( ) --Excuse me, Could you tell me ? --There’s a bank on the third floor. You can make it there. A. how I can get to the bank B. if there is a bank neat here C. Where the bank is D. where I can exchange money 查看更多



(     )1. What are you doing now?
(     )2.  Excuse me.  Do you know where I can buy some stamps?
(     )3.  Could you tell me how to get to Killeen's Cafe?
(     )4.  Where do you often hang out on Sunday?
(     )5.  Have you watched Monkey King?
A. I go to the watertown with my friends.
B. Sure.  It's so interesting.
C. Go straight ahead.  The bank is on your right.
D. Sure.  There is a post office on the left of the road.
E. I'm going to the Sunville Bank.  
F. Of course.  Take elevator to the third floor.  It's next to the book store.

