One morning, Ann’s neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school. [翻译]一天早晨.Ann的邻居Tracy发现一只迷路的小狗在当地的一所小学周围徘徊. [分析]本句中found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school是一个“动词+宾语+宾语补足语 的结构.其中的宾语补足语wandering around the local elementary school是对宾语a lost dog的情况进行的说明.因为动词wander与a lost dog之间构成主动关系.所以使用现在分词短语. 查看更多



Nick was tired of life,every day was exactly the same.

“What I need is a little adventure!”Nick thought as he waited at the bus stop one morning.Nick’s little adventure happened sooner than he had expected!

While he was on the bus,reading his newspaper,the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large brown envelope in his hands.“Here,take this!”he murmured.Then he stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word.

Nick sat there holding the envelope.It felt heavy.There were papers inside,or money perhaps.“I’d better hand it over to the police,”he thought.There was a police station close to his office.But as he got off the bus,a man came up to him.He was obviously waiting for something.“He wants the envelope.”Nick thought.Nick began to walk quickly and the man hurried after him.Nick started to run and the man began to run,too.But then,just before he got to the police station.Nick managed to lose the man in the crowds when he entered the police station,the man was no longer in sight.

Inside the police station,the envelope was full of money—false money.“Obviously the man made a mistake,”the inspector said,“He thought you were one of the gang! Well,congratulations!”

Nick felt like a hero.He could already see his name in all the papers.He could imagine an interview on television!

“However,”the inspector went on,interrupting Nick’s daydreams.“I’m afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about this.We’re trying to catch some very clever thieves and we don’t want them to know that we have some of the money.So you mustn’t say a word to anyone—even your boss! Sorry!”

“So that’s that!”Nick said to himself on his way to the office.He was over an hour late.“I’ve had my little adventure,but I can’t tell anyone about it.So what’s the point? I’ve even got to make up an excuse to the boss!”

46.Nick was bored because his life wasn’t ______.

A.very pleasant                                      B.very easy

C.full of amusement                               D.interesting

47.The man gave Nick an envelope while Nick was going______. his office                               get off the bus take the bus                           get on the bus

48.Nick decided to take the envelope to the police because he thought it was______.

A.dangerous                                          B.heavy

C.important                                           D.funny

49.The man who wanted the envelope knew______.

A.Nick’s boss                                         B.Nick’s name

C.about the envelope                              D.about Nick’s adventure

50.After his adventure,Nick expected to be______.                                                   B.important

C.famous                                      adventurer


University students' monthly expenses formobile phones vary from about 20 yuan to several hundred yuan, according to students in Fudan University, Jiaotong University. Whether one has a boyfriend or girlfriend is a critical (关键性的) factor that determines one's payment for a mobile phone, said Ann, a student in Shanghai Finance University, who uses up a 100 yuan card every six months. By contrast, one of Ann's roommates, who studies in the same class with her boyfriend, spends more than 100 yuan every month. They have a habit of making a daily call to each other every night, according to Ann.

"In my opinion, one's outlay (开支) on mobile phone depends on whether he works for some department of the Students' Union and whether he has some part-time jobs which require frequent contact," said Zhuang Jiadong, a student in Jiaotong University, who is the monitor of his class. His average bill for his mobile phone is 200 yuan per month.

At present, the cost of a mobile call is 0.6 yuan per minute, more expensive than using 201 cards by 0.2 yuan. Therefore, some students, especially girls, use mobile phones and telephones alternatively (交替地). "But we boys tend to be lazy and will not bother to use 201 cards which require dialing a long series of numbers," said Zhuang.

8. All the following factors determine university student's bill for mobile phones except________.

A. whether one has a boyfriend or girlfriend

B. whether he or she works for the Student's Union

C. whether one has some part-time jobs

D. whether one uses mobile phones and telephones alternatively

9. We can infer from the text that________.

A. university students' monthly expenses for mobile phones are almost the same

B. boys tend to use mobile phone more frequently

C. if one has a boyfriend or girlfriend, one will use their mobile phone less frequently

D. the cost of a mobile call is less expensive than using 201 cards

10. The best title of the text is ______.

A. Expense Gap for Mobile Phone

B. The Mobile Phone Comes into Universities

C. The Mobile Phone is Replacing Telephone

D. Expense for Mobile Phones


Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.

