When how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Great’s influence.(P58) A.to be asked B.asking C.asked D.being asked 查看更多



On July 4,1986,Americans celebrated the Statue of Liberty’s(自由女神) 100th birthday.Parades,speeches,fireworks,and other activities contributed to the great joy of the event.The celebration caused reporters and the 1ocal people to 1ook back a century to the similar great joy that marked the official opening of the statue.The Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886,but the story began earlier.The idea for a statue was first suggested at a dinner party by Edouard de Laboulaye, a French historian .A guest at the party was Frederic Bartholdi,a young sculptor.

Most people who attended the dinner party soon forgot the idea,but Laboulaye and Bartholdi remembered it.In 187l, Bartholdi came to the United States to interest Americans in a statue that would link France and the United States in friendship.Many people in France had  already been persuaded and contributed money to the project.Americans were also persuaded to build a fund (基金)for the statue.Much of the money came from school children.

After the idea had been accepted,Bartholdi set to work. He worked hard for many years.His friend Laboulaye died before the statue was completed.At last,in 1885,the statue was sent to the United States.It had to be shipped in sections and then put together for its weight and size.

Ever since then, 1886,the Statue of Liberty has stood as a symbol of freedom to millions of immigrants entering New York Harbor.

1.Bartholdi made his first trip to the United States to talk about the Statue of Liberty in________.

A.1986             B.187l              C.1885             D.1886

2.The Statue of Liberty was shipped in sections because_______.

A.it was too 1arge and heavy to move to USA as a whole

B.USA had better means of putting it together than France

C.the completed statue was a symbol of friendship for Americans

D.putting it together cost less money and labour in USA

3.From the content,we may feel that the writer is _______when he is writing the passage.

A.calm             B.curious           C.worried           D.Modest(谦虚)

4.Which of the following titles best summarizes(归纳) the content of the passage?

A.Labou1aye and Bartholdi:Makers of the Statue of the Liberty

B.How People Made the Statue of Liberty Possible

C.The l00th Birthday of the Statue of Liberty

D.The True Story of the Statue of Liberty



      One day an ordinary dog appeared in the ticket office at Campiglia, a busy railroad station on Italy's main line. A ticket agent named Elvio greeted the strange dog in a friendly way, so the dog decided to stay. From that day on, the dog became Elvio's shadow and was named Lampo.

      Lampo kept Elvio Company (陪伴) inside the ticket office. When the weather was warm, he would enjoy himself in the sun on the train platform. When it came time for Elvio to return home on the train at night, Lampo ran after the train for a long way and then sadly gave up and went back to the station.

      One night as Elvio was riding home on the train, he noticed that Lampo was lying at his feet. Afraid that the conductor would see the dog on the train and shout at him, Elvio pushed Lampo under a seat. Luckily, the conductor did not notice the dog. Lampo came home with Elvio and met his family. Then, after a short visit, Lampo boarded the last train and went back to the station. Lampo quickly learned all of the train schedules (时刻表). He would ride home from work with Elvio every night and then ride back to the station alone. Every morning, Lampo arrived at Elvio's house in time to walk his young daughter, Mivna, to school. The faithful dog would then take another train to travel again to accompany Mivna home from school at 11:30.

      Soon, Lampo began to take the train all over Italy. Lampo became famous among the men who worked on the railroad, as his journeys became more frequent, complicated and mysterious. No one could explain why he traveled or how he always found the right train back to Campiglia. People decided that Lampo was a unique dog.

     Some of the railroad officials were against Lampo's illegal travels. They were afraid he would bite a passenger or cause some other problems. Finally, the stationmaster threatened to call the dogcatcher if Elvio didn't get rid of the dog.

       Elvio decided to put Lampo on a train going as far away as possible. Months went by and Lampo did not come back. Mivna missed him very much and prayed for his return. Finally one day, a sad, very thin, tired Lampo returned to Elvio's office. Everyone, even the stationmaster, was sorry about what had happened. From then on, Lampo was allowed to ride the trains whenever he wanted. After seven years, Lampo grew old, and he began to need Elvio's help to board the train.

