I think Mrs. Stark could be between 50 and 60 years of age. A. anywhere B. anybody C. anyhow D. anything 查看更多



  All of my childhood and early, adult life, my mom weighed over 220 pounds (one pound = 0.454 kilograms). I could feel the pain that my mom experienced with her fatness.

    I was never uncomfortable about my mother, but I think she was uncomfortable about herself, and that feeling was painful for all of us. And she began to lose weight.

     After more than twenty years of battling obesity(肥胖), my mother completed a forceful eighteen-month diet that left her ninety pounds lighter than before. A new woman was born! At age twenty-eight, I got a new mom! For the first time, I met the woman my mother truly was, the beautiful little lady under the fatness. It wasn’t so much her new body that was the surprise, but rather her new spirit.

    To celebrate her new size and to devote herself to dancing again, my mother joined a “Mrs. Forty-Plus” competition, where she would have to model, give a speech and provide a dance performance. She told our family that she did not care if she won — she simply had always wanted to perform on stage.

    She told each one of us, “I’m not doing it to win; I’m doing it to dance!”

    The competition was exciting! I prayed(祈祷) that my mom would win, but while watching her on stage I was simply overjoyed just by her effort. To me, she had already won. She posed to perfection, her speech brought tears to everyones eyes, and her performance was wonderful.

    That night, at age fifty-three, my mother was crowned (为......加冕) “Mrs. Forty-Plus”. She was the first person in our family to ever win such a title.

The first two paragraphs mainly show that the author’s mom was __________.

   A. experienced      B. painful      C. comfortable        D. fat

After the author’s mom completed a forceful eighteen-month diet, she was about ______.

      A. 85 kilograms           B. 41 kilograms   

       C. 130 pounds         D. 90 pounds

In order to join in the “Mrs. Forty-Plus” Competition, the author’s mom has to do the following EXCEPT __________.

      A. providing a dance performance         

       B. telling a funny story about herself

       C. giving a speech to a large number of people

      D. wearing special clothes to show to people

The underlined part in Paragraph 6 means that __________.

       A. the author’s mom succeeded in modeling and speaking

       B. the author’s mom’s performance was very wonderful

       C. the author’s mom was not successful in modeling

       D. the author’s mom succeeded in making a speech


“So, Mr. Banks, you’re going on holiday with your family to Bournemouth,” said the police officer. “You left Brandford early this morning and came down the motorway. Then you left the motorway near Tewkesbury and stopped to buy a paper at a little place called Stanway. It was 11 o’clock. Then you stopped about fifteen minutes later here, in Stow, and went into the back of your Somna—Mobile (家庭旅游车), but your wife wasn’t there.”
“That’s right, officer.”
“Perhaps she got off at Stanway,” the policeman said.
“We didn’t hear mum,” Vicki said, “I think …”
“I want my mum,” Eddie said. He began to cry.
“We’ll find her, sonny(宝贝)” the policeman said kindly.
※                ※                  ※             ※
“So, Mrs. Banks,” the man said, “Your husband stopped here, in Stanway, about fifteen minutes ago and you went into the supermarket to get some coffee. Your husband didn’t know you weren’t in the back of the Somna and …”
“Perhaps he knew she wasn’t there,” the woman said.
“Quiet, Matilde. He didn’t know and must have driven away. Then we stopped and our Somna is exactly the same as yours. So you got in and made coffee.”
“I’ve lost my husband and my children,” Fay said.
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Banks,” the man said kindly. “We’ll find them. I suppose they are traveling south”.
67. How many people took park in the conversations?
A. Eight  B. Seven C. Six     D. Five
68. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Matilde lost her husband and children.
B. Mr. Banks dropped his wife halfway to Brandford.
C. Mr. Banks lost his wife halfway to Bournemouth and he went to the police for help.
D. The police officer knew where Mrs. Banks was.
69. Fay was now        .
A. in Matilde and her husband’s Somna          B. at the supermarket
C. in the police station   D. in a bar
70. What mistake did Fay make to cause the trouble?
A. She went to the supermarket during the trip.
B. She got in another Somna without telling her husband.
C. She got in a wrong Somna.
D. She shouldn’t have bought the coffee.







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Dear Mrs. Winthorp,

So my first week at college is over! No lectures this morning so I think I’d email you and let you know what things are going.

I’m glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them so they we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.

Well, I had better to stop now. I’m going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon, for I’ve got some preparation to make, Keep in touch.




Swedish master medical photographer Lennart Nilsson is a pioneer in medical photography.In association with researchers and with the help of advanced, specially designed equipment, he has documented the inside of man down to the level of a cell with his camera.

Born in Str??ngn??s, a satellite city of Stockholm, in 1922, Nilsson got his first camera from his father when he was 11 years old.From the early stage, he has been interested in looking at ants and taking photos of them.Throughout the years, he has devoted special attention to capturing the creation of a human being, from conception to birth.

In 2006 when his photo book Life was published in both Swedish and English, he was invited to give a lecture at the Stockholm bookstore.He vividly described to the public how he took the photos so that the development process of the embryo can be understood better.Finally when he was signing his name in the book, I asked him what made him so passionate about working on this, he stopped writing and thought for a second, “I think it is the respect for life,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began his career as a photographic journalist in the middle of the 1940s and published a number of photo-essays in Swedish and foreign magazines, including "Polar Bear Hunting in Spitzbergen" (1947) and Midwife.

 “When I went to the professor to take the embryo photo, I was looking around and then I saw something which was unbelievable, it was a tiny human embryo lies in a very special place, a 10-20 millimeter embryo with hands, arms and eyes, and I got a shock,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began experimenting with new photographic techniques in the mid-1950s to report on the world of ants and life in the sea.His revealing macro-studies were published in his book on ants, Myror (1959), and in the Life in the Sea (1959), and in Close to Nature (1984).In the 1960s special designed, very slim endoscopes (内窥镜))made it possible for him to photograph the blood vessels and the cavities (空洞) of the body with the necessary depth of field and, in 1970, he used a scanning electron microscope for the first time, he was also considered the pioneer for three dimension digital pictures of the body organs.

After his photographs of human embryo were published, he was encouraged to continue photographing the origins of human being.

Nilsson is very modest and sincere.At age of nearly 88, he is still cooperating with colleagues in Karolinska Institute where the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is selected every year.

“He can forget all the other things when he is working and he is still working diligently,” Mrs Nilsson told People’s Daily Online.

Why does Nilsson want to document the creation of a human being?

       A.Because he is a pioneer in medical photography.         

       B.Because he has been interested in taking photos.

      C.Because he thinks it a way to show respect for life.

      D.Because he wished to win a Nobel Prize.

What can we learn from the passage?

      A.Nilsson was the only expert in medical photography.

      B.Nilsson’s camera is specially designed.

      C.Nilsson’s photo book Life is better received than his other books.

      D.Nilsson has always been working alone.

How many books written by Nilsson are mentioned in this passage?

      A.3.   B.4.      C.5.      D.6.

Which of the following word can Not be used to describe Nilsson?

      A.Passionate.       B.Devoted.   C.Forgetful. D.Dillgent.

What can be the title for the passage?

       A.Nilsson, a pioneer medical photographer.     

       B.Nilsson, a pioneer medical publisher

       C.Nilsson, a person of rich experience

       D.Nilsson, a talented photographer


注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
Dear Mrs. Winthorp,
So my first week at college is over! No lectures this morning, so I think I’d email you and let you know what things are going.
I’m glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friends with them so we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.
Well, I had better to stop now. I’m going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon, for I’ve got some preparations to make. Keep in touch.

