A. helpful B. confident C. powerful D. independent 查看更多



I live in a rural area but sometimes we go to the city to go shopping. One day, my daughter and I   21  we needed a day of it. We   22   made the most of it. Like anyone that likes going shopping, we of course had a   23   day.

After we bought all that we needed, it was time to go. On the way to the exit doors, there was a lady   24   the pay phone who wasn’t able to speak English very well. She    25   getting help from people but kept getting   26   all the time. Seeing the   27   in her face, I stopped to see if I could help her. I didn’t really   28   much of what she was saying but I finally got the idea   29   she wanted a  30  . She gave me the coins and I called one of the taxi companies. I   31   that the lady didn’t talk much English but  32   a taxi. They replied they would   33   one out right now. I tried my best to tell that to the lady. Soon she   34   happily. Obviously, she was very   35   to me.

When my kids were   36  , I would do an act of kindness and after we were away from the   37  , I would explain what I did and    38  . I wasn’t trying to    39   but just trying to teach them about acts of   40  . They learned that it was OK to help others and have gone on to do the same.

1. A. meant         B. argued           C. accepted         D. decided

2. A. surely        B. willingly   C. legally          D. sadly

3. A. hopeful       B. pleasant         C. lucky        D. equal

4. A. by            B. on               C. with         D. from

5.. A. considered       B. managed      C. begged           D. tried

6. A. turned to         B. turned up   C. turned down      D. turned off

7.. A. calmness         B. sadness          C. courage          D. anger

8. A. think             B. seize        C. hear             D. understand

9. A. that              B. which        C. what         D. where

10.. A. company         B. taxi         C. telephone   D. lift

11.. A. apologized      B. explained   C. repeated     D. sentenced

12.. A. escaped         B. voted        C. needed           D. rewarded

13.. A. send        B. lend         C. give         D. leave

14.. A. listened        B. smiled           C. moved        D. agreed

15. A. helpful          B. satisfied        C. thankful         D. loyal

16.A. generous          B. young        C. unhappy          D. unfair

17. A. exhibition       B. position         C. situation   D. acceptance

18. A. where        B. when         C. how          D. why 

19.. A. show off        B. show around      C. blow up          D. give up

20. A. guidance         B. kindness     C. principle        D. willingness



I was coaching girls’ track in Iowa and there was a young discus(铁饼)thrower on the team with  36  potential(潜力). Here goes her story.
At the end of our training   37  the district track meet, this discus thrower, Lucy, asked me if she   38  come to the school on Sunday for a little   39  training. I agreed. The year before, she had placed second at the district meet and   40  missed going to the state meet. She had won every discus event,   41  that district meet! And, her throws in the competitions had   42  been between 106’1” and 110’10”.
Something began to   43  me. Why couldn't Lucy   44  to get the discus to 111 feet? I wondered if it was more a psychological barrier(心理的障碍)  45  a physical one. I decided to try something   46 . I made up my mind to   47  to Lucy.
On Sunday, after her drills, I said, “Why don’t you throw five or six good ones for me to  48 ?” She began to throw again, but   49  were farther than what she had already thrown. But, I didn’t tell Lucy. As I was measuring the   50  one, I pulled out some more tape (量尺) and yelled out to her, “ Come to see this! This one is  51 ! ” It wasn’t. Lucy, thinking that this was a personal best, jumped wildly into the air in  52  .
The next afternoon, at the district meet, Lucy   53  with a personal best throw of 114’10”! Just 24 hours after I had lied to her. However, this time she had   54  thrown the discus four feet further than she had ever thrown it before.
Sometimes we   55  our own barriers in our mind. So learn to take control of your mind.
21.A. little          B. great           C. no              D. limited
22.A. after           B. during          C. since           D. before
23.A. could           B. must           C. should         D. would
24.A. helpful        B. extra          C. real           D. regular
25.A. luckily         B. completely     C. narrowly        D. probably
26.A. except         B. including      C. despite        D. with
27.A sometimes       B. always         C. never          D. seldom
28.A. frighten       B. please         C. shock          D. bother
29.A. seem           B. pretend        C. need           D. ask
30.A. apart from     B. rather than    C. because of      D. according to
31.A. impossible     B. familiar       C. new             D. easy
32.A. lie            B. turn           C. reply          D. call
33.A. look           B. measure        C. match          D. take
34.A. many           B. all            C. some           D. none 
35.A. worst          B. closest        C. first          D. final
36.A. higher         B. farther        C. bigger         D. longer
37.A. excitement     B. anxiety        C. puzzlement     D. anger
38.A. disappeared    B. lost           C. won            D. arrived
39.A. actually        B. hardly         C. nearly          D. only
40.A. break          B. remove         C. take           D. set


Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right-and others are wrong. Many people believe that it’s their job to  36  others how their positions, statements, and points of view are   37  , and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow   38   it, or at least learn something. Wrong!

Think about it. Have you ever been   39   by someone and said to him, “Thank you so much for showing me that I’m wrong and you’re right.”? Or, has anyone you know ever   40   you when you corrected them, or made yourself “right” at their   41  ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us   42   to be corrected. We all want our positions to be   43   and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest    44   of the human heart. And those who learn to   45   are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the   46   of correcting others are often resented and   47  .

A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practise   48   others the joy of being right-      give them the glory.    49   correcting. When someone says, “I really feel it’s important to\:”, rather than jumping   50   and saying, “No, it’s more important to…:”, simply let it go and allow their statement to   51  . The people in your life will become less defensive and more   52  . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have 53. You’ll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing other people’s   54  , which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos (自我). Starting today, let others be “  55  ”, most of the time?

