I have been working for a newspaper since I g from college. 查看更多



When most people think of giant pandas, the pictures of the cute, black-and-white bears from China that eat bamboo will immediately jump into their mind. Scientists from Mississippi State University, however, are interested in what they leave behind: their poop(排泄物). At a recent meeting in Denver, Professor Brown at the university presented her research showing how panda poop could inspire a new way to obtain energy from plants, which are a renewable energy source. Usually, plants can be called biomass(有机燃料) when they are used as an energy source.
Burning biomass is one way to capture its energy, but Brown hopes panda poop can teach scientists something about breaking down biomass. Pandas—or at least the bacteria in their stomachs—are very good at getting energy out of bamboo. Unlike cows, which use 4 stomachs to digest large amounts of grass, a panda has only one stomach. Bamboo comes in, and poop goes out.
Every day for 14 months, Brown and her team on this project, counted the bacteria in the poop of the two pandas, YaYa and LeLe living at the Memphis Zoo. Her studies turned up 12 species of bacteria that break down biomass, including one that had never been found in pandas. Brown says that because the poop contains bacteria that break down biomass, it could also be used to break down other types of biomass.
Now the scientists hope to identify the chemicals that help with the process of breaking down biomass and then figure out how the bacteria work. If those chemicals can be made in the lab, they could be used to turn biomass—like grass or other plants—into fuel.
Brown says she doesn’t mind handling panda poop. “It’s probably the most pleasant material to work with,” she says, “My colleagues and I have been working with other poop for a long time, and we can assure you it has a fairly pleasant smell associated with it.”
【小题1】The importance of studying panda poop is _______.

A.to create a renewable energy from plants
B.to explore a new way to get energy from plants
C.to learn a lesson of energy from panda poop
D.to figure out how the bacteria work for us mankind
【小题2】The process of the panda poop project can be described as ______.
a. Identify the chemicals helpful to break down biomass.
b. Find the bacteria in panda poop which break down bamboo.
c. Reproduce the chemicals in the lab to turn biomass into energy.
d. Analyze how the bacteria in panda poop work in panda’s stomach.
A. a, b, d, c          B. a, d, c, b          C. b, a, d, c          D. b, d, a, c
【小题3】What does the author mainly want to express in the 2nd paragraph?
A.Pandas don’t digest bamboo the same way as cows.
B.Pandas are capable of getting energy using stomachs.
C.Pandas can get energy from bamboo more efficiently.
D.Scientists have learnt something new from panda poop.
【小题4】What does Professor Brown think of working with panda poop?


I have been working here since I _______ this new position.


B.have offered

C.was offered

D.had been offered



This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!

  Posted by Dp, Ohio

I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!

Posted by MK, Missouri

I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start going to bed on time. It’s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it – I feel so much better!

Posted by SP, Georgia

Last year, I didn’t make the soccer team at school. I didn’t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts(选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!

Posted by JS, New York

I’m deaf, so I’ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can’t hear the ball bounce(弹起) or listen to the guys call plays, but I’ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we’ve been unstoppable!

The kids mentioned in the text came here _________.

   A. to make new friends

   B. to learn to tell stories

   C. to talk about their efforts to keep fit

   D. to share weight-losing experiences

The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that ________.

A. he was admitted to the school soccer team

B. he scored a goal in an important soccer match

C. his soccer skills have improved a lot this year

D. he helped the school soccer team win an important match

Who taught other kids sign language?

A.  DP, Ohio     B.  JS, New York 

C.  SP, Georgia   D.  MK, Missouri

The underlined part “a drag” in the text probably refers to something that is ____.

A.  satisfying     B.  rewarding      C.  puzzling      D.  annoying




A:Now,Mr John.I’ve read your own docter’s report.So you haven’t been feeling well lately.56

B:Yes.It’s my leg,docter.My left leg.I’m suffering from frequent strange pain in it.


B:It’s like boiling water running down my leg.It’s been getting worse lately too.I’v been losing sleep.


B:Yes,that’s right.It’s been keeping me awake.

A:Have you been getting tired lately after you have a walk?

B:Why?Yes,Yes,I have,docter.


B:Do you think it’s serious?

A:Probably not.

B:But…Docter Cook,my local docter think it’s only that I have been working too hard lately.

A: 60  Don’t worry.We’ ll find out soon.

  1. What can I do for you?
  2. Could you tell me what the pain is like?
  3. I think we’d better give a few tests here in hospital.
  4. You mean the pain’ s been keeping you awake?
  5. It’s nothing serious.
  6. Is that right?
  7. That could be the reason.




 This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!

  Posted by Dp, Ohio

I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!

Posted by MK, Missouri

I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start going to bed on time. It’s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it – I feel so much better!

Posted by SP, Georgia

Last year, I didn’t make the soccer team at school. I didn’t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts(选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!

Posted by JS, New York

I’m deaf, so I’ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can’t hear the ball bounce(弹起) or listen to the guys call plays, but I’ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we’ve been unstoppable!

1. The kids mentioned in the text came here _________.

   A. to make new friends

   B. to learn to tell stories

   C. to talk about their efforts to keep fit

   D. to share weight-losing experiences

2. The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that ________.

A. he was admitted to the school soccer team

B. he scored a goal in an important soccer match

C. his soccer skills have improved a lot this year

D. he helped the school soccer team win an important match

3.Who taught other kids sign language?

A.  DP, Ohio     B.  JS, New York 

C.  SP, Georgia   D.  MK, Missouri

4. The underlined part “a drag” in the text probably refers to something that is ____.

A.  satisfying     B.  rewarding      C.  puzzling      D.  annoying


