This is the first time I’ve used this copy machine. Can you show me to use it? A. how B. what C. when D. which 查看更多









Today is Sunday. I've been in Russia for two months. This is the first time that I've been away my family for such a long time. With the help of Katia, a roommate of me, I've soon got used to live without my parents around. Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively. We became  friends shortly after we met each other. Although her English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own family. We're both surprising that Chinese culture and Russian culture were so different. Now, we are planning a small party for the next Sunday. There, Katia will introduce me to some of her friends, one of who has been to China several times. I just can't wait.



Recently, tests have proved that Beethoven died from lead poisoning. Bill Walsh directed the Beethoven Research Project. Mr. Walsh and his team examined pieces of bone belonging to Beethoven. They found a large amount of lead in the bone pieces. They said the lead levels were equal to those found in pieces of his hair in earlier studies of other scientists.
Genetic tests proved the bone pieces and his hair came from Beethoven. The research also examined bone fragments from someone else who lived during the same period. Both were from the top of the skull. The fragments from Beethoven had more lead than those from other person. Their study didn’t find measurable levels of cadmium(镉) or mercury(汞), which scientists used to consider were the causes of his health problems.
Beethoven was sick for much of his life. He experienced strong stomach pains, a sign of lead poisoning, and a change of personality when he was around 20. he also got angry easily, and suffered from depression and hearing loss. His health problems became worse as he grew older.
Walsh said the lead levels found in his skull suggested that the metal might have been present in his body for many years. He said although there had been recognized cases of deafness caused by lead poisoning, there was no strong evidence to suggest that lead poisoning was the cause of his deafness.
Beethoven visited many doctors to find a cure for his health problems, in a letter he wrote to a friend, he urged researchers to examine his body after he died so that other people would not have to suffer as he did.
61. If too much lead is in a person’s body, he will______.
A. suffer hearing loss             B. get angry easily 
C. suffer serious stomach pains     D. lose most of his hair
62. From the passage we can learn that_______.
A. this is the first research into the cause of Beethoven’s death
B. any amount of lead will do great harm to people’s health
C. more lead was found in Beethoven’s bones than in his hair
D. scientists used to think that his death was caused by other metals instead of lead
63. In which section of the newspaper might you read this report?
A. Health.   B. Technology.   C. Entertainment.   D. Culture.
64. What is the best title of the passage?
A. A surprising discovery about Beethoven   B. Beethoven died from lead poisoning
C. Lead--- a killer metal for human beings    D. New examination of Beethoven’ body  


第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
I have a love-hate relationship with 8 o’clock classes. I like to get   21   that early; most students don’t . They drag in late and look sleepy and  22     at that early hour.
One day I got really angry with it. I was  23   about the topic (history of Indians),but no one else seemed to be. I moved  24     the classroom. I told stories and tries   25   . I got theatrical(表演似的). It was useless. Students’blank looks didn’t seem to  26    . I was about to start a major topic when I   27  down at my watch. It was already past the scheduled end of class. So I just ended   28    .
Watching the students running out of the door, I  29    my books, notes and papers and stepped out into the hall. I was tired and a bit  30     . I had put everything I knew into that classroom   31    but it had seemed good for nothing. Then  32    I started across the hall, a student coming out of the back door of the classroom  33    me . It was Randy. I thought he wanted to ask  34   I didn’t have those test papers   35    or maybe he wanted   36   to hand in a late paper or …However , It was   37  of that. With his eyes sparking(闪亮). Randy said “This is the first time I’ve not    38  a college class to end. ”
The tiredness lifted. I had done  39    than I thought. I don't know if Randy will ever40    how much he did for me that day.
21. A. changed         B. started    C. caught       D. asked
22. A. dull   B. lazy  C. dirty        D. strange
23. A. sure   B. curious    C. excited    D. worried
24. A. into   B. from       C. forward   D. about
25. A. luck         B. humor    C. experiment     D. success
26. A. change      B. loose       C. appear     D. think
27. A. broke       B. put   C. took        D. glanced
28. A. carelessly         B. hurriedly        C. suddenly        D. naturally
29. A. got through      B. took away       C. picked up       D. went over
30. A. anxious    B. delight     C. sick  D. discouraged
31. A. lesson       B. discussion      C. performance   D. content
32. A. as        B. because    C. if    D. till
33. A. ran after    B. shouted at      C. got along with        D.caught up with
34. A. when        B. why        C. whether   D. who
35. A. taken        B. passed     C. graded     D. checked
36. A. excuse       B. information     C. promise   D. permission
37. A. none  B. nothing   C. all   D. anything
38. A. attended   B. asked      C. wanted    D. chosen
39. A. better        B. worse      C. more       D. less
40. A. care         B. understand      C. think       D. forget


This is the first time that your parents have been abroad, ______?

A.haven’t theyB.hasn’t itC.aren’t theyD.isn’t it



Britain’s parents have admitted school is harder today than it was when they were kids.A poll(民意测验)of 1,500 parents shows that those with children who have recently sat(参加)A-level or GCSE exams believe today’s exams are harder than the ones they sat at school.One in four thought A-levels were getting harder-compared to just twelve percent who thought they were easier.The figures for GCSEs were more evenly split with 26 percent thinking they were harder and 21 percent believing they were easier.This is the first survey(调查)of the opinion of parents whose youngsters have just sat exams.They told pollsters they believed the higher pass rates in examinations today were due to the youngsters concerned working harder."But another reason given was that they believed today’s youngsters felt there was little chance of success in life without qualification(资格).Parents are seeing standards rise and their children working harder and being smarter than their generation." says Dr Christina Townsend,president of the Ed excel exam board,which commissioned(委托) the survey.The poll,carried out by Opinion Research Business for the exam board,also showed parents supported government plans to allow students to see their marked papers after they had completed their exams.The move(行动)is designed to help them decide whether they should doubt their standard.

59. What do you know about Britain’s school education from the text?

A. Students are burdened with too much homework after school.

B. Students are tired of learning at school.

C. Most students can’t pass the A-level or GCSE exams.

D. Exams are more difficult today and pupils are working harder.

60. The writer’s purpose in writing this text is ____.

A. to show the result of a poll of 1,5000 parents

B. to tell parents that their youngsters are working hard

C. to prove that youngsters are smarter than their parents

D. to request that exams be easier

61. We can infer from the text that ____.

A. the government will take steps to lower the standards of exams.

B. Students were once not allowed to see their marked papers.

C. Parents didn’t work hard when they were at school

D. More parents think A-levels are getting harder and GCSEs are getting easier