                          Important words to learn:E Essential I improver A Advanced


  noun [C] DEVICE 1 A a piece of equipment which is

used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place


8 type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of

fastening it to the foot which is worn by women

3 [USUALLY PLURAL]  type of flat shoe, like a BALIET dancer’s shoe when is worn by women 4 [USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat·shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports.


liquid or gas to move somewhere:our latest machine can

pump a hundred gallors a minute , o The new wine is

pumped into stirage tanks.o The heart pumos blood

through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION2[T]

INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information,

especially in a way that is not direce:She was pumping me

for details of the new projece.

Idioms pump sb’s hand to SHAKE someone’s hand

(=hold their hand and move it up and down, espacially

In order to greet them)·pump lron INFORMAL to lift

Heavy weights for exercise: These days both men and

Women pump iron far fitnets.

 Pharsal verbs pump sth into sth to spend    

Money trying to make something operate succesfully:

They had been pumpinh money into the business for some

Years without seeing any results.

Pump sth out(M)REMOVE1 to remove water or other

liquid from something using a pump:We took turns


to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,

forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping

out the same old propaganda.O The car radio was

pumping out music with a heacy beat.

Pump out sth someone’s stomach is pumped out, a

Poisonous substance is removed from it by being-sucked

Through a tube. She had to go to hospital    

Stomach pumped out.

Pump sth up [M] INFORMAL to make someone feel more

contident or excited: He was offering them advince and

trying to pump them up.O[R]The players were pumping

themselves up by singing the national anthem, before the


Pump sth up[M]1 to fill something with air using a

pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet?O I must

pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase

something by a large amount:The US was able to pump

up exports.O Let’s pump up the tolume a bit!

Pump-action /pamp ek/ n/adjective describes a device which operates by forcing song     especially air ,in or out of a closed space or container, a pump-action shotgun , a pump   action   

Pump priming noun specialized the activity of helping a business ,programm ,economy    etc   to  develop by  giving it money.  The government is carding small,pump-priming grants to single moter who are starting their own businesses.


noun a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sound like another word:she made a couple of dreadful puns.  This is a well-known joke based on a pun “What’s  black and white and red   all  over   A newspaper

Verb  to make a pun


Noun      (c)a forceful hit with a fist (=closed hand) she gave him a punch lik on us in the nose effect

2 U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people ,I felt the performance speech presntation lacked punch DRnk  3  a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool  4  a piece of equoce  which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh anywhere?

    Verb(t) hit 1  to hit someone or something with your FIST (=closed hand);He punched him in the stomach.2 MALY US to hit with your fingers the bugins on a telephone or the kdys on a keys on a keyboard USE TOCL make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper  .This belt’s too big .I’ll have to punch an extra hole in it.

Idioms punch sb’s lights out informal to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock us to put a card into a special machine to record the times you amive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was mever heard from again.


What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?

A.Talk with   B.ask for information.    C.Listen to    D.Provide with evidence


When Sally says“The TV propram kept pumping out commercials”,she may be______.

A.excited   B.interested   C.annoyed   D.annoyed


What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?

A. sums of money          B.Raw materials

C.informative and significant    D.intereing and powerful


When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not_____.

