Mum, what are you cooking? It so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 查看更多



Mother: Lily, where are you?
Lily: I'm in my    1    , Mum.
Mother:    2     are you doing there?
Lily: I'm    3     my lessons.
Mother: Could you    4    and help    5    ?
Lily: Certainly.   6    here Mum. What are you    7    ?
Mother: I'm making some    8    .
Lily: Oh,cakes. How nice! I    9    them very much.
Mother: Lily, look at your things. Put them away. You must look after your things.
Lily: Put them away?   10   ?
Mother: In your box, OK?
(     )1. A. classroom
(     )2. A. What      
(     )3. A. reading  
(     )4. A. go        
(     )5. A. you      
(     )6. A. You're  
(     )7. A. doing    
(     )8. A. food      
(     )9. A. want      
(     )10. A. Where    
B. bedroom
B. Who    
B. making  
B. like    
B. her    
B. I'm  
B. writing
B. fee    
B. eat    
B. What    
C. school  
C. Where    
C. doing    
C. read    
C. me       
C. She is
C. wearing  
C. cakes    
C. know    
C. Who      
D. shop      
D. How        
D. seeing    
D. come      
D. them       
D. It's    
D. thinking  
D. clothes    
D. like      
D. Whose      


----Mum, what are you cooking? It smells so _______.

----Oh, cheese cake, of course!I know you enjoy _______ it.

A. good; eat                           B. well; eating       

C. well; to eat                         D. good; eating


— _______? —She is thirteen.

  A. How are you  B. What are you   C. How old is Lily   D. How old is Nick




--I'm a worker.

A.Who are you?                       B.What are you?

C.What do you do?                    D.Both B and C


A: Summer holidays will begin next month. Are you going back to your hometown?

B: No,   51 .

A: What are you going to do?

B: Mum will take me to Beijing.    52  

A: She will be very happy to see you.

B: Yes, we haven’t seen each other for several years.

A:   53  

B: She is an English teacher. She is teaching in Beijing now. but last year she taught in Hong Kong.

A:   54 

B: Yes, she has. She likes traveling. So, she always moves to different places to work.

A: Is she going to work in Dalian?

B: Yes.    55 

A: That’s great.

A.Next year she is going to teach in our school.

B.We’ll meet my aunt there.

C.What does your aunt do?

D.I went back last summer holiday.

E.I don’t go there.

F.Is your aunt going to another place?

G.She has been to many places, hasn’t he?


