I’ll go home when the work . 查看更多





[  ]

A.All right, I'll turn it off.

B.You can get up then.

C.I'll turn it off when I leave.


[  ]

A.Yes, you will.

B.No. Just a few minutes.

C.Yes. It's very near.


[  ]

A.I'll catch the first train.

B.I can get to the station myself.

C.There're still forty minutes left.


[  ]

A.You'd better not let her go.

B.It's still early now.

C.I've got a sister, too.


[  ]

A.Yes. It's autumn then.

B.Yes. It's not hot nor cold.

C.Yes. School begins then.


[  ]

A.Not at all.

B.I'll do it for you.

C.That's a good idea.


[  ]

A.Tomorrow is Saturday.

B.I'll tell him about it.

C.Nothing much.


[  ]

A.I remember hearing it somewhere.

B.It sounds good.

C.I like pop song.


[  ]

A.She must be in hospital.

B.I'm sorry to hear that.

C.Her mother is out.


[  ]

A.I like it very much.

B.Yes, it's an easy job.

C.Not quite.


11.Who speaks French?

[  ]

A.The teacher.   B.We.   C.Nobody.

12.Who's going to write the letter?

[  ]

A.We.    B.She.    C.Her friend.

13.Who swim with friends?

[  ]

A.Nobody.    B.John.    C.His daughter.

14.Which is right?

[  ]

A.The speaker does not remember Ellen's last name.

B.Ellen does not remember her teacher's last name.

C.The speaker doesn't remember the teacher's last name.

15.Which is right?

[  ]

A.Pat went to the party with John.

B.John was invited to Pat's party.

C.Pat didn't want to go to the party.



[  ]

A.We won't let him start until next week.

B.We won't start unless you phone us next week.

C.There will be no new lesson this week.


[  ]

A.Someone cleaned Susan's car after she returned.

B.Susan cleaned her car when she returned home.

C.On her return from the South, Susan had her car insured.


[  ]

A.She will leave Washington for exams.

B.She will go back to Washington to take exams.

C.She will go to Washington after her exams are over.


[  ]

A.People didn't leave until the game was over.

B.Most of the people left at the end of the game.

C.Few people stayed for the end of the game.


[  ]

A.The father scolded(责骂) the neighbour.

B.The father scolded his child by mistake.

C.The child broke the window.


21.How much does the bag weigh?

[  ]

A.Six pounds.

B.Sixteen pounds.

C.Sixty pounds.


[  ]

A.There are fifteen minutes left for this part of the test.

B.It took fifteen minutes to finish this part of the test.

C.In five minutes you must finish this part of the test.


[  ]

A.Jane's room is on the fourteenth floor.

B.Jane's room is the first one.

C.Jane's room is Room Fourteen.


[  ]

A.To call Xi'an after five costs fifty cents.

B.Fifty cents is the price of a five-minute call to Xi'an.

C.After five o'clock a call to Xi'an costs fifteen cents.


[  ]

A.This evening an English class will meet in Room 70.

B.English classes will all meet in Room 170 this evening.

C.Room 117 is the meeting place for all English classes.

26.How much will the dresses cost?

[  ]

A.$16.    B.$30.    C.$120.

27.At what time did the bus leave?

[  ]

A.8:45.    B.8:40.    C.8:35.

28.How much did Sandy save?

[  ]

A.$65.    B.$84.    C.$35.

29.What time does Bill always get to school?

[  ]

A.8:15.    B.8:00.    C.7:45.

30.What time is it now?

[  ]

A.9:20.    B.9:30.    C.9:40.



[  ]

A.Oh, thank you.

B.Oh, no, it isn't.

C.No, not at all.


[  ]

A.Hello! Are you Lin Tao?

B.Who are you?

C.This is Mary. May I speak to Lin Tao?


[  ]

A.Oh, dear. I forgot it.

B.Sure, I'd love to.

C.OK. Here you are.


[  ]

A.It's a nice radio.

B.I can't mend it.

C.It doesn't work.


[  ]

A.Thank goodness!

B.That's all right.

C.I'm sorry to hear it.


