Our math teacher most of his time teaching his students.A. took; in B. cost; on C. devoted; to D. spent; to 查看更多



Our Math teacher often gives us __________ on how to learn Math.

A. some good advices                B. some good advice

C. an advice                            D. some pieces of good advices



【小题1】Tom and Sam are twins, but there are some d______ between them.
【小题2】Hawaii is f____ for its beautiful beaches.
【小题3】Our math teacher is a s_____________ man.It seems that he never laughs.
【小题4】Chinese medicine is now popular in many w _______ countries.
【小题5】You can call Miss Zhang for more ________ (信息).
【小题6】Your vacation ____________ (计划) sounds wonderful.
【小题7】My eating  ____________ (习惯) is pretty good.
【小题8】Lots of _________ (游客) come to Qingdao every day.


Our Math teacher often gives us __________ on how to learn Math.

  1. A.
    some good advices
  2. B.
    some good advice
  3. C.
    an advice
  4. D.
    some pieces of good advices


1. Our English teacher always asks us to read a_______ in the morning.
2. Though the old man felt tired , he walked very f______.
3. Tina used to be shy, but now she is o_________.
4. The dog’s d_______ made its owner sad for a long time.
5. You can’t drive without a driver’s l________.
B. 根据汉语提示填写单词完成下面的句子。(5分)
1.I _______(错过) the early bus yesterday, so I was late for class.
2. He learns English by __________(他自己)
3. It’s ________(傻) of you to go out in the hot sun without a hat.
4. We are not _________(允许) to go out during a test.
5. Our math teacher is ________(严厉) with us.
1. You look unhappy. What about _______ (have) a walk with me?
2.Do you learn English by _________(ask) friends for help?
3. His sister is ________(terrify) of the dark.
4. When I was a child, I used ________ (go) out for a picnic(野餐).
5.When students do homework with friends, they talk instead of _____(do) homework.


【小题1】The boy wants to ______________________(保护) the little girl .
【小题2】Do you think this area is an _________ (理想) home for animals?
【小题3】Our Math teacher ______________(继续)to give lessons after he hit by the door .
【小题4】Take some ______________________(药) and your mother will be better .
【小题5】The more he speaks , the _____________________(口渴) he will be.
【小题6】Don't move, or the bear will _____________________(袭击)you.
【小题7】Trees and forests ____________________(提供) fresh air for human.
【小题8】The ___________________(栖息地) for cranes in Zhalong are enough.
【小题9】Who _____________________(破坏) the trees and forests last year ?
【小题10】___________________(袋鼠) live only in Australia , they all have pockets .

