We don’t (let someone do something) students to use mobile phones at school. B 选用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 polite important you twenty pollute 查看更多



1. Blind people are highly sensitive to ________ (sight, hearing). 
2. Time flies! Ten days ________ (seemed, sounded) like a flash. 
3. Though pets are lovely, we don't ________ (let, allow) them in public places. 
4. The manager agreed that John and Charlie could ________ (both, all) be guests.    
5. The baby is sleeping with a Teddy Bear ________ (besides, beside)him. 


A woman saw three o1d men sitting in her front yard.She said,“I don’t think I know you,but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something to eat. ”

“We don’t go into a house together,”they replied.

“Why is that?” she asked.

One of the old men answered.“His name is Wealth,this is Success, and I am Love.” Then he said,“Now go in and discuss with your family which one of us you want in your house.”

Then the woman went in and told her family what was said. She said “Let’s invite Wealth. Let him come in and bring us nice things.We have been so poor.”His husband disagreed,“My

dear,why don't we invite Success? Don’t you want me to be a successful man?.”

Then the daughter asked,“Would it be better to invite Love? Our life will then be filled with 1ove!” “Let’s take our daughter's advice(建议)s,” said the father and mother.

So the woman went out and asked, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our Guest. ”Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed Him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, “I only invited Love. Why are you coming along?” The two o1d men answered,“If you had invited Wealth or Success, two of us would have stayed out, but since you have invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him. Where there is Love, there is Wealth and Success.”


1.This is a true story that happened a 1ong time ago.

2.Wealth could make the family very rich.

3.The family had different ideas and didn't know whom to invite.

4.The three o1d men all went into the house to get something to eat.

5.The story tells us that 1ove is the most important of al1.



“Millions of young people will lose their hearing in five years if they listen to MP3 or MP4 players at a too high voice every day,” scientists say recently.

Do you often listen to MP3 players at a too high voice? Are you frightened to hear this?

The sizes of MP3 players are very small, but small MP3 players make it easy to take hundreds of songs with you. So many young people carry them and listen to music every day. MP3 players are very popular among students. 

The scientists say teenagers should be far from high volume (音量), including mobile phones’ noise. A study says, “High volume and long listening time can cause hearing problems.” They think if young people listen at more than 89 decibels (分贝) every day, they will lose their hearing in five years. A scientist said, “So many young people often use personal music players and mobile phones at a high voice. I am afraid that they may be losing their hearing.

So let’s turn our MP3 players down!

1.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. Scientists tell young people to turn off their MP3 players.

B. Teenagers will lose their hearing if they listen to hundreds of songs in MP3 players.

C. A person will lose hearing in 5 years if he or she listens to an MP3 player every day.

D. The mobile phone can also cause hearing problems if we don’t use it correctly.

2.The underlined word “they” (Paragraph 4) most probably refers to ______.

A. scientists  B. MP3 players  C. mobile phones        D. teenagers  

3.Which might be the best title for this passage?

A. Turn your MP3 players down!              B. Never use MP3!      

C. How to protect your hearing.             D. Young people’s hearing.



“Teenager” means a person from 13 to 19 years old. Although they’re young, they have to make many important choices by themselves. Often teachers and parents cannot handle them because they don’t understand and know teenagers, especially their wishes, problems or different moods in a short time. They need to think about questions like these: Should we go to college? What kind of job do I want? However, other people also influence their choices. Who influences teenagers?

It depends on the kind of choice. When teenagers buy things, friends are the most important influence. This is especially true for clothes and music. TV shows, advertisements and parents also influence teenagers. In more serious things, parents are probably the most important influence. Some teenagers say it’s best to regard both parents and friends as influences. James, a seventeen-year-old boy says he’s “just a crazy man”. He also says, “Parents are really important because they can tell you what’s right and wrong.”

But teenagers also feel they need to make choices—to make their own mistakes. As one teenager girl said, “If our parents don’t let us make our own choices, maybe in the future we don’t know how to do it.” And they feel friends can often be a big help, especially because friends sometimes know more about their situation than their parents.

1. Why do teenagers sometimes have to make their own choices?

A.  Because the teachers want them to do it.

B.  Because their parents want them to do it.

C.  Because teenagers like to make choices by themselves.

D.  Because teachers and parents don’t understand them well.

2. Who influences most to the teenagers when they buy music?

A. Their teachers.    B. Theirs parents.    C. Their friends.   D. Movie stars.

3. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.  Everybody needs to make choices.

B.  Teenagers need to make choices by themselves.

C.  Teenagers know more about TV shows and music.

D.  Teachers and parents should help teenagers as much as possible.




A:Are you going to the school party?
B:Yes, I am.     69    
A:You can’t do that!
B:    70    
A:If you wear your jeans to the party, the teachers won’t let you in.
B:OK, then let’s take some snacks.
A:    71    
B:Really? Why?
A:    72    
B:Oh, I see.    73    
A:Yes, of course . If we don’t have our ID cards, we can’t go to the party.

The teachers will take them away if we do that.
Do we have to bring our ID cards?
What will happen if I do?
No, we can’t do that, either.
Are you free tonight?
I am going to wear my new jeans!
What’s your plan?