A.fluent and impressive       B.logical and moving

C.informative and significant   D.interestitng and powerful




Nancy Volk operated a sidewalk cafe in Anoka, Minnesota to support her family.
Dan Heins, one of the cafe’s regular customers, had a  36 : kidney dialysis(肾透析) from 6 to 10 a.m on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, after   37  at the cafe. The 56-year-old owner of the small cafe, Nancy   38  that Heins' diabetes(糖尿病)was 39  for his kidney failure and the cut-off of his leg. And Dan knew that Nancy, a single mother with three daughters, worked two other jobs to  40 the cafe open and meet her housing loans.
One morning as he ordered his breakfast, he 41  he would be on kidney dialysis the rest of his life if he didn't receive a(n)  42 . Nancy didn't hesitate, simply saying “I’ll donate”. A normal  43  volunteered to give him an organ? It seemed   44 to Dan, and Nancy had to spend a few weeks   45  him she was serious. The day before Thanksgiving in 2009, the results of the medical tests came in: She was a  46 .
While they were  47  the transplant, Dan’s other leg was cut off and Nancy’s financial 48  grew from bad to worse.
Nancy decided to close the cafe last September much  49  she loved it. At the same time, her home was going into   50 . Dan's insurance would  51  her surgery costs, but she was worried too much that she wouldn't be able to work the part-time jobs for six weeks.
Steve Ohlsen, another customer of the cafe,   52  a donation box near the register. In less than one month, people gave Nancy several thousand dollars—enough to ensure   53  on her home while she recovered.
Nancy and Dan had their 54  in September. Four months later,Dan is  55 dialysis, and Nancy has sent thank-you notes to her supporters.

A.shouted B.murmuredC.smiledD.informed
【小题7】 C.transplant D.transfer
A.searching forB.waiting forC.looking intoD.taking in
A.payments B.expensesC.repairsD.fees
A.personalitiesB.supportersC.surgeries D.lives


Every night,I watched for Miss Ellen's lights to go off. She lives next door and we are best friends,____I'm young and she's old. We both like dogs,cats and birds. Miss Ellen has another best friend,her ____,Imogene. Soon as her lights were off,I went into our kitchen and got a(n) ____ to say good­night to Imogene.

“Imogene?” I kept my voice ____ because Imogene is old and I didn't want to ____ her.

Imogene looked at me ____ I put the egg under  her. She seemed to ___ sitting on that egg. I guessed it must ____ her of good old times.

Every morning,I went to Miss Ellen's home to ____ her bread while she ate Imogene's egg.“ I should let you eat the egg too,but it's Imogene's ___ to me,”she said.

When Imogene stopped laying eggs last year,Miss Ellen became ____ and quiet. That was before I started ____ giving her one of Mom's every night.

One morning when I got to Miss Ellen's kitchen,something was ___.Miss Ellen seldom allowed Imogene in the house,but that day she was on the table. Miss Ellen was ____,holding two eggs in her hands.

“Can you ____ it?My Imogene laid this herself!It's not one of your mother's. Oh!Oh!”She ____and put her hand over her mouth.

I looked at her in ____.“You knew?”

“Yes. I'm sorry. To tell the truth,Imogene ____ that you come to visit her every day. She didn't want you to stop. So we decided to keep ____.”

It took a minute for me to ____.Then I figured it out. Both of them wanted me to come. I touched Imogene's head and smiled at Miss Ellen.

1.A. for                      B.yet                                  C.though                    D.because

2.A. dog                                                       C.bird                     D.hen

3.A. egg                                             C.cake                      D.drink

4.A. firm                     B.soft                                 C.loud                              D.pleasant

5.A. lose                             B.hurt                           C.keep                              D.frighten

6.A. unless                    B.since                                                     D.if

7.A. like                              B.consider                   C.regret                       D.mind

8.A. tell                      B.remind                           C.warn                        D.convince

9.A. mix                              B.cut                                  C.borrow                   D.share

10.A. promise                    B.choice                                         D.job

11.A. sad                            B.calm                     C.boring                             D.strange

12.A. slowly                   B.secretly                           C.mainly                     D.simply

13.A. important           B.funny           C.wrong                        D.different

14.A. busy                     B.angry                     C.excited                      D.shocked

15.A. believe                     B.feel                                 C.make                            D.see

16.A. remembered          B.stopped                    C.smiled                            D.nodded

17.A. peace                  B.disappointment        C.surprise               D.confidence

18.A. hopes                  B.prefers                            C.suggests              D.loves

19.A. quiet                    B.happy                C.honest                      D.friendly

20.A. start                          B.understand          C.cry                            D.notice


