D Apart from other beautiful destinations in India, India is also a great place for wild life lovers. A large number of people from different corners of the world visit India to observe the wild life closely. Though there are many national parks in India but Corbett National Park has its own specialties. Corbett National Park is just 262 kms from the capital of India, Delhi. Most people of Delhi often visit this national park. Paying a visit to Corbett will offer you the opportunity to see some rare species of birds and animals. Apart from Corbett tour, tourists also get the opportunity to visit some important destinations like Corbett Museum, Garjia Temple and enjoy the most interesting nature walk along the river Kosi. Most of the tourists go on Delhi Corbett Tour. Tourists start from Delhi and first they enjoy the sightseeing of Old Delhi. After visiting Old Delhi, tourists get the opportunity to enjoy the tour of sightseeing of New Delhi. Tourists can enjoy the visit of Humayun’s Tomb, famous Qutub Minar, a visit to Parliament House and the residence of president, India Gate and many other places. After finishing the sightseeing of Delhi, the tourists go to Corbett National Park. At Corbett, you can stay in any of the famous Jungle Resort. Then you can explore Corbett National Park. Finally you go back to Delhi as planned. The city of Agra is very near Delhi and tourists hope to go for Agra Tour as Taj Mahal is one of the most important attractions of Agra, a wonder of the world. If you are short of time you can make Delhi Agra Same Day Tour. Agra is just 203 kms from Delhi and you can easily visit Agra and come back to Delhi. 56. What is one of the specialties of Indian travel? A. Watching its natural beauty. B. Visiting its temples. C. Visiting its famous museums. D. Watching many wild animals closely. 57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. There is nothing special in Old Delhi. B. Tourists can enjoy a nature walk along Kosi. C. Corbett National Park is the only national park in India. D. Corbett National Park is 262 kms away from Corbett Museum. 58. Where is the attraction India Gate? A. In Old Delhi. B. In New Delhi. C. In the city of Agra. D. At Corbett. 59. The writer advises those visitors who haven’t much time to . A. go on Delhi Corbett Tour B. visit Corbett National Park C. only pay a visit to Old Delhi D. make Delhi Agra Same Day Tour 60. We can guess from this passage that . A. Delhi is a middle city of India B. Taj Mahal is very famous in the world C. Agra is not very far from Corbett D. the river Kosi is the longest in India 查看更多



第二节   完形填空(共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30)

I was an introvert(内向的人) by  36 . For as long as I remember, putting on a sincere smile when meeting someone had  37   been easy. The key to a sincere smile,  38  , is simple. It’s to be  39 . But that’s the source of the problem. When meeting people,  40  being excited, I often felt upset.

But we all know  41  are important. The more friends you have, the more opportunities you get,  42  it’s job opportunities, a romantic relationship, or business partners. So a smile is important to make others feel  43 . Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a(an)  44  to that person, a beautiful thing.”

The smile I’m now talking about is not to make a face to cashiers or waiters. I’m talking about those  45  smiles you make when meeting old friends. So I’ve discovered a  46 . And I call this technique “Oh, it’s Jamie!” When I meet someone, I imagine an old friend of mine called Jamie who was my first friend when we were  47  kids. It’s  48  why my smile is as wide as I can possibly make. And it’s not just the smile, but my tone and attitude that turn warm as well.

And the best part, whenever you’re friendly to others, they turn friendly  49 . You’re not hearing this from me. Some research done by scientists actually  50  this claim. So do remember to give it a try.

Three years ago at the age of 23, I took a long hard look at my life and decided that I was  51 .  52  of my life, I set about  53  dramatic changes and now I have become a popular writer. My  54  reflects that nothing is too difficult if you  55  bravely.

