Ididn’tgotothecinema.Instead,Iwentshopping. ◆instead of为短语介词.意为“代替,而不是 .其后可接名词.代词.动名词或动名词复合结构.形容词.副词等.如: I’ll have tea instead of coffee, please. Give me the red box instead of the yellow one. 查看更多



we had a P. E. lesson in this afternoon. Our teacher taught us   1.      

to practise the long jump. When the bell rings,we gathered   2.     

on the playground. After warming-up exercises,the teacher   3.      

 told us the way of long jump and showed us how to do. Then  4.      

we followed the teacher and practiced one or another. Soon    5.      

came my turn,but I felt a bit of nervous. Though I failed     6.     

the first time,but Ididn't lose my heart. I kept on practising.    7.    

At last I was able to jump over more than 3 meters.From this   8.     

lesson ,I came to see that one will succee if he has perseverance.  9.     

And I decide I will do as many as I can to do every thing in future. 10.         


A young and successful executive was traveling down a street , going a bit too fast in his new car; He was         for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.

       his car passed a brick        the car’s side door, He pressed hard the         and spun the car back to the         from where the brick had been thrown,.

He jumped out of the car,        a kid and pushed him up        a parked car,shouting,”what was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?”        more and more angry, he wen on “That’s a new car and that brick you threw is gonna        a lot of money, Why did you do it?””Please ,mister,please,I’m sorry, Ididn’t know what else to do!”      the youngster, “It’s my brother”,he said ,”He fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t        him up”,Sobbing ,the boy asked the executive, “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?”He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.”

      beyond words, the driver tried to       the rapidly swelling lump(块)in his throat, He       the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his       and wiped the scrapes (擦伤)and cuts,      to see that everything was going to be okay.

“Thank you ,sir, And God bless you,”the       child said to him ,The man then watched the little boy      bis brother to the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long slow walk back to his car, He never did       the side door ,He kept the dent(凹痕)to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your      .

1.A、looking              B、watching               C、caring                    D、waiting

2.A、Before                        B、After                     C、as                           D、while

3.A、hit                     B、blocked                C、dropped               D、scratched

4.A、hit                      B、brakes                            C、brick                      D、wheel

5.A、spot                   B、which                    C、that                        D、this

6.A、saw                    B、found                    C、stopped                D、grabbed

7.A、on                      B、in                           C、against                  D、towards

8.A、Remaining                  B、Growing                C、Building up           D、Making up

9.A、cost                    B、spend                    C、use                        D、take

10.A、begged                     B、required               C、asked                    D、wondered

11.A、get                            B、pick                        C、lift                          D、put

12.A、Worried                   B、Depressed           C、Moved                  D、Surprised

13.A、chew                        B、melt                       C、spit                        D、swallow

14.A、helped                     B、pulled                   C、held                       D、took

15.A、medicine                 B、handkerchief       C、belt                        D、money

16.A、demanding              B、expecting             C、checking               D、wanting

17.A、delighted                 B、sad                         C、helpless                D、grateful

18.A、push                         B、bring                     C、hand                      D、raise

19.A、recovery                  B、repair                    C、reform                           D、record

20.A、information             B、help                       C、attention              D、notice



     After years of marriage,I started to go out with another woman.
    "You love her,"my wife said. "I love you,"I   1  protested. "But you also love her."
     The other woman was my   2   mother,a widow for 19 years,but my work and my three children
had made it   3  possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for
dinner and a   4  movie. "What's wrong,are you OK?"she asked.
     My mother is the woman who suspects a(an)  5  late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of
bad news. "Just want to pass some time with you," I 6 responded. Two of us!" She thought about it
for a moment,then said OK.
     That Friday after work,as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit  7  nervous. When arriving,I
noticed that she,too,was nervous about our  8   date. She smiled like an angel. "I told it to my friends
and they were    9  impressed,"she said,"They can't wait to hear about our meeting."
     We went to a restaurant. My mother took my  10 arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat
down,I had to read the menu. Her eyes were bad and could only read large  11  print. "I read the menu
when you were small,"she said. "Then it's time that you should relax and let me return the  12   favor,"I
     We had an agreeable conversation,nothing extraordinary but each other's  13 life. We talked so much
that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house 14   later,she said,"I wish I could go out with you
again. I agreed   15   happily."
     A few  16 days later my mother died of a serious heart attack. It   17  happened so suddenly that I
didn't have a chance to do anything for her. At that moment I understood the importance of   18  saying
in time:"I LOVE YOU" and to give our loved ones the time that they  19  deserve.
     Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve,because these
things cannot be 20  put off till "some other time".
(     )1. A. debated  
(     )2. A. mother    
(     )3. A. necessary  
(     )4. A. tea    
(     )5. A. early    
(     )6. A. responded  
(     )7. A. disappointed
(     )8. A. date    
(     )9. A. interested  
(     )10.A. hand    
(     )11.A. menus    
(     )12.A. benefit  
(     )13.A. wife  
(     )14.A. later  
(     )15.A. meaningful  
(     )16.A. years    
(     )17.A. took    
(     )18.A. showing  
(     )19.A. deserve  
(     )20.A. put on  
B.put down  
C.put up  
D.put off   


