X. 81. Teacher’s82. exciting 查看更多



    X—rays were discovered in 1895 by a German Professor, Wilhelm Roentgen. People all over the world were amazed by his invention---- the X-ray machine. This invention was so important that Roentgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901.

    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, a doctor and a speech teacher for the deal. The first phone call was made by Bell in 1876. He had spilled(溅出) acid(酸) on his pants and wanted his assistant, Thomas Watson, to help him. The first words spoken on the telephone were “Mr Watson, come here! I need you!”

    Television was invented in 1926 by John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor. Baird’s television certainly didn’t look like a television today! It was made of a box, knitting needles, a cake tin, a bicycle lamp, and a cardboard disc. Electronic televisions like the ones we have today were invented by Vladimir Zworykin in the 1920s in the United States.

    The first computer was built in 1946 by two American engineers, J.P.Eckert and John Mauchly. It was developed for the army, and it was so large that it took up an entire room! Later, in 1971, the “microchip” was invented, and small home computers were first produced for personal use. Today computers are involved(包含)in almost everything we do and are found almost everywhere we go.


(   )81. X—rays is an important invention.

(   )82. Wilhelm Roentgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Physics.

(   )83. The telephone was invented by a Thomas Waston.

(   )84. Electronic televisions like the ones we have today were invented in the United States in the 1920s.

(   )85. The first computer was invented by Americans in 1971.



Secretary needed

Shenzhen Computer Sales Company is looking for a full-time secretary(a lady aged 22-30).

Must have excellent typing, telephone, and computer skills.

60,000yuan a year.

Send your resume(简历) to:

Shenzhen Computer Corner, 518000

Or email us: Shenzhenppp@163.com

Delivery Person Wanted (A man aged 18 to 40)


Driver’s license required.

Must be able to work in evenings and on weekends.

10.00yuan per hour.

Call 5780505 to tell your information to Miss Zhang , or come to visit us(No.2906, LP Road, KFC, Shenzhen) at business hour(518112).

Looking for a Japanese Teacher

Shenzhen Foreign language School is looking for a full-time female Japanese teacher. Must have at least two years’ experience (under 35 years old).

Call Mr. Smith for an appointment.


E-mail: MKSD@126.com

Web: http://SZFS.com.cn[来源:Zxxk.Com]


1.How much can a secretary make one month?

a.      60,000yuan.   b. 6,000yuan  c. 50,000yuan  d. 5,000yuan

2.Who can apply(申请) for the job as a secretary?[来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]

a. Miss Li, 25 years old, having a driver’s license

b. Mr. Wang, 24 years old, having typing, telephone and computer skills

c. Miss Zhang, 20 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skills

d. Mrs. Lin, 29 years old, having typing, telephone, and computer skills.

3. What number should you call to be a delivery person for KFC?

a. 5780505  b. 518000  c. 6790393  d. 518112

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

a. As a delivery man in KFC, you can get 10.00yuan per hour.

b. Mrs Zhao can work in evenings and on weekends, so she can work as a delivery person.

c. Shenzhen Foreign Language School is looking for a Japanese teacher.

d. You can’t apply for the teaching job if you have just graduated this year.

5.Where can we find these advertisements?

a. In a book on traveling.

b. In a newspaper in Shenzhen.

c. In Mrs Smith’s QQ zone(空间)

d. On Shenzhen Computer Sales Company’s website.



These four ads are for four children’s books. They talk about the writers, prices, sizes and so on of the books.

Alfie’s Angels

Henriette Barkow       Ages 8-12

Pictures by Sarah Garson

Alfie wants to be an angel(天使) because angels can do anything! But his teacher has other ideas. She thinks Alfie wants to look cool.

£7.50  21.5 cm x 27cm

Languages : English and French

That’s My Mum

Henriette Barkow      Ages 8-12

Pictures by Derek Brazell

People often think that Mia’s mum is not her mother because they don’t like each other. Mia doesn’t want people to think that. Mia and her friend Kai decide to do something about this.

£6.50  21.5 cm x 27cm

Languages : English and Chinese

What Is Peace

Emma Damon         Ages 4-6

Peace is giving…not taking.

Peace is love…not hate.

And peace is many more things…

£5.99  19 cm x 21cm

Languages : English and Japanese

Farmer Duck

Martin Waddell        Ages 6-8

Pictures by Helen Oxenbury

There was a duck. It lived with a lazy farmer. While the duck worked, the farmer lay in bed. One day the other animals decided to do something for the duck.

£8.50  28 cm x 23cm

Languages : English and Korean

198 words

1. Why does Alfie want to be an angel?

A. Because angels can fly.              B. Because angels can do anything.

C. Because angels look like each other.     D. Because angels are cool.

2. How much is What Is Peace?

A. £7.50.      B. £6.50.      C. £5.99.      D. £8.50.

3.Andy is a Korean boy. Which book can he read?

A. Alfie’s Angels.                  B. That’s My Mum.

C. What Is Peace.                   D. Farmer Duck.



根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在标号为 72~81 的相应位置上。

In a school some trouble was caused by the students, who were naughty(调皮的)and didn’t follow the school rules. They often fought with each other and they didn’t f 1.  each other. One day a new teacher came to this school. When he heard that, he came up w 2.   a good idea. He told each of his students to b 3.   a clear plastic bag and a bag of potatoes to school. For every person they didn’t want to forgive in their lives, they chose a potato, wrote the person’s name on it, and put it in the plastic bag.

Some of their bags were very h  4.  . They were then told to carry this bag with them e 5.  for one week. They would put it beside their bed at night, on the seat when they s6.  in a car or on a bus, and next to their desk at school. Days of carrying the bags a  7.   with them made students get to know what a weight they were carrying in their minds. And they had to pay so much attention to it all the time t  8.   they didn’t forget it or leave it in embarrassing places. As time p  9.  by, the potatoes went bad and made people feel sick.

Too often we think of tolerance(容忍)as a gift to other people, and it clearly is for ourselves! If we choose to keep our sadness and hatred (仇恨) in our hearts, we will have to carry them around all our lives. After that, the students got on w 10.   with each other and didn’t fight any more. Learn to forgive, and you will be happier at the same time.




teacher, but, old, learn, with, boring, comedy

basketball, history, musician

    Mr and Mrs Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing (76)__________ their kids. This is their first time to China.

Mr Cooper is a (77)__________. He sings very well. Mrs Cooper is a (78)__________. Her daughter studies at her school. Mrs Cooper likes Beijing Opera very much. She thinks she can learn about Chinese (79)__________ and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera. (80)__________ her daughter doesn’t think so. She likes (81)__________, and her favorite movie is Mr Bean. Mr Cooper doesn’t like movies. He thinks they are (82)__________. He likes sports. His favorite sport is (83)__________. He likes Yao Ming very much.

The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an (84)__________ and nice place. They want to take photos there. They can also (85)__________ to speak Chinese. They can have a good time in China.