1. A. born          B. nature       C. myself       D. me

2. A. always            B. often            C. never            D. sometimes

3. A. therefore         B. thus             C. but          D. however

4. A. excited       B. interested       C. happy        D. worried

5.A. rather than        B. instead of       C. other than       D. apart from

6. A. parents       B. classmates       C. friends      D. lovers

7. A. what          B. how          C. why          D. whether

8. A. comfortable       B. excited      C. anxious      D. frightened

9. A. injury            B. gift             C. damage       D. mercy

10. A. voluntary        B. hesitant         C. wide             D. unwilling

11. A. method       B. treat            C. behavior         D. trick

12. A. still            B. again            C. no longer        D. even

13. A. no doubt         B. no secret        C. no reason        D. no wonder

14. A. in return        B. in turn      C. in time      D. in case

15. A. opposes      B. disproves        C. suggests         D. backs

16. A. wrong            B. nothing      C. something        D. right

17. A. Afraid           B. Tired            C. Reminded         D. Informed

18. A. to make      B. make             C. making       D. made

19. A. career           B. changes      C. decision         D. success

20. A. try          B. do           C. change       D. smile



 ____his great love for the works of J. K. Rowling, he has a broad range of interest in other English writers as well.   

A. In addition      B. As a consequence of       C. Except for         D. Apart from




My grandparents built and lived in a small 600-square-foot cottage for most of their adult lives. They actively practiced living a   21   life. Saving and avoiding overspending was their life   22   for their whole life.   23   seeking satisfaction through material items, they chose to spend   24   time together, with family, and in nature.

Over the years my grandparents noticed   25   changes in their community. Every year more farmland was   26   to build larger and larger homes. With houses’ prices   27  , many of their neighbors sold their little homes and lands.   28   only their small house was still on the block, surrounded by a sea of tall buildings. Countless family members   29   my grandparents to expand their home. But they didn’t want a bigger place and were   30   with what they had.

  In many ways, I’ve modeled my life after my grandparents. Through their example I learned an important   31  : It is absolutely possible to live a small and fulfilling life.

  My grandparents lived in a small home, but they owned a(n)   32   garden. They loved gardening deeply because it not only   33   their grocery bill, but also improved their health and gave them a(n)   34   to be outside. They said, “  35   you live in a small home or an apartment, you don’t have to give up gardening.”

My grandparents avoided lifestyle creep(攀比) by paying for their own home in cash and building it themselves. They also recycled and   36   everything. For instance, they drove the same car for over 15 years and didn’t buy anything new until their stuff was   37   worn out.

My grandparents taught me that living well on   38   isn’t about feeling bad for myself.   39  , it’s about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to seek your dreams. You know: Becoming debt free, living in a smaller home, and others are a few ways to   40   your life.

1.A. dull                       B. simple                     C. single                       D. busy

2.A. attitude               B. experience            C. principle                 D. standard

3.A. Rather than        B. More than              C. Other than             D. Apart from

4.A. shopping             B. work                        C. break                       D. quality

5.A. obvious              B. delicate                  C. enjoyable               D. flexible

6.A. improved            B. ruined                     C. discovered             D. distributed

7.A. taking up             B. making up              C. going up                 D. turning up

8.A. Probably             B. Suddenly                C. Instantly                  D. Eventually

9.A. forced                           B. encouraged           C. persuaded             D. ordered

10.A. content             B. angry                       C. cautious                  D. familiar

11.A. lesson               B. theory                     C. truth                        D. sentence

12.A. small                  B. special                     C. ordinary                 D. huge

13.A. reduced           B. handled                  C. checked                  D. handled

14.A. platform           B. stage                        C. excuse                     D. solution

15.A. As if                    B. Even if           C. Only if            D. What if

16.A. sewed               B. created                   C. sold                          D. reused

17.A. thoroughly       B. generally                C. nearly          D. hardly

18.A. more                B. less                         C. better                     D. worse

19.A. What’s more    B. As a result              C. On the whole         D. On the contrary

20.A. risk                     B. manage      C. limit                       D. destroy



Humans are social animals. They live in groups all over the world. As these groups of people live apart from other groups, over the years and centuries they develop their own habits and ideas, which form different cultures. One important particular side of every culture is how its people deal with time.

       Time is not very important in non-industrial societies. The Nuer people of East Africa, for example, do not even have a word TIME that is in agreement with the abstract thing we call time. The daily lives of the people of such non-industrial societies are likely to be patterned around their physical needs and natural events rather than around a time schedule(时间表) based on the clock. They cook and eat when they are hungry and sleep when the sun goes down. They plant crops during the growing seasons and harvest them when the crops are ripe. They measure time not by a clock or calendar(日历), but by saying that an event takes place before or after some other events. Frequently such a society measures days in terms of “sleeps” or longer periods in terms of “moons”. Some cultures, such as the Eskimos of Greenland measure seasons according to the migration of certain animals.

