[答案]A 推理题. [试题解析]根据文章第2段1.2行Tracy took photos of the dog and printed off 400 FOUND fliers, and put them in mailboxes.可知Tracy拍了狗的作品.并印刷了400张传单发出去.正是为了帮助寻找到狗的主人.故A项:寻找狗的主人.符合上下文含义.故A正确. 查看更多



(1) My father was an ill-humored man.I knew he loved me and his love was deep.He just didn’t know how to   36   it.
One evening we went out for a night on the town.We were sitting in an elegant restaurant that had a small but lively   37 .When it played a familiar waltz tune I decided to   38   him for a dance.
“Dad, you know I’ve never   39   with you before.I begged you but you   40   wanted to.How about right now?”
I waited for the   41   refusal.But instead, he considered thoughtfully and then said, “Let’s hit the floor and I’ll   42   you just what kind of moves an old guy like me can still make.”
My father took me in his   43   and I felt overcome by emotion.
As we danced I looked up at my father carefully but he   44   my eyes.
“Dad,” I finally  45  , tears in my eyes, “Why is it so hard for you to look at me?” At last his eyes dropped to my face.“  46   I love you so much.” he whispered back.I was struck dumb by his   47 .It wasn’t what I had thought.But it was of course exactly what I needed to   48 .I had always known that he loved me.I just hadn’t understood that his vast emotion had   49   him and made him silent.“I love you too, Dad!” I whispered back softly.He stumbled (结结巴巴地说) over the next few words: “I’m sorry that I’m not open.It’s   50   for me, but just remember how much I love you.”
When the dance ended I excused myself to the ladies’ room and during my absence   51   changed.
When I came back, Dad sat in his chair   52   his body leaning forward, very pale.Everything was really too late.He was   53 .
That night all I saw was his leaning body and pale face.But it’s a totally different scene    that I   54   now.I remember him saying “I love you” and my saying it back.The three words   55  on forever long after we are gone.
36.A.answer        B.express        C.mention       D.understand
37.A.band         B.hall           C.sofa          D.bar
38.A.invite        B.teach         C.help          D.show
39.A.chatted       B.sang           C.danced        D.stayed
40.A.still         B.even         C.also          D.never
41.A.final           B.normal        C.rough         D.usual
42.A.tell          B.show          C.ask          D.explain
43.A.arms           B.hands          C.heart           D.mind
44.A.noticed       B.ignored       C.avoided       D.greeted
45.A.complained     B.whispered       C.explained        D.shouted
46.A.Because      B.Though       C.If            D.While
47.A.response     B.advise         C.promise        D.excuse
48.A.find          B.know        C.hear          D.think
49.A.surprised     B.pleased       C.inspired      D.frightened
50.A.clear           B.important        C.impossible       D.hard
51.A.everything      B.something       C.nothing       D.anything
52.A.for          B.with               C.on           D.from
53.A.moved        B.tired               C.lost           D.gone
54.A.discover       B.remember       C.remind         D.consider
55.A.depend       B.carry          C.live             D.take





76. It took  a________________(大约="about)50" years in both England and the USA to sell the idea of a regular imcome tax..

77. The deep oceans and the c___________are different in their geological structure.(地质结构)

78. A b_____________diet and regular exercise are both of great benefit to our health.

79. He earned an u_____________ (难以置信的)amount of money when everyone felt frustrated at the market.

80. We cannot e_____________without food as well as water.

81. It is sometimes difficult for one to get used to the new  s_____________..

82. It is right for us to learn from others, but we should have i_____________thinking.

83. It is a Chinese t_____________that brides(新娘) get married in red dresses.

84. Although I can walk about, there is still a s_____________ (轻微的) pain in my leg.

85. China and Japan both have mid-autumn festivals, when people a_____________the moon and enjoy mooncakes.




1.The _______(设计) of  the  room  was in the fancy style popular in those days.

2.This was a time ____the two countries were at  war.

3.Does any country want to h___  the Olympic Games ?

4.Atlanta made a  _______ (条件)with her father .

5.In a  _____, our programmer is like our coach.

6.You should _____ more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.

7.He e    5000 yuan a month

8.My _______( 目标) is to provide humans with a life of high quality.

9.He tried his best to find a way to s________ the problem

10.Although I was young I could _______(简化) difficult sum.





1. We should e_______ new ways to solve the problemss that we are facing.

2.I meant it to be a(n) i______(非正式的) discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I mentioned

3. Playing basketball is one form of p_______(身体的) exercise.

4. He caused his parents a great deal of s_____(痛苦).

5. That black suitcase on the floor b_________ to me..

6. She looks very _____(熟悉的),but I can’t remember where I met her.

7.She refused to answer questions about her personal f_____(财力)。

8.There are a lot of c____ relics in our country.

9.S____ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone.

10.The a____(外观) of the old house completely changed.



第二卷(非选择题 共50分)




66. We a          with the waiter about the price of the meal.

67. When having English class, I heard two students _______ (低语) to each other.

68. — I wonder what I should learn in the future?

— You may learn art since you have a g ________for painting and drawing.

69. One day we will manage to ________ the world of this terrible disease.(摆脱,除去)

70. The ______(焦点)of his study was on the export of Chinese products.


