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Britain and Ireland
  The British Isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other __16  . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is17  into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.
  The United Kingdom is that 18  of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 19  of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The  20  of Ireland is self-governing. The 21  name of the United Kingdom is  22  “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.
 23 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the largest  24   of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 25 “England” and “English” when they  26  “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 27 . The Scots in particular are very  28 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard   29  as English, and have a culture and even a   30 of their own.
  Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish  31  ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom.  32 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still  33 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland   34  to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.
  The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to   35 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

A.The UKB.The British islesC.Great BritainD.England
A.At lastB.SoC.MeanwhileD.Also
A.hopedB.refusedC.broke awayD.used


Britain and Ireland

  The British Isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other __16  . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is17  into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.

  The United Kingdom is that 18   of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the  19   of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The  20  of Ireland is self-governing. The  21  name of the United Kingdom is  22   “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

 23  is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the largest  24   of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 25  “England” and “English” when they  26   “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 27  . The Scots in particular are very  28  of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard   29  as English, and have a culture and even a   30 of their own.

  Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish  31   ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom.  32  , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still  33 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland   34   to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

  The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to   35 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

1.A. Wales       B. Britain         C. England        D. Scotland

2.A. divided      B. cut            C. broken          D. separated

3.A. piece        B. island          C. country         D. part

4.A. south        B. north          C. part            D. whole

5.A. smaller      B. larger          C. rest             D. island

6.A. correct      B. true            C. full             D. complete

7.A. also         B. therefore       C. likely           D. perhaps

8.A. The UK      B. The British isles  C. Great Britain    D. England

9.A. colleges      B. officials         C. cities           D. population

10.A. words       B. names           C. spellings        D. pronunciations

11.A. call         B. forget           C. speak           D. write

12.A. angry       B. difficult          C. tired           D. lonely

13.A. proud       B. fond            C. full             D. kind

14. A. it           B. Wales           C. them            D. themselves

15.A. capital      B. language         C. history          D. programs

16.A. Country     B. Question         C. Disease          D. Republic

17.A. At last      B. So              C. Meanwhile       D. Also

18.A. returns      B. belongs          C. gets             D. speaks

19.A. hoped       B. refused          C. broke away       D. used

20.A. feel         B. touch            C. fight             D. help



The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other __1__. Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is __2__ into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.

The United Kingdom is that __3__ of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the __4__ of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The __5__ of Ireland is self governing(治理). The __6__ name of the United Kingdom is __7__ “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

__8__ is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most __9__ of the United Kingdom, so people often use the __10__ “England” and “English” when they __11__ “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little __12__. The Scots in particular are very __13__ of their separate nationality(民族). The Welsh too do not regard __14__ as English, and have a culture and even a __15__ of their own.

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish __16__ ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. __17__, Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still __18__ to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland __19__ to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to __20__ British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

1. A. Wales  B. Britain  C. England  D. Scotland

2. A. divided    B. cut      C. broken    D. separated

3. A. piece     B. island    C. country   D. part

4. A. south     B. north    C. part      D. whole

5. A. smaller   B. larger    C. rest      D. island

6. A. correct     B. true    C. full     D. complete

7. A. also      B. therefore  C. likely  D. perhaps

8. A. The UK       B. The British isles

C. Great Britain   D. England

9. A. colleges    B. officials      C. cities      D. population

10. A. words        B. names

C. spellings       D. pronunciations

11. A. call        B. forget       C. speak       D. write

12. A. angry      B. difficult      C. tired        D. lonely

13. A. proud      B. fond         C. full         D. kind

14. A. it         B. Wales        C. them       D. themselves

15. A. capital     B. language     C. history       D. programmes

16. A. Country    B. Question       C. Disease          D. Republic

17. A. At last     B. So             C. Meanwhile        D. Also

18. A. returns    B. belongs        C. gets             D. speaks

19. A. hoped      B. refused        C. broke away       D. used

20. A. feel       B. touch          C. fight            D. help


 The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other   41  , or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is  42  into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.

  The United Kingdom is that  43  of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the  44  of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The  45  of Ireland is self-governing. The  46  name of the United Kingdom is  47 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

  48  is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most  49  of the United Kingdom, so people often use the  50 “England” and “English” when they  51  “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little  52  . The Scots in particular are very  53  of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard  54  as English, and have a culture and even a  55  of their own.

  Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 56 ”  was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 5 7 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still  5 8  to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland  59  to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

  The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to  60  British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.


41. A. Wales           B. Britain                      C. England                  D. Scotland

42. A. divided         B. cut                          C. broken                   D. separated

43. A. piece            B. island                      C. country                   D. part

44. A. south           B. north                        C. part                        D. whole

45. A. smaller         B. larger                       C. rest                         D. island

46. A. correct         B. true                         C. full                         D. complete

47. A. also              B. therefore                  C. likely                       D. perhaps

48. A. The UK        B. The British isles         C. Great Britain            D. England

49. A. colleges        B. officials                    C. cities                       D. population

50. A. words          B. names                      C. spellings                  D. pronunciations

51. A. call              B. forget                       C. speak                      D. write

52. A. angry           B. difficult                    C. tired                        D. lonely

53. A. proud           B. fond                        C. full                         D. kind

54. A. it                 B. Wales                       C. them                       D. themselves

55. A. capital          B. language                   C. history                    D. programmers

56. A. Country        B. Question                   C. Disease                   D. Republic

57. A. At last          B. So                           C. Meanwhile               D. Also

58. A. returns         B. belongs                    C. gets                        D. speaks

59. A. hoped           B. refused                     C. broke away             D. used

60. A. feel              B. touch                       C. fight                       D. help




The British isles is made up of two large islands①: One is called Ireland and the other 1 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 2 into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.

The United Kingdom is that 3 of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 4 of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 5 of Ireland is self-governing. The 6 name of the United Kingdom is 7 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

8 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most 9 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 10 “England” and “English” when they 11 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 12 . The Scots in particular are very 13 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 14 as English, and have a culture and even a 15 of their own.

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 16 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 17 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 18 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 19 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

  The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain②, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 20 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

1. A. Wales

B. Britain

C. England

D. Scotland

2. A. divided

B. cut

C. broken

D. separated

3. A. piece

B. island

C. country

D. part

4. A. south

B. north

C. part

D. whole

5. A. smaller

B. larger

C. rest

D. island

6. A. correct

B. true

C. full

D. complete

7. A. also

B. therefore

C. likely

D. perhaps

8. A. The UK

B. The British isles

C. Great Britain

D. England

9. A. colleges

B. officials

C. cities

D. population

10. A. words

B. names

C. spellings

D. pronunciations

11. A. call

B. forget

C. speak

D. write

12. A. angry

B. difficult

C. tired

D. lonely

13. A. proud

B. fond

C. full

D. kind

14. A. it

B. Wales

C. them

D. themselves

15. A. capital

B. language

C. history

D. programmes

16. A. Country

B. Question

C. Disease

D. Republic

17. A. At last

B. So

C. Meanwhile

D. Also

18. A. returns

B. belongs

C. gets

D. speaks

19. A. hoped

B. refused

C. broke away

D. used

20. A. feel

B. touch

C. fight

D. help

