A. tell B. ask C. answer D. say 查看更多



Tell your car to make a phone call without holding the phone.Tell your car to send an e-mail without touching the computer or even tell your car to send a call for help.Sound like something from a science fiction(科幻)movie.Well, thanks to a new "talking car" , this is soon to become reality.

Road Track.the Israeli(以色列)producer of Chevrolet(雪弗莱), has built a computer platform called Chevy Star.It offers the driver a wide range of things you can get with your voice.

It uses a box the size of a mobile phone attached to(贴到)the rear view mirror(后视镜).The driver can use it to be in touch with Road Track' s Offices.Many operators(接线员)work round the clock so as to answer the phone and the needs of drivers.

To get into the car, the driver has to say a secret code, such as “Open Sesame”(芝麻开门), for the doors to open and the engine to start.Upon entering the car, the driver has three buttons: one for emergencies, another for telephone calls and a third for practical information.When the driver presses the emergency(紧急事故)button, the operator calls the car to ask if there is a problem.If the driver is lost, the operator can use a map to help the driver find his or her way.“It depends 100 percent on the voice, so you don't need to take your eyes off the road or hands off the wheel to use it.You just speak out and then the operator gives you instructions,” said Danny Laguna of Chevrolet.The operator also alerted(警惕的)when the driver hits your brake(刹车器)too hard.And if operators find a problem anywhere on the car, they warn the driver straight away.Need to make a phone call? Just press the button and read out the number to dial.E-mail can also be dictated(口授).The driver also has many practical things to choose from; the weather, the latest world or local news, what's on a the cinema or theatre.

1.How many buttons are there in the car?

A.One.                    B.Three.                  C.Two.                   D.Four.

2.If the driver is lost, he or she should                

A.press the emergency button                         B.press the telephone call number

C.press the practical information button       D.hit the brake too bard

3.To get into the car, the driver has to                

A.say secret code                                                 B.press practical information

C.open the door of the car                              D.ask for help

4.Press the practical information button to get            

A.the help from the operators                          B.the latest world or local news

C.a phone call                                                D.the door closed


When you're a teenager, it seems that every time you say, "I want to…" your parents answer, "No, you can't."

Young people further complain that their parents do not   1   them.When something goes   2  , most parents just don't believe in their children. asking why, they think their kids are wrong.And not many parents allow their kids to choose for themselves.

Yes,  4  is true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little child.But remember that not long ago you were really a child.Your parents still remember the childish  5  you used to make.They want to protect you   6   you don't want them to do so.

So, if you want to get   7   freedom, please try to understand your parents and don't lie to them.Try a more friendly way.If you want them to   8   you to stay out late, don't just say, "All   9   kids can stay out late." Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you'll be and   10   it's important for you to stay out late.Then they just might say, "yes".

1.A.enjoy                       B.prefer                 C.understand             D.decide

2.A.badly                      B.wrong                 C.nice                     D.clear

3.A.Except                    B.Instead               C.With                       D.Without

4.A.it                          B.this                       C.that                       D.one

5.A.uses                           B.differences            C.minds                   D.mistakes

6.A.if                         B.though                  C.because                 D.since

7.A.most                   B.least                  C.more                  D.less

8.A.allow                     B.hope                  C.wish               D.ask

9.A.another             B.others            C.the others             D.the other

10.A.how              B.when                 C.why              D.which


    When I was a child, my mother often told me, “Don’t run around, or bad uncles will grad(抓住) you. And you know what? You will never see Mum and Dad again.”

    “Why, Mama? Why would these uncles grab me?” I would ask. “The city is a dangerous place and we don’t trust any strangers, ”she would reply.

  Well, that might answer the question of why my second brother never picks up calls from an unknown person either on his mobile or his home phone. It seems that he doesn’t care if he misses an important call. because he thinks that all unknown calls are from bad persons.

    So, have we given too much protection to our young kids? Perhaps it is so. But the adults’ thoughts are indeed easy to understand. The kids meet swindlers sometimes as we adults tell them. Also they get some news about cheating(欺骗) in newspapers or on TV every day. That makes the kids believe that they just cannot trust strangers.

    Let’s look at an example from everyday life. Say, if someone carrying a wooden stick(棍子) comes nearer to you, will you try to run away at once even before he or she starts talking to you? Will you guess this person’s intentions(意图) and think that he or she wants to rob(抢劫) you of something? Think of the answer for yourself.

    Of course, the kids should look after themselves, but overprotection can sometimes stop them from making new friends. Sometimes it’s not good for their new friendships.

    Trust is like a mirror. When we offer trust to people, they might just show you trust in return.

1 What do “swindlers” probably do?

  A. They cheat other people.

  B. They often call other people.

  C. They rob people of something.

  D. They teach children to protect themselves.

2 Which of the following is NOT the reason why children don’t trust strangers?

  A. Their parents tell them not to trust strangers.

  B. They get to know some news about cheating in newspapers or on TV every day.

  C. Strangers always have bad intentions.

  D. They sometimes have experiences of being cheated.

3 What does the writer want to tell us?

  A. Children should always follow their parents’ advice.

  B. We should never talk to strangers.

  C. Parents should learn to protect their children.

  D. People should try to trust each other.


My mother used to ask me, “What is the most important part of the body?” When I was young, I thought   16   was very important to us, so I said, “My ears, Mommy.” She said, “No. Many people are deaf but still live a  17   life; keep thinking and I will ask you again.”

Several years   18  before she asked me again. This time I told her, “Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes.” She looked at me and told me, “You are  19   fast, but the answer is not correct. Many people are blind, but they still live happily.” Over the years, she asked me many times and always her answer was, “No. But you are getting   20   every year, my child.”

Then last year, my grandpa died. Everyone was crying. When it was our turn to  21   our final goodbye to him, my mother asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?” I was  22   when she asked me this. I always thought this was a game between her and me. I saw her eyes with tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder (肩膀).” I asked, “Is it because it  23  up my head?”  She replied, “No. It is because it can hold the head of a friend or a relative (亲戚) when he or she  24 . Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends, so you will  25  have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.” That was when I realized what the most important body part is.






























































Giving Directions in Different Places

If you ask people of different countries “Could you tell me the way to the post office?”, you will get different answers.

In Japan, people use landmarks (路标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner.          61           The post office is across from the but stop.”

In Kansas, America, there are no towns or buildings within (在……之内) miles. So instead of landmards, people will tell you directions and distance. For example, people will say, “Go north two miles (英里) .          62          ”

People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions. They will often say, “Follow me.”            63        

Sometimes if the person doesn’t know the answer to your question, he or she, like a New Yorker, might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I don’t know.”         64           They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. A visitor can always get lost in Yucanta!

        65           You might not understand a person’s words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually point to the correct direction. Go on in that direction and you may find the direction.

A.      Turn east, and then go another mile.    

B.      But one thing will help you everywhere.

C.      People there think “I don’t know. ” is not polite.

D.     Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.

E.      Then he or she will take you through the street of the city to the post office.


