What's the right order of the events? ①Izzy kicked Colm. ②Debbie called 999. ③Izzy learned CPR. ④Colm's heart stopped. A. 3124 B. 4231 C. 3421 D. 4312 查看更多



Surveys of American teenagers find that about half of them do not get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of 60 to 90 minutes less than experts say they need.

Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups. Yet many schools start classes as early as seven in the morning.

As a result,many students go to class feeling like Danny,16 years old. He plays two sports,lacrosse and football. He is an active teen—except in the morning. DANNY:“Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible. I’m just very out of it and tired. And through first and second period I can hardly stay awake.”

Michael Breus,a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders says:“These aren’t a bunch of lazy kids—although,you know,teenagers can of course be lazy. These are children whose biological rhythms,more times than not,are off.”Teens,he says,need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night. He says sleepy teens can experience a form of depression that could have big effects on their general well-being. It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports field and on the road because any tired driver is dangerous,especially a teenager with a lack of experience.

So what can schools do about sleepy students?The psychologist says one thing they can do is start classes later in the morning.

Eric Peterson,head of St.George’s School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island,says,“In the end,schools ought to do what’s the right thing for their students,first and foremost.”And he wanted to see if a 30-minute delay would make a difference. It did.

1.According to the passage,which of the following is the chief cause of sleepy teenagers?

A.Persona haibits.

B.Early school hours.

C.Sports activities.

D.Too much home work.

2.According to Michael Breus,         .

A.Teenagers are too lazy to get up early for school.

B.Teenagers should change their biological rhythms.

C.Lacking sleep can cause serious problems.

D.Sleepy teenagers shouldn’t drive to school.

3.What is Eric Peterson’s opinion on the issue?

A.Schools should try their best to help students.

B.Students should adjust to their school’s schedule.

C.Changing school schedule is their last choice.

D.Something has to change at the end of a school day.

4.What does the underlined word“It”in the last sentence might refer to?

A.St.George School.

B.Rhode Island State.

C.Students in St.George School.

D.30-minute delay of school day.

5.What can you infer might follow the passage immediately?

A.Some positive changes in St.George’s school.

B.Some complaints from teachers and parents.

C.Some tips on how to help students foremost.

D.Some unexpected outcome of the delay.





第四部分  书面表达(共两节,满分45分)

第一节  阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)

【1】We're increasingly living in a world where physical activity has stopped being a day-to-day part of our lives. We have domestic appliances to wash and dry for us and cars to get us around, and with the decline in manual labour many of us spend our working day sitting at desks.

【2】 In fact, there's a well-established theory that moderate physical activity is, for most people, the best way to better health. If you start off doing too much too soon, you'll get fed up and stop, get injured or even make yourself ill. So what's the right amount of exercise to get fit and healthy without injuring yourself in the process?

【3】 According to the government, only 37 per cent of men and 24 per cent of women take enough exercise to get any benefit from it. ____________obesity, heart disease and other life-limiting conditions, the chief medical officer (the government's top doctor) recommends the following:

【4】 Adults should do a minimum of 30 minutes moderate-intensity physical activity, five days a week.

【5】You don't have to do the whole 30 minutes in one go. Your half-hour could be made up of three ten-minute bursts of activity spread through the day, if you prefer.

【6】The activity can be a 'lifestyle activity' (in other words, walking to the shops or taking the dog out) or structured exercise or sport, or a combination of these. But it does need to be of at least moderate intensity.

【7】People who are at specific risk from obesity, or who need to manage their weight because of a medical condition, need 45-60 minutes of exercise at least five times a week.

【8】 For bone health, activities that produce high physical stresses on the bones are necessary 76. What is the purpose of the passage? (within 12 words) 


77. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?  

    Day by day, we neglect the fact that physical activity is an important part of our lives.


78. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 5 words)


79. List three factors that make people less active based on the passage. (within 8 words) 

   ① _____________________  ② _____________________③ _______________________ 

80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.




Astronauts aboard the space station celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking water that had been recycled from their urine(尿), sweat and water got from air. They said "cheers," clicked drinking bags and toasted NASA workers on the ground.

   The urine recycling system is needed for astronaut stations on the moon and Mars. It also will have NASA money because it won’t have to ship up as much water to the station by space shuttles or cargo rockets. Besides, it’s important as the space station is about to expand from three people living on board to six.

   The recycling system had been brought up to the space station last November by space shuttles Endeavour, but it couldn’t be used until samples(样品) were tested back on earth. So when it came time to actually drink up, NASA made a big deal of it. The three-man crew stood holding their drinks and congratulated engineers in two NASA centres that worked on the system.

   “This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction,” American astronaut Michael Barratt said before taking a small mouthful. “The taste is worth trying.”

   The new system takes the combined urine of the crew from the toilet, moves it to a big tank, where the water is boiled off, and the vapor(水蒸气) is collected. The rest of the urine is thrown away. Then the water vapor is mixed with water from air, and then it goes through filters (过滤器). When six crew members are aboard it can make about six gallons from urine in about six hours.

   “Some people may find the idea of drinking recycled urine distasteful, but it is also done on earth, but with a lot longer time between urine and the tap,” said Marybeth Edeen, the space station’s national lab manager.

   The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification after the 2004 Asian tsunami.

1. According to the text, the recycling system is important because ___________.

  A. it makes traveling to the moon for the average person possible

  B. with it NASA won’t need to ship any water up the space station

  C. it can help meet the need for more water after the crew is expanded

  D. it protects the environment in space by reducing the amount of waste

2.What’s the RIGHT time order of the following events?

  a. The samples of the recycled water were tested on earth.

  b. Astronauts celebrated the space first of making water from urine

  c. The recycling system was brought up to the space station.

  d. The technology for the system was used to quickly purify water.

