(2014年福州市高三适应性练习)35. -How did your interview yesterday go? - !The questions were a bit difficult, but I answered them all. A. Just so-so B. Terrible C. Couldn’t be better D. Hard to say [考点]考察交际英语 [答案]C [解析]A一般般啦!B太糟糕了,C再好不过了,D很难说,句义:-昨天你的面试情况怎么样?-再好不过了.问题有点难.但是我都回答出来了.根据I answered them all可知我全部回答出来了.说明面试进行得很好.故C项正确.C项中使用了否定词和比较级连用表示最高级.故C正确. [举一反三]-Did you enjoy yourself at the party? -Yes, I’ve never been to one before. A.a more excited B.the most excited C.a more exciting D.the most exciting [答案]C [考点]考查形容词的比较级. [解析]比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义.句意为:我以前从未参加过比这个更激动人心的晚会. 查看更多










1. 和他们多交流,使自己保持良好状态

2. 创造条件,给自己提供实时帮助






Dear Mom and Dad,

   The annual college entrance examination is around the corner. On this special occasion, how I wish I could

have a heart-to-heart talk with you.                                                             














Yours ever

Li Hua





感 恩



1. 多加交流,使自己保持良好状态

2. 创造条件,给自己提供适时帮助




1. 写作时注意格式;

2. 词数不少于120;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇: 高考 college entrance examination

Dear Mom and Dad,

Traditional Chinese Spring Festival is around the corner. On this special occasion, how I wish I could have a heart­to­heart talk with you.
















1. 和他们多交流,使自己保持良好状态

2. 创造条件,给自己提供实时帮助




1. 短文须包括以上所有内容要点。

2. 词数100左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mom and Dad,

   The annual college entrance examination is around the corner. On this special occasion, how I wish I could

have a heart-to-heart talk with you.                                                            














                                                                         Yours ever

                                                                            Li Hua



Dieters are often advised to stop drinking alcohol to avoid the extra calories lurking in a glass of wine or a favorite cocktail. But new research suggests that women who regularly consume moderate amounts of alcohol are less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers and are at lower risk for obesity (fatness).

The findings, reported this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, are based on a study of 19,220 United States women aged 30 to 40 who fall into the “normal weight” based on their body mass index. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston tracked the women’s drinking habits over 13 years. About 60 percent of the women were light or regular drinkers, while about 40 percent reported drinking no alcohol.

Over the course of the study, 41 percent of the women became overweight. Although alcohol is packed with calories, the nondrinkers in the study actually gained more weight over time: nine pounds, on average, compared with an average gain of about three pounds among regular moderate drinkers. The risk of becoming overweight was almost 30 percent lower for women who consumed one or two alcohol drinks a day, compared with nondrinkers.

The findings are certain to be confusing for women who continue to receive conflicting messages about the health benefits and risks of alcohol. Although moderate drinking is associated with better heart health, regular drinking also increases breast cancer risk.

The trend toward less weight gain among drinkers doesn’t appear to hold true for men. A 2003 study of British men showed that regular drinkers gained more weight than nondrinkers. Studies suggest that drinking alcohol has different effects on eating habits among men and women. Men typically add alcohol to their daily caloric intake, whereas women are more likely to substitute(替代)alcohol for food. In addition, there may be differences in how men and women metabolize(代谢)alcohol. Metabolic studies show that after men drink alcohol, they experience little if any metabolic change. But alcohol appears to slightly speed up a woman’s metabolism.

The findings don’t mean women should rush to drink alcohol to lose weight. Other research shows that once a person is already overweight, her alcohol metabolism is more efficient, and so an overweight woman may gain more weight from alcohol than a lean woman. The data do, however, suggest that for many women facing weight problems, the extra calories are probably not coming from alcoholic drinks.

41. According to the study, which of the following regular drinker is less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers?


     A                 B                 C                  D

42. That men regular drinkers gained more weight than women regular drinkers is due to the following except ______.

 A. Women are more likely to substitute alcohol for food.

 B. Men drink alcohol much faster than women.

C. Men and women metabolize alcohol differently.

D. Men have different effects on eating habits with women.

  43. The underlined word whereas may probably mean _______.

A. so that   B. in order that    C. but       D. and then

  44. What do the findings really mean in this passage?

A. Women should try to drink alcohol to lose weight.

B. To advise to stop drinking alcohol to avoid the extra calories

C. The extra calories may not come from alcoholic drinks for many women..

D. There may be differences in how men and women metabolize.

45. What can a dieter probably do before reading this passage?

  A. Rush to drink alcohol to lose weight B. Add alcohol to his or her daily caloric intake.

  C. Face the weight problems alone.    D. Try to stop drinking any alcohol or wine.



A British girl on holiday in Florida has been killed by a car on one of the most famous beaches in the world. Ellie Bland, aged four and from Nottingham, was walking down to the water’s edge in Daytona Beach, a Florida resort known for the Daytona 500 motor race. The town is one of the few in America that allows cars to drive on the beach.

John, her great-uncle, said he had been holding Ellie’s hand as they waited to cross the car lane on the beach on Saturday but she took a step ahead of him. A passing Lincoln Town Car driven by Barbara Worley, 66, clipped the girl and knocked her over. As bystanders shouted, the driver apparently hit the accelerator(加速器) instead of the brake and ran the child over.

“The child was walking hand-in-hand in front of her uncle when the child stepped out in front of the car and was struck,” a Florida Highway Patrol spokeswoman said. “Bystanders yelled for the driver to stop as the child lay in front, but for an unknown reason the driver panicked(恐慌) and ran over the child.”

After the accident, it was said that Ms Worley sat “dazed” in her car as police shrouded the child’s body with beach umbrellas. A reporter from WESH local television asked Ms Worley for comment. “I really don’t want to be interviewed,” she replied. Off camera, however, she said she was so sorry for what happened.

Ellie was on her sixth trip to Florida, and was traveling with her five-year-old sister, her great-uncle and aunt and family friends. Her parents had stayed in Britain and were told of her death by telephone. It is understood that they were flying to Florida last night. Ellie’s great-aunt said the girl had suffered from various medical problems, including a heart murmur and a digestive tract disorder. “She was a quiet little girl,” she told the Daytona Beach News Journal. “She’d play in activities at nursery, but she’d rather go off and read a book. It’s unreal,” she added. “It just took her. I can’t believe it.”

A two-year-old boy was killed on a nearby beach 22 years ago when he ran out from between parked cars and was hit by a van. The last car-related death on the area’s beaches happened in 1996 when a 57-year-old woman was hit by a drunk driver traveling at 40mph.

 46.How many people killed on the area’s beaches were mentioned in this report?

      A. One.      B. Two.       C. Three.        D. Four.

 47. What was the right order when the accident happened to the little girl?

   ①  Some bystanders shouted to get the driver to stop.

②  The girl took a step ahead of her uncle.

③  The girl was run over by the car

④       The girl was struck, lying on the ground.

  A. ①②③④    B. ④③②①    C. ②③④①   D. ②④①③

 48. It refers that the reporter’s attitude towards driving on beaches is ____.

   A. positive    B. negative    C. suspicious   D. sympathetic

 49. The underlined word “dazed” can be probably translated into Chinese as_____.

   A. 痛哭流滴    B. 目瞪口呆    C. 后悔不已      D. 哑口无言

50. Which of the following is not exactly known to us after reading the report?

   A. The health condition of the girl.     B. Whom she was traveling with.

   C. When and how her parents got the news of her death.

   D. Where Ms Worley was asked for comment by a reporter from local television.


