A. be taking place B. take place C. be taken place D. have taken place 查看更多



Testing has taken the place of teaching in most public schools. Pretests, drills, tests, and retests. They know that the best way to read a textbook is to look at the questions at the end of the chapter and then read the text quickly for the answers. I believe that my daughter Erica, who gets excellent marks, has never read a chapter of any of her school textbooks all the way through. And teachers are often heard to say proudly and openly that they teach to the test.
Teaching to the test is a curious phenomenon(现象). Instead of deciding what skills students ought to learn, helping students learn them, and then using some methods of assessment(评价) to discover whether students have mastered the skills, teachers are encouraged to teach the students in the opposite way. First one looks at a test. Then one chooses the skills needed not to master reading, but to do well in the test. Finally, the test skills are taught.
The ability to read or write might suggest the ability to do reasonably well on standardized tests. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through being taught to take tests. We must be careful to avoid mistaking preparations for a test of a skill with the acquisition(习得)of that skill. Too many discussions of basic skills make this misunderstanding because people are tested rather than concerned with the nature and quality of what is taught.
Recently, many schools have faced what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple words, the phenomenon of students with grammar skills still being unable to understand what they read. These students are quite good at test taking and filling in workbooks. However, they have little or no experience reading or thinking, and talking about what they read. They know the details but can’t see or understand the whole. They are taught to be so concerned with grades that they have no time to think about meaning, and reread things if necessary.

  1. 1.

    The author mentions Erica’s performance in her study in order to show_________.

    1. A.
      her cleverness in test taking
    2. B.
      the good way to take tests
    3. C.
      the improper way of teaching
    4. D.
      the best way to read textbooks
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      The teachers are curious about teaching to the test.
    2. B.
      Skills in general are not only useless but often mislead students.
    3. C.
      Ability to read and write has nothing to do with ability to do well in tests.
    4. D.
      Preparations for a test of a skill do not mean the acquisition of that skill.
  3. 3.

    In the author’s opinion, __________.

    1. A.
      some good methods of assessment should take the place of tests
    2. B.
      more attention should be paid to the nature and quality of what is taught
    3. C.
      students should not be concerned with grades but do more reading and thinking
    4. D.
      students needn’t learn grammar skills because they are useless for understanding
  4. 4.

    By “crisis of comprehension” (in Paragraph 4) the author means many students ______.

    1. A.
      are too much concerned with grades
    2. B.
      fail to understand the real goal of education
    3. C.
      lack proper practice in grammar drills
    4. D.
      do well on tests but can’t understand what they read


     A hospital is needed by every living person at the time of birth, death, physical injuries, or sickness. It is always a   1   place where family members can gather around the person who needs the   2   of well
trained medical doctors and nurses.
     As Nicole Hagen and Ricky Beebe were born into the Hagen family in 1998, the parents were both in
the delivery (分娩) room. This is a   3   as the tradition has been for the father to be in the next room. 
  4   hospitals have a birthing room where there is an extra sofa and a chair for the father to either sit or
even to sleep on next to his wife. Many   5   are taken of the new baby within a few minutes of his or her
   6  . Even a video can be made with the proud father taking pictures of the doctor, nurses, mother, and
baby. A nurse may take a   7   picture of the father, mother, and baby. Young children will not see the
baby   8   the doctor and nurses allow them into the room many hours later.
     At the death of Grandma Hagen, the adult children   9   at her bedside. As she was dying, her children
talked to her, read the Bible, and even sang some of her   10   songs. The nurses would check on her very often and the doctor came as his time   11  . She was given pain pills   12   her last few hours would be as
   13   as possible. When she died the family cried together in sorrow for the loss of their mother. Grandpa Hagen had died fourteen years   14  . Grandma Hagen was 82 when she died.Doctors operate on broken bones   15   by accidents in factories or car accidents. Children sometimes fall down stairs where an arm
is   17  . Athletes get hurt in   16   of football, basketball, baseball, track, and soccer. Most injuries are
repaired very successfully   18   the great skill of the doctor.
     Illness from disease, alcohol, or smoking often requires a person to stay a long period in the hospital.
People like to recover   19  . However, if medical care is needed, a hospital may be the   20   home for
some patients.
(     )1. A. beautiful      
(     )2. A. operation      
(     )3. A. development    
(     )4. A. Modern          
(     )5. A. things          
(     )6. A. chance          
(     )7. A. valuable        
(     )8. A. until          
(     )9. A. gathered        
(     )10. A. old            
(     )11. A. went by        
(     )12. A. so that        
(     )13. A. happy          
(     )14. A. ago            
(     )15. A. made          
(     )16. A. broken        
(     )17. A. cases          
(     )18. A. in the form of
(     )19. A. at once        
(     )20. A. usual          
B. big        
B. help        
B. fact        
B. New        
B. gifts      
B. falling    
B. necessary  
B. as          
B. looked      
B. favorite    
B. arrived    
B. even though
B. pleased    
B. faster      
B. caused      
B. raised      
B. conditions  
B. thanks to  
B. at home    
B. common      
C. quiet      
C. check      
C. question  
C. Many      
C. people    
C. birth      
C. family    
C. if        
C. pointed    
C. own        
C. remained  
C. as if      
C. comfortable
C. later      
C. controlled
C. pained    
C. games      
C. out of    
C. easily    
C. second    
D. nice      
D. medicine  
D. try        
D. Large      
D. pictures  
D. sight      
D. hospital  
D. when      
D. smiled    
D. new        
D. allowed    
D. that      
D. lucky      
D. earlier    
D. brought    
D. stretched  
D. playground
D. from      
D. as well    
D. free      


