A. emotions B. concern C. interest D. views 查看更多



Another secret of animals’ survival is telepathy(心灵感应). This sense becomes atrophied(衰退) in man, but a(n)   1  thought-communication functions in animals. Elsa, the lioness, frequently    2    when George and I intended to visit her camp, even though it    3   180 miles from our home in Isiolo. On most     4    when we made our irregular visit she was waiting for us. By following the spoor(野兽的足迹),we     5    that she had sometimes walked 50 or 60 miles to meet us.

The same thing    6   when I took Elsa’s sisters to Nairobi to be flown to the Rotterdam zoo, Elsa’s zoo. Elsa stayed behind with George in Isiolo 180 miles     7    . He did not know when I was coming back, no person knew. But Elsa knew. On the morning of my     8    she sat down at the entrance and wouldn’t make any     9    until I arrived in the evening.

I have known this kind of thought-communication with the animal with whom I’ve lived. When Elsa died, I woke in the night, knowing what had happened, even though I was several miles away. The same thing     10    later with one of Pippa’s cubs.

I don’t     11    this sensitivity with my own kind. Feel far more in tune with what is going on when I am in the bush than when I am in London on Nairobi. We don’t know much yet about this telepathy from which gland(腺体) it comes, or how it    12   . But if men could awaken or    13    it in themselves, and then cooperate by trusting each other,    14     fearing and treating one another    15   , the world would be a far better place.

1.A. extremely  B. completely    C. thoroughly    D. definitely

2.A. sensed       B. aware   C. feels      D. concerns

3.A. lay      B. lies        C. located D. stood

4.A. case   B. conditions     C. occasions      D. situations

5.A. discussed   B. dismissed      C. discovered    D. distrusted

6.A. happened  B. broken out    C. replaced        D. took over

7.A. far      B. farther  C. away     D. far from

8.A. turn   B. return   C. reality   D. reappear

9.A. emotions   B. feelings          C. exchanges     D. movement

10.A.burst forth         B. burst     C. appeared      D. occurred

11.A. command         B. confirm          C. possess D. prohibit

12.A. starts        B. comprehends        C. manufactures        D. works

13.A. create      B. plant     C. cultivate        D. produce

14.A. rather than       B. other than     C. would rather          D. or rather

15.A.suspiciously       B. suspecting     C. prosperously         D. doubtfully



第二节   完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Teaching second grade is always a challenge. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year a student called Billy   36   me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his   37   emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that, to make   38   progress, his emotions needed controlling. 
One   39   I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. Billy’s mom would   40   me to alert (警告) me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then, I would focus on   41   his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived.
One week our class was studying   42  . I thought one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day.
That day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes   43   I was told that Billy had a   44   morning at home and I might need to get him   45  . As I was talking to his mom, Billy   46   into the classroom. To Billy’s   47  , Rocky immediately ran up to his new   48  , wagging his tail and licking Billy’s face with doggy affection. Billy couldn’t   49   Rocky’s charm (魅力) and began laughing as his anger melted away.
Throughout the day, Billy never left Rocky’s side, feeding him, being gentle with him and even   50   the other students while Rocky was sleeping.
Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid   51  , but on this day he found a good dog story, “Clifford’s Puppy Days,” and read it to Rocky. How   52   I was at the sight of Billy reading happily!My little dog was able to   53   Billy’s day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter, gentleness and   54  .
That day Rocky more than helped me with my   55  ; he helped to change the life of a child! After that Billy’s behavior definitely improved.
36. A. challenged     B. cheated C. benefited    D. betrayed  
37. A. unforgettable    B. uncontrollable    C. unconscious       D. unfortunate   
38. A. physical         B. mental      C. academic         D. authentic 
39. A. advantage      B. agenda      C. reason             D. way
40. A. awake        B. call          C. visit             D. sign
41. A. tolerating       B. observing     C. relieving          D. ignoring
42. A. emotions       B. pets          C. botany          D. diet   
43. A. after      B. as          C. when             D. before
44. A. boring    B. fantastic       C. busy               D. rough
45. A. settled    B. punished      C. treated              D. excited
46. A. fled            B. stormed       C. jogged              D. floated
47. A. surprise         B. delight     C. shame         D. fear
48. A. protector       B. trainer       C. friend         D. owner
49. A. resist          B. describe       C. reduce         D. forget
50. A. educating    B. envying   C. comforting     D. quieting
51. A. exploding      B. reading C. arguing            D. apologizing
52. A. surprised       B. disappointed C. amused         D. confused
53. A. urge          B. shorten        C. transform          D. expand
54. A. admiration   B. curiosity  C. anxiety           D. love
55. A. family       B. teaching        C. housework         D. performance


Anyway,I can't cheat him-it's against all my________.

 A. emotions  B. principles      C. regulations     D. opinions



I break off a piece of candy and take pleasure in its sweet outside and the bitter, dark chocolate inside, thinking of my own life. Being raised by a single parent was a bitter-sweet 36 , which gave me motivation and ambition.

There were several years that have left a(n)  37   bitter taste in my mouth —those when my mother married a man and moved my sister, Emily, and me several states away from our hometown. The first few months were  38  : baseball games, family trips to the mall, dinners and movies together. Then things changed. Baseball became too expensive, and trips to the mall were  39  by days Emily and I spent isolated (孤立的) in our rooms under our stepfather’s    40   . Moreover, screaming matches between him and our mother always  41  dinner. We spent five years living in a family that had  42  a war zone. Emily and I almost grew used to this situation . Then one evening, after another argument had erupted , we left home. I was 14, my sister 11, and we were  43  .A friend of my mother let us stay with her.

Instead of focusing on our economic instability, my mother selflessly pushed me to struggle for success. She wanted me to lead a more  44  life than hers. She worked long hours every night to pay her bills.  45   , she would find time to read and play with Emily and me. Mom taught me the  46  of perseverance (坚持不懈) and education. We finally settled in Texas. And now, writing this essay with my favorite candy close at hand, I realize my family and I are at the best points of our lives. I haven’t let the trying times stop me from making  47   , both academically and personally. I know that a bitter environment can provide good learning experiences, and that success, even more than candy, is the sweetest treat of all.

1.A. behavior                B. habit                    C. activity                  D. experience

2.A. hardly                        B. extremely      C. potentially           D. Gently

3.A. sweet                    B. bitter                     C. boring                  D. terrible

4.A. concerned           B. associated    C. accompanied       D. replaced

5.A. sympathy              B. reminder    C. orders                  D. requests

6.A. separated             B. interrupted           C. harmed                 D. Adjusted

7.A. turned into           B. turned up     C. turned down        D. turned on

8.A. homeless             B. lucky                      C. educated              D. wealthy

9.A. interesting      B. comfortable    C. simple                  D. typical

10.A. Instead              B. Otherwise      C. Meanwhile          D. Therefore

11.A. value                 B. cost                C. price                               D. theme

12.A. emotions                    B. expectations           C. fortunes                        D. achievements



As a doctor , it’s against my ______ to accept gifts from patients.

A. emotions     B. principles       C. regulations      D. opinions


