选A.短文的第2段第1句Waste can bring a lot of problems就告诉了我们答案.故选A. 查看更多




A.How it used to be.

B.Connecting worlds.

C.We couldn't live without it.

D.The Internet makes the world smaller and smaller.

E.Information at the click(点击)of a mouse.

1.The Internet connects(连接)us to a world of information that we have never had before.We can share information with people around the world and have a much wider view of everything that touches(触及)our lives.

2.Before the Internet, the best place to find information was in the local library.This limited(限制)the information we could get and took a lot of time out of our day.

3.Today we can do a simple search on the Internet and get thousands of pages of information on the subject we want, all at the push of a button!

4.Technology(技术)is changing the way we communicate.Computers allow us to work faster and produce more.We no longer have to wait days or weeks to receive an answer.We can send an e--mail to someone on the other side of the world and receive and answer a few minutes later!

5.Having said all that," nobody knows what life without the Internet will be like.How did our parents do without it?


Blogs (博客) are the place where young people go to reveal(释放) their souls(灵魂). Many people enjoy the freedom in blogging. Some, however, find that putting one’s life online can have a price. Some students in America got suspensions (暂停) because on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.
Recent surveys found that nearly one fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own blogs. And 38% of teens say they read other people’s blogs. By comparison, about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other people’s online journals.
With the development of the Internet, more and more people will be engaged in blogging.
In another survey, 79% of teens agreed that people at their age aren’t careful enough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also affect blog viewers. When you are angry or frustrated, your blog is the first place you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret(后悔) later. To reduce the negative effect, change the permission setting and make such posts “private” so that only you can read them.
As long as you are careful with what you post, blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one’s creative works.
【小题1】      Blogs are the place where people go online to express themselves freely.
【小题2】     The fact that some American students got suspensions is used to show that people should not put their life online. 


【小题3】      The underline word “rational” in the fifth paragraph probably means reasonable(合理的).

【小题4】     The passage is mainly about advantages and disadvantages of blogs.
【小题5】     Recent surveys found that over 50% of teens who have access to the Web have their    own blogs.


Blogs (博客) are the place where young people go to reveal(释放) their souls(灵魂). Many people enjoy the freedom in blogging. Some, however, find that putting one’s life online can have a price. Some students in America got suspensions (暂停) because on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.
Recent surveys found that nearly one fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own blogs. And 38% of teens say they read other people’s blogs. By comparison, about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other people’s online journals.
With the development of the Internet, more and more people will be engaged in blogging.
In another survey, 79% of teens agreed that people at their age aren’t careful enough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also affect blog viewers. When you are angry or frustrated, your blog is the first place you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret(后悔) later. To reduce the negative effect, change the permission setting and make such posts “private” so that only you can read them.
As long as you are careful with what you post, blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one’s creative works.
【小题1】      Blogs are the place where people go online to express themselves freely.
【小题2】     The fact that some American students got suspensions is used to show that people should not put their life online. 


【小题3】      The underline word “rational” in the fifth paragraph probably means reasonable(合理的).

【小题4】     The passage is mainly about advantages and disadvantages of blogs.
【小题5】     Recent surveys found that over 50% of teens who have access to the Web have their    own blogs.




Name                      Personal Information

Norman Bethune       ·Born in 1890 in Canada

·A doctor

·Came to China in 1938

·Died in 1939 in China


Dion ·Born in Montreal, Canada

·A singing star

·In 1997, sang My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic

Thomas Edison  ·Born in 1847, Kentucky, the USA

·Made over 1,000 inventions

·Died in 1931


Gates         ·Born in 1955 in the USA

·Wrote Business at the Speed of Thought

·Owned Microsoft Company


Twain         ·Born in 1835 in the USA

·A writer

·Died in 1910

·Wrote Tom Sawyer







6._______ is from Canada.

A. Bill Gates      B. Mark Twain             C. Thomas Edison                D. Celine Dion

7.The _____ was born in 1835.

A. inventor                 B. writer                      C. doctor                              D. singer

8.My Heart Will Go On is the name of a ______.

A. book                        B. film                                    C. song                                           D. story

9.Dr Bethune worked in China for about ______years.

A. 2                              B. 4                                        C. 6                                                 D. 8

10.Which of the following is true?

A. Mark Twain wrote Business at the Speed of Thought.

B. Bill Gates started working for Microsoft Company in 1995.

C. Thomas Edison made over 1,000 inventions.

D. Celine Dion stopped singing 1997.




Blogs (博客) are the place where young people go to reveal(释放) their souls(灵魂). Many people enjoy the freedom in blogging. Some, however, find that putting one’s life online can have a price. Some students in America got suspensions (暂停) because on their blogs they posted threatening words to their teachers.

    Recent surveys found that nearly one fifth of teens who have access to the Web have their own blogs. And 38% of teens say they read other people’s blogs. By comparison, about a tenth of adults have their own blogs and a quarter say they read other people’s online journals.

    With the development of the Internet, more and more people will be engaged in blogging.

    In another survey, 79% of teens agreed that people at their age aren’t careful enough when giving out information about themselves online. Besides, careless blogging can also affect blog viewers. When you are angry or frustrated, your blog is the first place you turn to. The words you post then may not be rational which you may regret(后悔) later. To reduce the negative effect, change the permission setting and make such posts “private” so that only you can read them.

    As long as you are careful with what you post, blogging is a great means of staying in touch with friends and displaying one’s creative works.

1.       Blogs are the place where people go online to express themselves freely.

2.      The fact that some American students got suspensions is used to show that people should not put their life online. 

3.       The underline word “rational” in the fifth paragraph probably means reasonable(合理的).

4.      The passage is mainly about advantages and disadvantages of blogs.

5.      Recent surveys found that over 50% of teens who have access to the Web have their    own blogs.


