C 在下栏中找出能够回答上栏中的问题或能紧接上栏中句子的最佳选项.其中有两项是多余的.(共5小题.每小题2分.满分10分)(如选E.就涂AB; 选F, 就涂AC;选G , 就涂AD) ( )66. Lucy wants to see a film this weekend. ( )67. Meimei is very hungry. She wants to buy something to eat. ( )68. Bob wants to post a letter to his pen pal. ( )69. John wants to go to Toronto by plane. ( )70. After dinner Wei Hua likes to take a walk. A. The People’s Park is a nice place for people to have a walk or picnic. B. The Star Hotel has many rooms. It is really a good place to live in. C. There is a big supermarket on Center Street. You can buy delicious food there. D. There is a new cinema in the town. You can enjoy many good films there. E. The Bank of China is on the left at the end of the Fifth Avenue. F. The airport is quite far away from the center of the city. You can take a taxi to get there. G. The post office is next to the school. It is open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. 查看更多



(     )1. A. It’s Sunday.        
(     )2. A. Yes, I will.         
(     )3. A. It’s beautiful.     
(     )4. A. He’s better.        
(     )5. A. Yes, please.         
(     )6. A. She’ s kind.        
(     )7. A. To the park.         
(     )8. A. Yes, he is.          
(     )9. A. Yes, it is.          
(     )10. A. She’s drinking now. 
B. It’s September.     
B. Yes, I can.           
B. It’s big.           
B. I’m here.           
B. I don’t like orange.    
B. She’s cooking.      
B. With my dog.          
B. Once a week.        
B. No, it can’t.        
B. She likes dancing. 
C. It’s red.                    
C. No, I’m not.                     
C. No, it isn’t.                  
C. She’s twelve.                 
C. It’s cheap.                     
C. She’s a teacher.             
C. I was walking.                  
C. Last night.                      
C. It’s new.                      
C. She’s tall with long hair.           


(     )1. What’s your name?        
(     )2. How do you do?            
(     )3. Who’s on duty today?     
(     )4. What’s three plus six?   
(     )5. Nice to meet you.         
(     )6. What class are you in?    
(     )7. Thank you very much.      
(     )8. Is her husband American?  
(     )9. Can you spell it, please? 
(     )10. Oh, it’ s about 4:00.   
A. Kate’s on duty today.  
B. Yes, he is.             
C. Nine.                   
D. My name is Nick.        
E. Nice to meet you.       
F. How do you do?          
G. It’s time for break.                                       
H. No, I can’t.           
I. I’m in Class Ten.       
J. You’re welcome.      


Do you want to five a happier less stressful(压力的)life? Try laughing for no reason at all.That's how thousands of people spend their day at Laughter Clubs(A)throughout the world.(B)Dr. Madan Kataria started the first Laughter Club in Mumbai, Indiain 1995.There are now(C)more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and more than 1,300 worldwide.

Many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health.According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California,with laughing there is less stress in the body.Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.

So,what(D)__________at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest dub in South London to find out.I was quite nervous at the(E)________of the class,to be honest-(F)我对和陌生人一起笑不感兴趣,and l was worried about looking stupid.Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha.”while looking at each other.However our bodies can't tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.

Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everyone in the room was laughing for real-and some people just couldn't stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you're under stress.then start laughing.You might be very pleased with the results!


2.将划线部分B改写成:The first Laughter Club_________ __________in Mumbai,India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria.





     I have been a friend of Bill Gates for a long time. I knew him when he was a student at Harvard
University. We were surprised when he left University to set up his own company "Microsoft" and make
his own software.
But he was the clever one! He is very good at writing computer languages and almost
all computers now use Microsoft software. The program "Word" is used from Britain to China!
     Of course he has made a lot of money and that makes people very jealous. They want to stop his success.
Even the government is against him and has tried to break his company into two parts. The government says
that it is unfair to other people who want to sell similar software. And what's more, because he fits his new
software free in every new computer, the government says he is stopping other companies from selling their
programs. This is not fair. Everyone should be able to do what they can to make their company bigger and
stronger. Bill Gates has only done what he can to stop other competitors.
     He is very rich, but he is generous. He has given millions of dollars to help the education and health of
many children around the world. You could not meet a better man than Bill Gates.
1. 将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。
2. 根据短文内容回答问题。
   What are the two reasons for which the government has tried to break Bill Gates' company up?
3. 从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子。
   Each person in the company should try his best to make their business more successful. 
4. 文中划线单词generous的汉语意思是: 
5. 根据短文内容,用四个形容词描述一下Bill Gates。
   (1) _________________     (2) _________________       
   (3) _________________     (4) _________________       



(     )1. A. It took me seventy yuan.
           B. I spend seventy yuan on it.
           C. I paid nothing.
(     )2. A. I think you are correct. 
           B. Yes. Maybe it's there.
           C. No. It's in Europe.
(     )3. A. Good idea!
           B. No, I don't.
           C. Good luck!
(     )4. A. Yes, I'm able to.
           B. Yes, please.
           C. Yes, I'm glad to.
(     )5. A. I think it's a birthday present for you.
           B. It looks good on you.
           C. You really have a new coat.
(     )6. A. To be a doctor for animals.
           B. To go to college.
           C. To go shopping.
(     )7. A. They found it at the corner. 
           B. They found a bag of coins there. 
           C. The children found it there.
(     )8. A. Because the pottery soldiers and horses of Qinshihuang can be seen. 
           B. Because it's in the south of China. 
           C. Because it's neither too cold nor too hot.