       Some cultures which do not have a written language or keep written records have developed interesting ways of “telling time”. For example, when several Australian aborigines want to plan an event for a future time, one of them places a stone on a cliff or in a tree. Each day the angle of the sun changes slightly. In a few days, the rays of the sun strike the stone in a certain way. When this happens, the people see that the agreed-upon time has arrived and the event can take place.

       In contrast(成对比), exactly correct measurement of time is very important in modern, industrialized societies. This is because industrialized societies require the helpful efforts of many people in order to work. For a factory to work efficiently(well, quickly and without waste), for example, all of the workers must work at the same time. Therefore, they must know what time to start work in the morning and what time they may go home in the afternoon. Passengers must know the exact time that an airplane will arrive or depart. Students and teachers need to know when a class starts and ends. Stores must open on time in order to serve their customers. Complicated(复杂的) societies need clocks and calendars. Thus, we can see that if each person worked according to his or her own schedule, a complicated society could hardly work at all.

1. By saying “Humans are social animals”, the author means _______.

       A. they live all over the world

       B. they are different from other animals

       C. they live in one place, district or country, considered as a whole

       D. they are divided into many groups

2. Time is not very important in non-industrial societies. This is because people in those societies _______.

A. don’t have the word "time" in their languages

B. don’t get used to using clocks and other timepieces

C. don’t measure time in their daily-lives around an exact time schedule

D. don’t need to plan their daily lives around an exact time schedule

3. The Australian aborigines’ way of “telling time” is based on _______.

       A. the change of the sun rays

       B. the movement of the earth in relation to the sun

       C. the position of the stone

       D. the position of the tree or the cliff

4. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?

       A. Time and Culture            

    B. The Measurement of Time

       C. Time Schedule and Daily Life 

    D. Clock, Calendar and Society


I was an introvert(内向的人) by  36 . For as long as I remember, putting on a sincere smile when meeting someone had  37   been easy. The key to a sincere smile,  38  , is simple. It’s to be  39 . But that’s the source of the problem. When meeting people,  40  being excited, I often felt upset.

But we all know  41  are important. The more friends you have, the more opportunities you get,  42  it’s job opportunities, a romantic relationship, or business partners. So a smile is important to make others feel  43 . Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a(an)  44  to that person, a beautiful thing.”

The smile I’m now talking about is not to make a face to cashiers or waiters. I’m talking about those  45  smiles you make when meeting old friends. So I’ve discovered a  46 . And I call this technique “Oh, it’s Jamie!” When I meet someone, I imagine an old friend of mine called Jamie who was my first friend when we were  47  kids. It’s  48  why my smile is as wide as I can possibly make. And it’s not just the smile, but my tone and attitude that turn warm as well.

And the best part, whenever you’re friendly to others, they turn friendly  49 . You’re not hearing this from me. Some research done by scientists actually  50  this claim. So do remember to give it a try.

Three years ago at the age of 23, I took a long hard look at my life and decided that I was  51 .  52  of my life, I set about  53  dramatic changes and now I have become a popular writer. My  54  reflects that nothing is too difficult if you  55  bravely.

A. born                     B. nature              C. myself              D. me

A. always                  B. often         C. never               D. sometimes

A. therefore               B. thus                 C. but                   D. however

A. excited              B. interested   C. happy               D. worried

A. rather than            B. instead of C. other than D. apart from

A. parents              B. classmates    C. friends         D. lovers

A. what                     B. how                 C. why                 D. whether

A. comfortable          B. excited             C. anxious            D. frightened

A. injury                   B. gift                  C. damage            D. mercy

A. voluntary              B. hesitant            C. wide                D. unwilling

A. method              B. treat                 C. behavior           D. trick

A. still                      B. again         C. no longer          D. even

A. no doubt               B. no secret           C. no reason   D. no wonder

A. in return               B. in turn              C. in time             D. in case

A. opposes         B. disproves          C. suggests            D. backs

A. wrong                  B. nothing            C. something D. right

A. Afraid                  B. Tired         C. Reminded D. Informed

A. to make         B. make         C. making             D. made

A. career                   B. changes            C. decision            D. success

A. try                    B. do                    C. change             D. smile

