28.( )Don’t worry my study. I do well at school. A.about B.with C.of 查看更多



Kathy was ill,so she went to see the doctor.

    "Doctor, I'm not feeling well."she said ”Every time I do my homework ,I feel tired.If I walk to school, I have to sit down and rest for ten minutes:before I can study.”

    The doctor looked at her for some time.Then-he said,"There is nothing.much.But I'm afraid you eat too much everyday

    “I don’t know what you are talking about."said Kathy.”I think you eat too much food,"said the doctor.

    ”Oh! you think I'm too heavy.That's a problem.”said Kathy.”What should I.do if I don’t want to be heavy, doctor? Tell me what I should do to be healthy, doctor!”

    ”Don’t worry, Kathy.The answer is easy,” said the doctor.”If you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldn’t eat a lot of food and you also should do much exercise.If you can do these,you will be fine like, you were before very soon.

  ”Thank you,doctor.1 will take your advice.”

(   )1.How is Kathy these days?

    A.She often feels tired.             B.She often feels.sad.

    C.She often feels,sore in the back.   D.She often feels ill.

(   )2.How does Kathy go to school every day?

    A.By bike.      B.By bus.     C.By car.      D.On foot.

(   )3.What did the doctor say about Kathy after he looked at her?

A.Kathy was very fired.           B.Kathy ate too much.

C.Kathy had to take his advice.      D.Kathy was very ill.

(    )4.Which is a problem for people from the article?

A.Eating less food.                     B.Studying too hard.

C.Eating too much.                     D.Playing too much sport.

(    )5.What should Kathy do from now on?

A.she should eat more and exercise、more.

B.She should walk to school.

C.She should stay at home and rest.

D.She should eat less and exercise more.