These days, young children can enjoy directly what it is like to be a marine biologist (海洋生物学家) at a marine association. What they discover can lead them to appreciate and protect the ocean and also the animals living in it.
At the present time, learning isn’t only limited to the classroom. It’s quite common for kids to learn from outdoor experiences. Teachers commonly take their pupils on field trips to museums as well as other interesting areas. If you wish to help pupils to take care of the ocean, one of the best areas to take them to is a marine association, the place where the ocean biome (生物圈) is shown.
Taking your pupils to a marine association is a prefect way to help them learn. Education professionals agree that there are topics that children can learn more successfully whenever they experience them directly.
Several organizations that focused on protecting the ocean now operate on the coast of different areas in America and all around the world. It’s quite common for marine associations nowadays to open their doors several times a week to kids, parents, and ocean lovers to learn more about the ocean biome.
A marine association has different programs for children of different ages. You’ll find programs that are developed specially for pupils. Pupils are involved in interactive (互动的) learning. This learning experience allows young children to recognize the value of the role each species performs in their environment. They not only get to research creatures from the ocean, but they also get to see, touch, and smell most of these animals and plants. This type of exposure offers students an idea about the life of a marine scientist. It could help them choose a career afterwards.
These programs are generally held on Saturdays and Sundays in order that kids and parents can have more hours in which to have fun. Teachers who want to arrange these activities for their students can call a local marine association near them.
【小题1】According to the text, pupils can have a better understanding of the ocean biome by _______.

A.learning about it from books
B.going to a marine association
C.attending marine biologists’ meetings
D.taking part-time jobs at marine associations
【小题2】In Paragraph 5, the author mainly wants to tell us _______.
A.the advantage of learning at a marine association
B.different activities offered by a marine association
C.a marine association’s working conditions
D.the way to develop children’s interest in ocean
【小题3】The underlined word “exposure” in Paragraph 5 probably means _______.
A.the way of explaining something
B.the way of choosing a career
C.a marine association’s working condition
D.the way to develop children’s interest in the ocean
【小题4】Which of the following is TURE?
A.Young children can enjoy indirectly what it is like to be a marine biologist at a marine association.
B.To help your pupils to take care of the ocean, the best area to take them to is a marine association.
C.Children can learn the topics more successfully when they experience them directly.
D.A marine association has the same program for children of different ages.
【小题5】The text is most probably taken from _______.
A.a teacher’s presentation
B.a marine biologist’s report
C.a student’s field trip journal
D.an introduction to a marine association



   A. Tickets for London Eye Flight (30 mins,$22)                

                            Paris has the Eiffel Tower, and New York has the Empire STATE. Now London has the British Airways London Eye — an extraordinary symbol for this extraordinary city. The world’s largest observation wheel offers a spectacular way to take in over 55 of London’s famous landmarks!                                              

B. Tickets for Madame Tussauds (Flexible, $ 25)                  

Madame Tussauds Waxwork Museum is well known for the huge collection of wax(4n) figures of famous people. In this museum, visitors will encounter Henry VIII and his six wives, the present Queen, leading figures of the French Revolution, and many other famous figures, including sports or pop stars. It is a must-sec attraction in London.                             

