the duty to save water in our everyday lives. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.

    1   Is in Great Need
* There is     2   rain than usual in southwest China.
* There isn’t   3    water for people to live.
* Crops     4   before harvest.
* People     5       6   China are giving help.
* Students     7   them  water and money.
* It’s    8   for us to save water in our    9   lives.
* Everyone does his best, and we’ll make a big     10  .



There was a big drought(干旱) in southwest China in May, 2010. Most places got less rain than usual in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing. People do not have enough water to live. Crops(庄稼) die before the harvest(收获).

People from other places in China are giving help. Kids in different places give them water and money. Students at Yingcai Primary School in Haikou donate 2,512 bottles of water.

Li Jiahang is a 2nd grade student at Huang Cheng Gen Primary School in Beijing. “There are 47 students in my class. We give our pocket money. We hope we can help the kids to drink clean water and buy things they need.”

In China, there are 669 cities. But more than 400 cities are in great need of water. Water is important in our life. Everyone has the duty to save water in our everyday lives. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.


    1   Is in Great Need



* There is     2   rain than usual in southwest China.

* There isn’t   3    water for people to live.

* Crops     4   before harvest.


* People     5       6   China are giving help.

* Students     7   them  water and money.


* It’s    8   for us to save water in our    9   lives.

* Everyone does his best, and we’ll make a big     10  .





Camping in your backyard is full of fun, whatever your age. It's great for keeping us relaxed. It offers chances to check the night sky and to be noisier than usual. It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! Follow these instructions and you'll have a night you’ll never forget!

Put up your tent.

    Depending on the number of family members and guests, you may need more than one tent. Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed. Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a tent on the Internet.

Prepare your bedding.

     You'II want your guests to be able to relax in comfort. Put something soft to lie on on the floor: A blow-up air mattress or thick comforters may work well. Fill the tent with soft toys and  blankets (毯子). Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets. They are especially important if you live where the night temperatures drop greatly.

 Prepare a seating area.

     If you have a picnic table, that would work best. If not, set up a few chairs and a small table to set out drinks and food. A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the sun,  so that your friends can eat and talk. Be sure the grass isn 't wet!

Make memories.

    Plan some activities. You're camping in the backyard, so it's time to make the most of being outdoors.

    Have a camera nearby to take silly photos of you, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!

1.Is camping in the backyard great fun?

2.What can we do to help relax our guests?

3.What is a simple choice to prepare a seating area?

4.How do we make memories?

5.What is the passage mainly about?