     Growing up, I remember my father as a silent, strict man-not the kind of person around whom
one could laugh. As a teenager knowing little about life, I wanted a father who could 1 the mysteries
of the human journey. In college, when friends called home for 2 , I would become   3  for what I
didn’t have.
     Then one night after my move back home, I overheard my father on the telephone. There was
some trouble. Later, he  4  the problem with me. Obviously my knowledge of law helped him a lot.
I talked through the problem with him, 5 the motives of the people involved and offering several
negotiation strategies.
     He  6  patiently before finally admitting, “I can’t think like that. I’m a 7 man.”
     My father is a 8 scientist who has a good knowledge of the building blocks of nature. 9 , human
nature is a mystery to him. That night I realized he was simply not skilled at 10 people. It’s not in his
 11 to understand human desires.
     It was no one’s 12 that my father showed no interest in human emotions while I placed great
importance on them. We are sometimes born more sensitive, and dreamy than our 13 and become
more curious, and idealistic than them. 14 I, who knew my father as an intelligent man, had never
understood his intelligence didn’t cover all of my 15 feelings.
     I believe that coming home has 16 me years of questions and confusion. I nowadays consider my
parents as people who have other relationships than just being my parents, relationships that 17 and
define them.
     Best of all, I nowadays regard my parents as 18 : people who ask me for advice; people who need
my 19 and understanding. And I’ve come to see my past in a 20 view. Knowing them makes me feel
safe in where I come from and where I’m going.
 (     ) 1. A. think      
(     ) 2. A. money      
(     ) 3. A. unhappy    
(     ) 4. A. exchanged  
(     ) 5. A. proving    
(     ) 6. A. replied    
(     ) 7. A. simple    
(     ) 8. A. special    
(     ) 9. A. Therefore  
(     )10. A. meeting with
(     )11. A. nature    
(     )12. A. relief    
(     )13. A. relatives  
(     )14. A. Besides    
(     )15. A. strong    
(     )16. A. told      
(     )17. A. raise      
(     )18. A. friends    
(     )19. A. visit      
(     )20. A. richer    
B. produce    
B. advice      
B. unhelpful  
B. solved      
B. recording  
B. learned    
B. weak        
B. lively      
B. However    
B. dealing with
B. plan        
B. secret      
B. classmates  
B. And        
B. strange    
B. gave        
B. protect    
B. teachers    
B. support    
B. harder     
C. explain  
C. love      
C. unknown  
C. found    
C. analyzing
C. chatted  
C. lazy      
C. brilliant
C. Indeed    
C. talking with
C. wish      
C. pity      
C. parents  
C. However  
C. different
C. added    
C. shape    
C. travelers
C. wisdom    
C. rougher  
D.  explore      
D.  agreement    
D.  unpopular    
D.  shared        
D.  guessing      
D.  listened      
D.  blind        
D.  humorous      
D.  Anyhow        
D.  fighting with
D.  major        
D.  fault        
D.  families      
D.  For          
D.  unique        
D.  saved        
D.  enjoy        
D.  leaders      
D.  knowledge    
D.  clearer      


     I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I used to give a lot of money to the homeless,feeling   1   for them.
But as time passed, I became a mom with no home, a huge    2  , and hardly any income. As a result, I  3   
giving money to the people on the side of the road and became very  4   .
     Things started to change for me   5  . I had a home, a backyard for my daughter,and plenty of food, and
I started to   6   myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the   7 , "Will work for food." I 
  8  . My daughter commented. "Mommy, you used to always give money to those people in   9  ." I replied,
"Honey, they just use that money for  10 , or other bad things." She didn't respond.  11  when I said that, I
didn't feel right.
     Three days later, I was driving to   12   my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and
something deep   13   me said,"Just help the guy." So I  14  down my window, and he ran over excitedly. He
said,"God bless you, I only need 77 cents." I  15   into my ashtray (烟灰缸) and strangely enough, there  16  
three quarters and two pennies.
     I picked them up and gave them to him. He  17  with joy and tears in his eyes."Wow, you just made it  18 
 for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much; the  19   that had this great sale is leaving in 20
minutes!" It was a moment I'll  20  forever. I think that man won't forget it either, but I was the one who got
the best gift in life-GIVING.
(     )1. A. angry     
(     )2. A. debt     
(     )3. A. continued
(     )4. A. rich     
(     )5. A. slowly   
(     )6. A. save     
(     )7. A. determined
(     )8. A. ran away  
(     )9. A. danger   
(     )10. A. life     
(     )11. A. And     
(     )12. A. bring up  
(     )13. A. on       
(     )14. A. rolled   
(     )15. A. reached  
(     )16. A. hid     
(     )17. A. stood up  
(     )18. A. possible  
(     )19. A. plane   
(     )20. A. thank   
B. sorry     
B. burden     
B. appreciated 
B. pleased   
B. immediately 
B. pull       
B. sign       
B. turned back 
B. love       
B. book       
B. carry out 
B. inside     
B. pushed     
B. went       
B. stood     
B. turned up 
B. meaningful 
B. bus       
B. respect    
C. grateful  
C. disease 
C. hated    
C. relaxed 
C. quickly  
C. run      
C. child  
C. passed by 
C. need    
C. food      
C. But      
C. pick up   
C. behind    
C. blew    
C. knocked  
C. slept    
C. set out   
C. wonderful 
C. woman     
C. remember
 D. strange          
D. problem          
D. stopped          
D. bitter           
D. greatly          
D. feed             
D. advertisement     
D. sped up          
D. sadness          
D. smoking          
D. Even             
D. take out         
D. over             
D. took             
D. shouted          
D. sat              
D. burst out        
D. interesting      
D. man              
D. hold           