  C. Tickets for the Tower of London plus River Cruise(4.5 hours, $66)          

                            The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famous and spectacular castles. Don’t you want to discover its 900-year history as a royal palace and castle, prison and jewel house? Take a river cruise on the River Thames. It is a visit to the Tower of London and drop off at St. Paul’s Cathedral. If you have kids ,they will love it!          

D. London Duck Tours (80 mins , $ 30)                          

Don’t miss the exciting adventure created for visitors to London, taking in the sight by road and river! No one has ever seen anything like it before on the streets of London, let alone the river! It is more than just a sightseeing tour—it’s an adventure. Don’t miss this one!                                                                                

   E. Discovering London (9 hours, $ 100)                     

                            In this trip, you will explore the best of London with a morning tour of the world’s most famous city by road and river. Your experienced and qualified guide will take you through Westminster Abbey, changing the guard at Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and much, much more!                                               

F. The Original London Sightseeing Tour (24 hours pass, $ 40)                                              


See London’s major sights on an open-top double-decker bus. Join one of four circular tours at any one of their pick up points and see every major sight in London including the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral and Piccadilly. Simply “Hop on and Hop off ,at your choice of famous landmarks to enhance your visit to London!                                



1.Mr Bush came to London on business from America two weeks ago. During his spare time, he has visited most of the attractions in London with his clients in their private cars. However, this weekend he plans to take a public transportation vehicle to go around this big city. Due to an accident several years ago, Mr Bush doesn’t dare to take a boat again.

2.Louis, a young Frenchman, went to London for a visit last week. Today is his last day there. He has visited the London Eye, the Tower of London and most other famous attractions. So today, he would like to do something unusual, exciting or dangerous. It will be best if it is something he can’t do in other cities. However, he has only $35 left for his last day trip.

3.Kathrin is a German college student whose major is world history. From reading her textbooks she got to know stories of many historical figures. She is eager to see what they look like. Also, in her spare time, she lik.es to listening to pop music. It is her dream to have her photos taken with her favorite stars, but she doesn’t have enough money to attend their concerts.

4.Lin Yang is a Chinese teacher who teaches history in a high school. This Friday, he will go to London to take a short-term course. After that, he will stay there for one more day and he plans to visit a famous attraction. He is very interested in the old castles and relics in London. In his view, appreciating beautiful castles on a boat is the most enjoyable thing. Unluckily, he will only have 6 hours for leisure time that day.

5.Steve is a post-graduate student who has never been to London. Next weekend, he will go there with his professor to attend a meeting. According to his professor, he will have two hours of free time after the meeting. He intends to visit the most famous place in London where he can see the whole city. The ticket shouldn’t cost more than S25.



How does a place become a World Heritage Site ( 世界遗产 ) ? It takes a lot of people to decide.
1 )  If a country wants one of its places to be on the World Heritage List, it has to ask UNESCO. The place must be important and special. UNESCO put the Great Wall on the list in 1987 because, it said, it was a great part of Chinese culture and beautifully made to go with the land. When a country asks, it must also make a plan for taking care of the place.
2 )  The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO talks about different places and decides whether to put them on the list. The committee meets every June. Many experts help the committee to decide.
3 )  After a new place goes on the list, UNESCO gives money to help keep it looking good. If a place is in serious danger, it may be put on the list of World Heritage Sites in Danger. UNESCO gives special care and help to those places.
4 )  Countries have to give UNESCO regular reports about places on the list. If UNESCO thinks a country isn’t taking good enough care of a place, the site will be taken off the list.
41.  The passage implies that ________.
A. becoming a world heritage site takes hard work.
B. a place with beautiful scenery is often on the World Heritage List.
C. a place which was taken good care of is often on the World Heritage List.
D. the Great Wall became a World Heritage Site for its history.
42.  If a place successfully becomes a World Heritage Site, the country ________.
A. can ask UNESCO for more money and help
B. should continue to take special care of it
C. won’t take trouble of caring for it
D. will try to put it on the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger
43.  The purpose of putting a place on the World Heritage List is ________.
A. to attract more tourists from other countries
B. to get more money and help from other countries
C. to have it taken better care of
D. to make it known to other countries

