II.词汇根据句意及提示填词.1. I’m I can’t come at twelve. 查看更多



Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示完成单词)

1.I don't really know,I'm just g     .
2.I need one more stamp before c    my collection.
3.The children played t      in the street.
4.My English teacher asked us to c     the false sentences in class.
5.I want to       (提高)my English.?
6.You must try to improve yourg     .
7.She is too       (害羞) to speak in front of class.
8.My English teacher demanded us to write a p     when we complete a sentence.
9.English and American s     of some words are different.
10.I read Tolstoy's books in t      .


1. I want to visit Mr Wang, but I don't know his a_________.
2. Our teacher provides monthly tests to see our _________(进步).
3. You can go to v_________ shopping centres in the USA.
4. I made an a_________ to the club for membership.
5. It has been _________(安排) for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.



1.I had a _______ and had to lie in bed.? /????????????? /

2.You look ________(疲劳的)whats wrong with you?

3.Take this ________() three times a day.

4.He brushes his ____________(牙齿)every day.

5.Er Yuehe is one of the _______(当代的) writers.

6.Doing more exercise like running helps to _____________(增强)our body.

7.All of us should _________________________(放弃) smoking.

8.Don’t watch TV ___________________. (太长)

9.Mum, dont (担心)___________________ me. I’ll take good care of myself.

10.Why don't you _______????????????? __? (躺下)?



1.Do you play an _______(积极的) part in the class activities.
2. —Your white blouse _____________(与……相配) your black trousers very well.
—Thank you.
3. My uncle is an    (精力充沛的) businessman. He always works till midnight.
4. He lives a simple life. He likes _____________(储蓄) money.
5. Dr Bethune was busy performing an __________(手术) on the dying man.


1.Do you play an _______(积极的) part in the class activities.
2. —Your white blouse _____________(与……相配) your black trousers very well.
—Thank you.
3. My uncle is an    (精力充沛的) businessman. He always works till midnight.
4. He lives a simple life. He likes _____________(储蓄) money.
5. Dr Bethune was busy performing an __________(手术) on the dying man.

