101. 102. 103 104 查看更多




101. 据报道那家大工厂有大量的工人,而且工人人数超过了十万人。

It’s reported that there are _________________________ workers in that big factory, and _________________________ the workers is over 100,000.

102. 我也想拒绝做如此多的家庭作业,而通常情况下我别无选择只有做它。

   I also want to __________________ homework, and usually I ___________________it.

103. 当你在如何取得学业和爱好间平衡有困难时,可以向你的英语老师求助。

  When you have difficulty ______________________ your schoolwork and your hobbies, you can ask your English teacher _______________.

104. “西蒙不能按时交作业,我真不知道如何处置他,”布莱克先生自言自语道。

“Simon can’t hand in his homework ______________, and I really don't know ______________ him,” Mr. Black said to himself.

105. —为什么彼得考试总是得满分呢?


—Why does Peter always get full marks in the exams?

—Because he thinks ______________ than ______________ in his class. 




    Why not ______ ______ the places of interest in China?


    Books can ______ us ______ much important knowledge.


    ______ ______ to your dream, I believe you will be successful one day.


   Many students say they are ______ ______ teach in the west of China after graduation.


    Someone likes sleeping ______ the light ______.


    ______ ______ you hurt your knees while running?


    This red skirt ______ ______me.


    Most people are ______ ______ vegetables and fruits are good for health.


    My sister likes the music that she can sing ______ ______.


    He said he didn’t want to ______ his teachers and parents ______.



In the morning, Mr. Martin comes i   96   his garden. He sees too m  97   snow(雪) in the garden. Mr Martin wants to t  98  his car out, s  99   he asks a cleaner(清洁工) to clean the road from his garage(车库) to the gate. He s  100   to the cleaner, “Don’t put any snow on the f  101   or on the wall. And don’t put any into the street, or(否则) the p   102   will come.” T   103   he goes out. When(当) he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he o   104    the garage to get his car out, he sees it is full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car is u  105   the snow!



large  population  five  live  other  find  short  crowed   and   become      
The population in China
China has the  95 population in the world, and about one  96 of the people in the world live in China. Because of the large   97   , there is less  98 space for each family. And it’s difficult for lots of people   99   jobs. The large population also causes many  100  difficulties for the whole nation .For example, we’re  101 of energy and water. Most cities are   102  than before,  103  the traffic is much heavier .The large population  104  a serious problem.



large  population  five  live  other  find  short  crowed   and   become      

The population in China

China has the  95  population in the world, and about one  96  of the people in the world live in China. Because of the large   97    , there is less  98  space for each family. And it’s difficult for lots of people   99    jobs. The large population also causes many  100  difficulties for the whole nation .For example, we’re  101  of energy and water. Most cities are   102  than before,  103   the traffic is much heavier .The large population  104   a serious problem.