36.A.show      B.ask      C.prove   D.teach

37.A.unimportant   B.unbelievable       C.incorrect     D.imperfect

38.A.consider B.appreciate    C.understand   D.refuse

39.A.fooled    B.helped  C.taught  D.corrected

40.A.thanked  B.rewarded     C.cared   D.accepted

41.A.side B.price    C.expense       D.cost

42.A.like B.hate     C.prefer  D.afford

43.A.admired  B.received      C.realized       D.respected

44.A.shortcomings B.advantages   C.desires D.wishes

45.A.talk B.praise   C.help     D.listen

46.A.habit      B.form    C.position       D.purpose

47.A.punished B.avoided       C.left      D.scolded

48.A.letting    B.lending       C.allowing      D.owing

49.A.Stop       B.Continue     C.Practise       D.Try

50.A.out  B.up       C.in D.off

51.A.last B.go       C.work    D.stand

52.A.helpful   B.loving  C.careful D.popular

53.A.dreamed B.wanted C.asked   D.demanded

54.A.sufferings      B.worries       C.successs       D.happiness

55.A.happy     B.right    C.sorry    D.proud


   阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

I lived in Dallas, Texas nearly all my life with my mom, dad and older sister. We were       21     to respect others, value education, and get all that we could out of life. My parents always say, “    22     hard and the world is yours.” They are never without a     23   word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.

My parents always    24     me to go to college. However, when I     25    at 16 years old that I’d rather get married to a man than go to college, they    26     stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.     27    , they persuaded me. I graduated from high school and currently     28     the University of Oklahoma studying medicine. I want to make the     29     a better place to live in.

Every time I call home to tell them about a     30     I received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or     31     class it is that I’m working hardest for at the moment, they tell me how     32     of me they are. I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to when they get an “A” on a project and I feel incredibly     33     to have my parents.

Don’t get me wrong: We’ve had our share of     34    . I was the angry teenager and they were the awful     35     that wouldn’t let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced. But somehow, we    36   to work through those issues. They never    37   loving in me or believing in me.

I    38    everything I am to my parents. Without their constant love and        39    , I wouldn’t believe I can change the world. My parents taught me to always           40    for what I believe in. So I’m working toward something really great and can only hope I continue to make them proud.

21. A. brought                     B. introduced         C. raised                       D. produced

22. A. Educate                     B. Work                C. Train                       D. Practise

23. A. helpful               B. harmful             C. stressful                   D. meaningful

24. A. reminded            B. expected           C. supposed                  D. designed

25. A. hesitated             B. judged                     C. fixed                        D. decided

26. A. never                  B. ever                  C. seldom                     D. hardly

27. A. Carefully            B. Hopefully          C. Thankfully               D. Delightfully

28. A. serve                  B. attend               C. admit                       D. join

29. A. fortune               B. planet               C. universe                   D. world

30. A. grade                  B. problem            C. failure                      D. value

31. A. whenever            B. wherever           C. whichever                D. however

32. A. modest               B. proud               C. ashamed                   D. nervous

33. A. annoyed              B. praised              C. relaxed                     D. blessed

34. A. lessons                B. problems           C. moments                  D. experiences

35. A. teachers                     B. directors            C. couples                    D. parents

36. A. managed             B. attempted          C. succeeded                 D. conducted

37. A. concluded           B. began                C. prevented                 D. stopped

38. A. pay                    B. owe                  C. own                         D. spend

39. A. agreement           B. excitement         C. encouragement          D. statement

40. A. fight                   B. look                  C. defend                            D. protect



The art of giving gifts is to give something that others cannot buy for themselves.             

                                         ------A.A. Milne

I have spent most of my career as a traveling salesman. There’s 36    lonelier than having meals myself in a coffee shop. One year, my five-year-old daughter Jeanine gave me a  37  . It was a soft toy penguin with a hand –painted  38  saying “I love My Dad!”  Tears came into my eyes and immediately, I gave it a  39  place on my desk.

    Soon I had to leave on another business  40  . This time when I was  41  , I put the penguin in my suitcase. After that day, Jeanine always helped me pack with the penguin. Many years  42  by and that little penguin has traveled with me hundreds of thousands of miles all across America and over to Europe. We have also made many friends  43   the way.

      44  one afternoon after leaving my hotel, I discovered that the penguin was  45  . Frantically, I phoned the hotel. The clerk  46   , saying it hadn’t been reported. But half an hour later, he called back to say that my penguin had been found. It was late,  47   I drove several hours to get my little  48  , arriving near midnight.

   When I rushed to the hotel, I found that it was waiting at the front desk. In the lobby(大厅), some   49  business travelers looked at us, I think, with some  50  and envy(羡慕). Someone came out to shake my hand. One man told me that he had even volunteered to  51  it to me the very next day.

   Jeannie is in college now and I don’t travel  52  much anymore. The penguin spends most of its time  53   on my dresser??????????--- a reminder that  54   is the best traveling companion. All those years on the road, it was the one thing I never left home  55  .


B. anything

C. something

D. everything

A. surprise

B. gift

C. help 

D. something

A. picture

B. book

C. card

D. postcard

A. special 

B. lovely  

C. flat

D. big

A. occasion

B. trip

C. meeting

D. day

A. leaving

B. unpacking

C. packing

D. working

A. passed

B. went

C. flew

D. crossed

A. in

B. by 

C. at

D. along

A. Late

B. Early

C. On

D. With

A. broken

B. disappeared

C. gone

D. missed

A. worried

B. confused

C. wondered

D. laughed

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. for

A. friend

B. relative

C. pet

D. son

A. helpful

B. happy

C. tired

D. energetic



C. puzzle

D. problems

A. give

B. send

C. transport

D. provide

A. as

B. very

C. too

D. quite

A. playing

B. showing

C. standing

D. lying

A. toy

B. penguin

C. daughter

D. love

A. with  

B. without

C. after

D. for