  A. a, d, c, b   B. a, c, b, d   C. d, a, c, b   D. d, c, a, b

3.From Para. 5 we can know ____________.

  A. the theory behind the recycling system   B. the effect of the recycling system

  C. the process of recycling urine          D. an opinion on recycling urine

4.What did Edeen say about recycled urine and the recycling system?

  A. The taste of recycled urine is not as good as that of common water.

  B. The recycling system has made a science fiction story come true.

  C. The idea of drinking recycled urine makes astronauts feel unpleasant.

  D. It takes a longer time on earth to make water from urine than in space.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

  A. The Research of NASA Has Made Great Progress.

  B. New Technology Is Used in the Space Station.

  C. Drink up: Space Station Recycles Urine to Water.

  D. Good News: Water Recycled from Urine Tastes Good



Alone in the wilderness. Nothing but jungle. A world of shadow with the rays of light falling like blonde hair from the crowns of the giant trees. Jungle in the midday sun. Everything motionless. Not a sound from sky or earth. Complete silence. Only some coconuts falling, at long intervals, very far away. The world reduced to the soft touch of cool grass along my naked back, and a sweet smell of rich soil and vegetation. Stretched out with closed eyes beside my heavy burden of fruit and firewood, I enjoyed the feeling of fresh blood streaming through every part of my body and fresh jungle air filling every corner of my lungs.

     Resting motionless, I could see the sun through my closed eyelids, alone in the sky, as lonely as I, and as motionless and silent as everything else. The earth had surely stopped turning and somewhere on this planet there was supposed to be roaring traffic in busy streets. What a crazy, unbelievable thought!

         Another coconut fell, to make the world come to a complete standstill. I had to roll over onto my stomach to feel that at least I could move and make noises. Then I found company. A little brown ant was struggling to find its way with a bit of dry straw through the jungle of leaves and grass below my nose. I wondered if I could give the little fellow a lift with its burden, but it showed not the slightest sign of tiredness and struggled on with all six legs, head first or head last, waving its feelers energetically as if the trip had just started. Who ever saw a tired ant? Tiredness, disagreeable tiredness, is restricted to hunted animals, slaves and modern man. It is as great an effort for an office clerk to walk five blocks with a loaded brief-case as it is for a jungle-dweller to cross a valley with a goat on his back. It is as hard to get up and climb or run when you have been seated for years as it is to get up and walk when you have been in bed for months. The body is strange. Spare it, and you get really tired for almost nothing; use it, and almost nothing makes you really tired.

         I rose to my feet. I had heard a horse neighing down in the valley. Above me, on the open highland plains, there were wild horses. But down in the valley there was never a horse unless there was a man on it. Somebody was making his way up the valley and my wife was alone.

71.The author mentions coconuts’ falling to          .

         A.show his loneliness                                                           B.add beauty to the jungle

         C.express his love of nature                                               D.stress the absolute silence

72.   What’s the right order of the following events?

         ① I heard a horse neighing down in the valley.

         ② I went to the jungle.

         ③ I found an ant carrying a bit of dry straw.

         ④ I lay on the ground to have a break.

         ⑤ I picked fruits and chopped firewood.

A. ②③⑤①④                 B. ⑤③②④①                          C. ②⑤④③①                 D. ⑤④③②①

73.How does the author feel about the ant?

         A.He admired its attitude toward work.

         B.He was amazed at its tireless efforts.

         C.He showed sympathy for the little ant.

         D.He was content to have it as a companion.

74.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author would probably          .

         A.work harder than before                                                 B.talk to the man on the horse

         C.make his way home                                                          D.stay in the valley

75.We can learn from the passage that the author          .

         A.enjoyed being alone                                                          B.experienced a world of quietness

         C.missed his busy life in the city                                        D.had an unforgettable adventure



[1] Look at the center circles of Diagram A and Diagram B. Which of the centre circles looks larger?
[2] Take a first look and you probably think that the centre circle in Diagram A is smaller than that in Diagram B. In fact, they are exactly the same size.
[3]Then look at the picture on the right.What do you see? A vase? Or two faces? Does the picture change quickly from one to the other again and again? Maybe or maybe not, but you can see them at the same time.
[4]“What’s happening? Is something wrong with my eyes?” You may wonder at what you see. Don’t worry. Here is how it goes:
[5]When we look at things, our eyes send messages to our brains and then our brains interpret (解释) the information. However, sometimes our brains interpret the received information in a wrong way. It seems that our eyes are playing a joke on us. This often happens and we call it “Visual illusion(幻觉)”.
[6] Movie makers often make use of illusions. They make the objects around actors much smaller or bigger than usual. This makes us believe that the actors are much larger or smaller than they usually are. The movies Jurassic Park and Honey J shrunk the kids just make use of illusions.
66. In which column of a magazine can you read the above text?
A. Culture.          B. Science.     C. Humour.    D. Education.
67. The centre circle in Diagram A looks smaller than that in Diagram B, That’s because____.
A. something is wrong with our eyes
B. the two circles are not of the same size
C. our brains interpret the information wrongly
D. pictures change quickly from one to the other
68. In the picture on the right, it seems that Line AB is shorter than lane
CD, but in fact lane AB is as long as Line CD. Which paragraph
can explain what has happened to our eyes?
A. The second one.             B. The third one.
C. The fifth one.                    D. The sixth one.
69. What’s the right order according to the text?
a. We look at things with our eyes.      
b. Our brains interpret the messages.
c. Our brains tell us what we have seen.  
d. Our eyes send messages to our brains.
A. a-d-b-c     B c-a-b-d       C a-c-d-b       D. b-e-a-d
70. Movie makers make use of visual illusions to        .
A. help the actors look better             B. make the actors much braver
C. help the actors become stronger      D. make the actors seem different in size

