七.将下列句子重新排序.组成一段通顺的对话.将序号写在下面的横线上.B.E已给出. A. I’ll study hard, Mum. But can I watch one more show, then go to bed? B. It’s time for bed, Jim. C. Oh, I forgot the exams. D. But I don’t want to sleep, Mum. Can I watch more TV? E. No, now is bedtime. F. No, it’s 11 o’clock. You have exams tomorrow. G. You should study hard, Jim. You are not good at all the subjects. B 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 E 查看更多



(     )1. Let's play baseball.          
(     )2. I don't have a tennis racket.  
(     )3. Let's play soccer.            
(     )4. Do you have a soccer ball?    
(     )5. That sounds good.              
(     )6. I don't have a baseball.      
(     )7. Well, let's play tennis.      
(     )8. Yes, I do.                      


(     )1. Oh, I don't play baseball.                                                                                    
(     )2. It's in my backpack. Do you have a tennis racket?                                                            
(     )3. Let's play tennis.                                                                                            
(     )4. That sounds good. Where's your tennis?                                                                        
(     )5. Let's play volleyball.                                                                                        
(     )6. No,he doesn't.He plays baseball.                                                                            
(     )7. I don't like volleyball.It's boring.                                                                        
(     )8. No, I don't. I have a soccer ball and a basketball, but I don't have a tennis bat.
            Does your brother have one?


A. I'm Amy.
B. What's your last name?
C. What's your name?
D. Hello! I'm Mary.
E. My last name is Smith.
1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____



A. Excuse me(对不起). Is this a desk?

 B. Thanks. Goodbye.

 C. What’s this in English?

 D. T-A-B-L-E, table.

E. No, it isn’t.

 F. It’s a table.

 G. How do you spell "table"?

 H. Is it your table?

 I. Yes, it’s my table.

J. Goodbye.



1. five eggs  2. some green onions  3. a teaspoon of sail  4. three teaspoons of oil 
How to make it:
     First, heat up (打碎) the five eggs in a bowl. Cut up the onions and put them in the bowl, too. Put in a
teaspoon of salt and mix it all up. Next, put the pan (平底锅) on the gas cooker (煤气灶) and turn on the
gas cooker. Pour three teaspoons of oil into the pan. Then pour the eggs into the pan when the oil is hot.
Turn it over from time to time. About five minutes later, it is OK. Finally, put it onto a plate.
1. How many eggs do we need?
2. How much salt do we need? 
3. When should we pour the eggs into the pan?
4. 将文中下划线句子翻译成汉语。
5. 将下列句子重新排序。
A. Turn on the gas cooker.
B. Cook it until it is OK.
C. Pour some oil into the pan.
D. Pour the eggs into the pan.
E. Beat up the eggs. 正确顺序:____________.