                                                 Once in a Lifetime Twice As Good
      I can already hear firecrackers in the distance as the New Year begins. It is time to celebrate 2005.
This is a brand new year for those of us who follow the Western calendar. Of course, according to the
lunar calendar, the firecrackers will not sound for the New Year until February when the year of Rooster
(公鸡) officially begins. I feel lucky to live in Shanghai because I can celebrate two different New Years.
I am looking forward to learning about the traditions of Chinese New Year.
     At home in Canada, everyone in my family writes down their predictions (预言) for the next year.
Then we hide them away for an entire (完整的) year (no peeking!) and read them on New Year's Day.
I didn't predict that I would be living in Shanghai, China this year and if I had, I would never have predicted
that I would be enjoying life here so much. (Better luck next year with my predictions!)
     I think I'll play it safe this year and predict that many new buildings will go up in my neighbourhood in
Gubei! That is a prediction that is sure to come true, here in the fastest-growing city in the world! Another
tradition at the New Year is writing down all those resolutions (决心). So here I go! I have some plans for
the New Year that I intended (打算) to keep. For example, I plan to work much harder on learning Chinese.
It is not an easy language, but living here gives me a once in a lifetime opportunity to really learn it. So, I
plan to apply myself, yes I do. 
     I will use a new Chinese phrase every day when I am out in the city. My second resolution is to get rid
of the habit of procrastination (拖延)! I am one of those people who always leave things to the last minute
and that has got to change! No more staying up late to finish my homework at the last minute.
     Let's not call it procrastination in China, but a month's grace period on New Year' resolutions. Whatever,
Happy 2005!
1. The year of Rooster begins ______.
[     ]
A. on January 1st
B. in February of the western calendar
C. on the Chinese New Year's Eve
D. on the first day of the Western calendar
2. The writer is ______.
[     ]
A. a Chinese student in Canada
B. a Canadian student who is now studying in China
C. studying Chinese in Canada
D. from Canada and now working in China
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. The writer believes that Shanghai is developing fastest in the world.
B. The writer lives in Gubei, a neighbourhood in Shanghai.
C. The writer is sure there will.
D. The writer expects a much.
4. Which of the following is true?
[     ]
A. The writer did not write down her resolutions.
B. The writer intended not to keep her plans.
C. The writer was determined to learn Chinese well.
D. The writer thinks Chinese is easy to learn.
5. The writer used to ______.
[     ]
A. use a new Chinese phrase every day
B. use her time very wisely
C. change her habit of procrastination
D. leave things to the last minute


Linda has brought all her books home tonight. After supper she begins to 1 for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no 2. After a little while, she doesn't feel comfortable 3. She moves to the sofa.

    When she comes back to work, her little sister Betty asks 4 for some paper. Linda has to help her with her drawing. When they have finished, 5 go to the kitchen. Linda eats some cakes there. She says to 6 , “I’ll finish my English exercises tomorrow at school 7 classes start.” Then she starts to review her history lesson, 8 she feels tired.

    She doesn’t know what she is reading. She closes her books and 9.

    Is your way of doing homework like Linda’s? If so, you need to 10 your habits.

    1. A. play football   B. do the homework C. watch TV      D. have supper

    2. A. ruler         B. table          C. box          D. bag

    3. A. at school     B. in bed         C. in the chair     D. on the desk

    4. A. him        B. her           C. them          D. us

    5. A. both         B. all            C. some          D. other

    6. A. myself      B. himself         C. yourself        D. herself

    7. A. before       B. after           C. when            D. if

    8. A. and         B. or            C. but           D. for

    9. A. gets up       B. goes to school   C. gets on         D. goes to bed

    10. A. keep       B. have           C. change         D. plan



Tom has just received four invitations(邀请)from four different friends. Here are his replies(答复)to them.
I can't meet you at 6 p. m. because I won't finish work until 5:45, What about6:30?
Is it OK with you?I'd love a game of tennis.
Hi, Cary!
I'm sorry but I can't go to Rock city for the concert with you tomorrow though I love rock music so much.
I usually have a late meeting on Thursday evening. Let's make it some other time.
Dear Kate,
Thank you so much for inviting me. I can't dance very well, but I'd love to go to the dance with you.
I'll pick you up at7:00 on Saturday evening.
Dear Susan ,
I'll be free and I can come to your birthday party on August 5. See you then.
1. Tom politely refused(拒绝)        in vitation.
A. Jim’s    
B. Cary’s        
C. Kate’s    
D. Susan’s
2. On Saturday evening Tom will         .

A. go to the dance      
B. have a meeting      
C. watch a tennis game      
D. go to a party

3.Tom wrote to Cary         .
A. on Saturday    
B. on Friday      
C. on Thursday    
D. on Wednesday
4. When Tom meet Susan on August 5, he should say to her,“     ”.
A. Have a nice trip!      
B. Help yourself.
C. Happy birthday!
D. Make yourself at home.
5. Tom will go dancing with Kate         .
A. in the morning    
B. at noon      
C. in the afternoon    
D. in the evening



Linda has brought all her books home today. After lunch she puts the 1 out on the table and begins to do the homework for each subject. She begins with math. She finds that she has no 2 . She looks for it everywhere, but doesn't find it. After a little while, she doesn't feel comfortable 3 . She moves to the sofa with all her books. Now the sunlight from the window shines 4 . She moves back to the table. She has made a good start on her 5 when she stops to listen to her mother talking on the telephone. When she comes back to her work, her little sister Betty asks her for some 6 . Betty joins her at the table and begins to draw a horse. Linda has to 7 her. When they have finished, both go to the 8 . Linda eats some cakes there and brings a tin Coca Cola to her table. She says to herself, “I'll finish my English exercises 9 at school before classes start.” Then she starts to review her history lesson, but she feels 10 . She don't know what she is reading. She closes her books and goes to bed.


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.on the floor
B.near the window
C.on the table
D.in the chair


[  ]

A.on the door
B.on the walls
C.on her feet
D.in her eyes


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

C.listen to
D.write to


[  ]



[  ]

C.this evening
D.this afternoon


[  ]