      One day Lampo was seen lying dead on the tracks. A year later, a life sized statue of Lampo was set up at Campiglia station.

66. The first time Lampo took the train, Elvio was ______.

 A. delighted that he was lucky                                

 B. afraid the dog would bite someone

 C. afraid the conductor would see him and be angry

 D. excited that Lampo would soon meet his family

67. Lampo's traveling all over Italy caused people to believe that _______.

 A. he could read the train schedules                             B. he was famous in the country

 C. Elvio secretly helped him                                   D. he was a very special dog

68. The stationmaster threatened that if Elvio didn't get rid of the dog, _______.

 A. Elvio would be fired                                          B. Lampo would be put on the train tracks

 C. the stationmaster would send him away         D. a dogcatcher would be called

69. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story?

 A. The dog was once sent away by Elvio.

 B. The dog finally won the stationmaster's heart.

 C. The dog was faithful to his master.

 D. The dog died when he was seven years old.

70. The author suggests that a statue of Lampo was set up because _______.   

 A. the stationmaster felt sorry about what had happened

 B. he had been a friend to travelers

 C. it would bring good luck to the town

 D. Elvio offered money to set up the statue


It was her giggling that draw my attention. Note taking really wasn’t all that funny.

         Walking over to the offender, I asked for the   46  . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet   47   between teacher and student. When she finally   48   it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn’t draw it.”

         It was a hand-drawn   49   of me, teeth blackened and the words “I’m stupid” coming out of my mouth.

         I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind,  50   , was working angrily as I struggled not to   51  . I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for drawing the picture. It would do them some   52   to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it!

         Thankfully, I was able to keep myself   53  .

        When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how   54   this was for me. I told them there must be a reason behind and now was their   55   to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently   56   I sniffed in the back of the classroom.

         As I   57   the notes later, many of them said something like, “I’ve got nothing against you.” or “I’m sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “We’re afraid of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I   58   were behind the picture, had a list of issues. I was too   59  , too strict …

         Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of   60  my student, I had begun commanding them to   61  . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was   62   driving them away.

         I had some apology to do. But the next day I the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one   63   by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for   64  .

         This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the   65  .

1. A. note                           B. advice                    C. reason                             D. help

2.A. battle                          B. competition              C. argument              D. conversation

3. A. took                      B. passed                            C. turned                             D. handed

4.A. statue                         B. graph                     C. picture                                      D. poster

5. A. otherwise                 B. however                C. therefore                        D. besides

6.A. leave                           B. cry                           C. explain                            D. argue

7. A. good                           B. harm                 C. favor                          D. punishment

8. A. amused                     B. controlled             C. uninterested                 D. relaxed

9. A. meaningful               B. forgetful                C. regretful                         D. hurtful

10.A. turn                               B. chance                            C. honour                            D. attempt

11.A. when                        B. before                    C. after                                D. while

12.A. wrote                       B. finished                  C. read                                 D. collected

13.A. figured                     B. promised               C. concluded                       D. confirmed

14.. A. talkative                    B. mean                C. secure                             D. terrible

15.A. forcing                      B. encouraging         C. comforting                     D. teaching

16.. A. appreciate            B. apologize              C. master                                     D. achieve

17. A. actually                            B. normally                C. immediately                  D. generally

18.A. decorated                   B. offered                   C. signed                             D. bought

