[答案]calm改为calmly [试题解析]此句remain为系动词.后接形容词作表语构成系表结构. 查看更多




1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”  (改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.  (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the street yesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)





1. He loves his parents deeply. Both of his parents are very kind to him.  (合并成一个句子)

He loves his parents deeply, _____ _____ _____ are very kind to him.

2. You will be better soon if you take the medicine once  _______ ________ ________. (每六小时)

3. I have almost _______ _______ _______ my money. (用完)

4. Asia is four times as big as Europe.  (改为同义句)

Asia is three times _____ _____ Europe.

5. What he said at the conference _____ _____. (听上去有趣)

6. Our car _____ _____ and we had to draw it to a garage. (故障)

7. At the moment, she still ________ _________ every word she said. (信守)

8. The article is worthy of being studied. (改为同义句)

The article is _____ _____.

9. Taking exercise benefits us a lot.  (改为同义句)

We _____ a lot _____ taking exercise.

10. The girl will lead the way, so we are sure to find the cave. (改为同义句)

_____ the girl _____ _____ the way, we are sure to find the cave.




1. A: He said, “She left 10 minutes ago.”  (改为间接引语)

B: He said that she ________ _________ 10 minutes _________..

2. Tom is such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.  (改为同义句)

Tom is so _____ ______ _______ that he never tells a lie.

3. I felt that it was time for me to _________ __________. (采取行动)

4. Why not bring your little brother with you? (改为同义句)

Why _______ ________ bring your brother with you?

5. We must think of ways to ______ wild animals _______ being killed. (阻止)

6. A railway is being built by the workers. (变为主动语态).

The workers ______ _______ a railway.

7. I met Kate in the street yesterday. (强调划线部分)

It was _______ _______ I met Kate in the street.

8. He is seldom late for school. (改为同义句)

Seldom_______ ________ late for school.

9. _____ ______ these interruptions, the meeting would have finished half an hour ago. (要不是)

10. When did the Roman Empire ______ _______ ________? (形成)





1. It’s no use _______ _______ him over the matter. (和……争论)

2. Our class is made up of 55 students. (改为同义句)

Our class _______ ________ 55 students.

3. He t_______ _______ _______ _______ his friends when he became famous. (不理睬……)

4. A new hospital will be built by the local government. (改为主动语态)

The local government ______ ______ a new hospital.

5. He made much progress ______ ______ ______ ______ his hard work. (由于……的结果)

6. I took a note of ten suggestions he gave us. Not all of the suggestions were of value.  (合并成一个句子)

I took a note of ten suggestions he gave us, not all ______ _____ were of value.

7. Do you know who is ______ ______ for the broken glasses? (该受到责备)

8. It is easy to answer this question. (改为同义句)

This question is easy _____ _____.

9. You can go out as ______ ______ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.  (只要)

10. As I didn’t know how to deal with the problem, I turned to my parents for help. (改为同义句)

______ ______ how to deal with the problem, I turned to my parents for help.



1. I would like you to change this blouse. If you don't, give me my money back. (改为同义句)
    I would like you to change this blouse ______ ______ return me the money.
2. It began to snow, and what was worse, we didn't know where to go in the forest. (改为同义句)
    It started to snow, and ______ ______, we lost our way completely in the forest.
3. My car broke down. I must ______ it ______ today. (修理)
4. She had no sooner entered the classroom, the class began. (改为同义句)
    No sooner ______ she ______ the classroom, the class began.
5. ______ ______ (时间许可的话), we'll go swimming.
6. Her mother busied herself in getting dinner ready. (改为同义句)
    Her mother was ______ ______ dinner.
7. There used to be a church here, ______ ______? (构成反意疑问句)
8. He ______ ______ ______ TV before I found him. (一直在看电视)
9. Since everybody is here, let's have the meeting. (改为同义句)
    ______ ______ every one is here, let's have the meeting.
10. All the people in the world can live ______ _______. (和睦相处)

