It is necessary for you off your computer when you do not use it. 查看更多




  We all have our wish lists, whether it is for the holiday season, a birthday or a get-together.The fact is we are all human and we all desire nice things and fun things.One thing that should not be missed is putting Cuponk on your wish list so that you can have years of fun and entertainment.

  For adults, they can start playing with their kids, spending quality time together, something necessary for close family ties, Adults can also enjoy Cuponk with their own friends, turning a dinner party into something memorable.The game is made for everyone, regardless of age or gender.

  It comes with a special cup with a backboard funnel(漏斗), special balls and trick cards.There are different styles of cups to choose from, just to make it even more personal an experience.The players must pick a trick card when it is their turn and then perform the trick successfully.The trick always involves getting the ball into the cup, which will light up and make some crazy sounds afterward.

  The rules allow for everything in the home to be allowable.That means that you can bank the ball off the wall, use the stairs, the ceiling, or what you have, It is all legal.What makes it even more special than most others is the fact that all ages can play at once.So, a family with different age groups can enjoy a few games together, without and real concern for damages, as the balls are quite light.It’s kind of like beer pong rules, but without the beer.

  In a time with economic instabilitym, where consumers have felt the squeeze and have chosen to stay at home to save a few dollars, it is a great way to do that without being bored.Playing games with friends or family members is a good way to laugh and pass the time pleasantly, rather than just siting in fromt of a television or a computer wasting precious time.


Cuponk can be put on the wish list because ________.

[  ]


it is for the holiday season


it can help us pass time


it is better than a dinner party


it brings us pleasure


The underlined pronoun“it” in the third paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]


the cup


the game


the rule


the ball


According to the text, the following can be used in the game except ________.

[  ]


the wall


trick cards


the stairs


the beer


The author recommends that ________.

[  ]


consumers stay at home to live through economic problems


people not spend time in front of a television or a computer


people should be careful on account of the heavy balls


people play Cuponk with their family members of friends


According to the text, Cuponk ________.

[  ]


is a special ball


is intended for children


is usually played


has specific rules




Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle

Melatonin(褪黑激素) is a naturally occurring hormone(激素) that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is controlled by light exposure. Your brain should produce more in the evening, when it's dark, to make you sleepy, and less during the day when it's light and you want to stay awake. However, many aspects of modern life can disturb your body's natural production of melatonin and your sleep-wake cycle.

Spending long days in an office away from natural light, for example, can impact your daytime wakefulness and make your brain sleepy. Then bright lights at night—especially from hours spent in front of the TV or computer screen—can hold back your body's production of melatonin and make it harder to sleep, However, there are ways for you to naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle, improve your body's production of melatonin, and keep your brain on a

healthy schedule.

              Increase light exposure during the day

☆Remove your sunglasses in the morning and let light onto your face.

☆Spend more time outside during daylight. Try to take your work breaks outside in sun light, exercise outside, or walk your dog during the day instead of at night.

☆Let as much light into your home/workspace as possible. Keep curtains and blinds open during the day, move your desk closer to the window.

☆If necessary, use a light treatment box. A light treatment box can create sunshine and can  be especially useful during short winter days when there's limited daylight.

            Improve melatonin production at night

☆Turn off your television and computer. Many people use the television to fall asleep or relax at the end of the day. Not only does the light hold back melatonin production, but television can actually excite the mind, rather than relaxing it. Try listening to music or audio books, or practicing relaxation exercises. If your favorite TV show is on late at night, record it for viewing earlier in the day.

☆Don't read from a backlit device at night (such as an iPad). If you use a portable electronic device to read, use an eReader that is not backlit, i. e. one that requires an additional light source such as a bedside lamp.

☆Change your light bulbs. Avoid bright lights before bed, use low-wattage bulbs instead.

☆When it's time to sleep, make sure the room is dark. The darker it is, the better you'll sleep. Cover electrical displays, use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try an eye mask to cover your eyes.

☆ Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night. As long as it's safe to do so, keep the light to a minimum so it will be easier to go back to sleep.

       Title : Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle

Passage outline

Supporting details

Deciding factor

☆ Melatonin, a hormone that (76)__________ naturally, helps regulate 

your sleep-wake cycle.

☆ (77) __________ melatonin in the evening makes you sleepy, while

less melatonin during the day makes you (78) __________.


(79) __________

☆ Long days in an office away from (80) __________ light

☆ Long hours in front of the TV or computer screen 

(81) __________ to

increasing light


☆ (82) __________ off your sunglasses in the morning

☆ Spend more time outside during daylight

☆ Keep curtains open and sit close to the window

☆ Use a light treatment box especially in (83) __________

Methods   of




☆ Listen to music (84) __________ of watching TV

☆ (85)__________ reading from a backlit device  

☆ Use low-wattage bulbs

☆ Use heavy curtains to make the room dark  

☆ Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom 