19. A. thankfulness                   B. forgiveness           C. communication             D. happiness

20. A. friendship               B. education              C. knowledge                     D. future



On July 4,1986,Americans celebrated the Statue of Liberty’s(自由女神) 100th birthday.Parades,speeches,fireworks,and other activities contributed to the great joy of the event.The celebration caused reporters and the 1ocal people to 1ook back a century to the similar great joy that marked the official opening of the statue.The Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886,but the story began earlier.The idea for a statue was first suggested at a dinner party by Edouard de Laboulaye, a French historian .A guest at the party was Frederic Bartholdi,a young sculptor.
Most people who attended the dinner party soon forgot the idea,but Laboulaye and Bartholdi remembered it.In 187l, Bartholdi came to the United States to interest Americans in a statue that would link France and the United States in friendship.Many people in France had  already been persuaded and contributed money to the project.Americans were also persuaded to build a fund (基金)for the statue.Much of the money came from school children.
After the idea had been accepted,Bartholdi set to work. He worked hard for many years.His friend Laboulaye died before the statue was completed.At last,in 1885,the statue was sent to the United States.It had to be shipped in sections and then put together for its weight and size.
Ever since then, 1886,the Statue of Liberty has stood as a symbol of freedom to millions of immigrants entering New York Harbor.
【小题1】Bartholdi made his first trip to the United States to talk about the Statue of Liberty in________.

【小题2】The Statue of Liberty was shipped in sections because_______.
A.it was too 1arge and heavy to move to USA as a whole
B.USA had better means of putting it together than France
C.the completed statue was a symbol of friendship for Americans
D.putting it together cost less money and labour in USA
【小题3】From the content,we may feel that the writer is _______when he is writing the passage.
【小题4】Which of the following titles best summarizes(归纳) the content of the passage?
A.Labou1aye and Bartholdi:Makers of the Statue of the Liberty
B.How People Made the Statue of Liberty Possible
C.The l00th Birthday of the Statue of Liberty
D.The True Story of the Statue of Liberty


It was her giggling (咯咯笑) that drew my attention. Note taking really wasn’t all that funny.

Walking over to the offender (肇事者), I asked for the   36  . Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet   37   between a teacher and a student. When she finally   38   it over she whispered, “Okay, but I didn’t draw it.” It was a hand-drawn   39   of me, teeth blackened and the words “I’m stupid” coming out of my mouth.

    I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind,   40   , was working angrily as I struggled not to   41  . I figured I knew the two most likely students who drew the picture. It would do them some   42   to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it.

Thankfully, I was able to keep myself   43  .

    When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how   44   this was for me. I told them there must be a reason   45     and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I was seated in the back of the classroom, with tears in my eyes.

    As I   46   the notes later, many of them said something like, “I’ve got nothing   47   you.” or “I’m sorry you were hurt.” Some kids said, “We’re afraid of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I   48   drew the picture, had a list of issues. I was too   49  , too strict…

Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of   50   my students, I had begun commanding them to   51  . Where I thought I was driving them to success I was   52   driving them away. I had some apology to make. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one   53   by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for   54  .

This was a lesson for both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the   55  .


A. note

B. advice

C. reason

D. help


A. battle

B. competition

C. argument

D. conversation


A. took

B. thought

C. turned

D. handed


A. statue

B. graph

C. picture

D. poster


A. otherwise

B. however

C. therefore

D. besides


A. leave

B. cry

C. explain

D. argue


A. good

B. harm

C. favor

D. punishment


A. amused

B. controlled

C. uninterested

D. relaxed


A. meaningful

B. forgetful

C. regretful

D. hurtful


A. aside

B. above

C. under

D. behind


A. wrote

B. finished

C. read

D. collected


A. beyond

B. from

C. against

D. for


A. figured

B. promised

C. concluded

D. confirmed


A. talkative

B. mean

C. funny

D. considerate


A. forcing

B. encouraging

C. comforting

D. teaching


A. appreciate

B. apologize

C. promise

D. succeed


A. actually

B. normally

C. immediately

D. generally


A. decorated

B. offered

C. signed

D. bought


A. thankfulness

B. pardon

C. congratulation

D. communication


A. friendship

B. education

C. knowledge

D. future


