在下列各题的四个答案中选择一个最佳答案. (16) My cousin has changed a lot. She used to be , but now she is tall. A. short B. thin C. pretty D. heavy (17) The painter finished his painting in a hurry. He could paint his work much better if he could have five minutes. A. more B. some C. other D. another (18) --- Would you like some more tea? --- , please. A. No more B. Just a little C. I’ve had enough D. Yes, I could19. --- Mr. Green has decided to smoking. --- That’s good news. I hope he can this time. A. turn off B. give away C. clean up D. give up (20) --- Would you like to have lunch with me today? --- Thank you. But I have to finish 800-word report first. A. a, a B. the , an C. /, an D. /, the (21) --- Why didn’t you go to see the film last night? --- Because I to see it twice. A. didn’t want B. don’t want C. not wanted D. was not wanting (22) --- useful information you have given to me! --- I hope it can help. A. How B. What C. What an D. What a (23) Not only the boys but also their class teacher in playing badminton. A. are interested B. are interesting C. is interesting D. is interested (24) will be sold in this shop next week. A. Children’s books B. Childrens’ books C. Children books D. Child’s books (25) I asked my father a question but he just and didn’t answer at all. A. went on to read B. went to read C. went on reading D. went on read (26) I don’t think we can finish all the work before Friday, ? A. do I B. can we C. can’t we D. don’t we (27) --- My brother and I will have a picnic next Sunday. --- Enjoy . A. himself B. themselves C. yourself D. yourselves (28) Lucy has been working since she got an A in the last English test. A. more harder B. much harder C. as harder D. more hardly (29) --- Excuse me. Where is the post office? --- Well, it’s quite far away. It’s on a street is 10 minutes’ walk away from here. A. which B. where C. it D. what (30) ---Have you seen Steve recently? --- No. He is rather busy these days. It is said that he in a big company. A. give a job B. gives a job C. is given a job D. is got a job (31) ---Could you tell me ? --- Yes. John told me they had gone to the library. A. where are the twins B. where were the twins C. where the twins are D. where the twins were (32) --- Do you know he is going to stay in Tokyo? --- Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe a few weeks. But I’m not sure. A. when B. how long C. what time D. how soon (33) ---Where is Tom? ---He at home. I have just called to his home but there was nobody in. A. mustn’t be B. can’t be C. must be D. can be (34) --- What can I do for you? --- I’d like a big box for my pets . A. sleeping B. sleep C. to sleep in D. to sleep (35) --- How many birds are there in the tree? --- I’m not sure. I can often see of them every evening before dark. A. hundreds B. two hundred C. two hundreds D hundred 查看更多





1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________


6AHere you are. BThank you. CYou are welcome

7AYes, I do. BYes, I will. CSorry, I won't

8AGood idea. BNot at all. CWhat a shame!

9AAn apple. BSome bread. CA glass of milk

10AGood luck. BBad luck. CNo problem



11Which sport does Tom like?





12How will the man go to Shanghai?

ABy bus

BBy train

CBy air


13What happened to Maria?

AShe lost her key

BShe fell ill

CShe was late for school


14What kind of music does the woman like now?

ARock music

BSoft music

CPop music


15When did the woman buy her skirt?

ALast Monday

BLast Tuesday

CLast Wednesday


16Is there going to be a fashion show tomorrow?

AYes, there is

BNo, there isn't

CI don't know

17Where will they meet?

AAt the bus station

BIn the classroom

CAt the school gate


18How did the man make a hotel reservation?

AOn the Internet

BOn the phone

CIn the hotel

19How long will the man stay there?

AAbout one day

BAbout two days

CAbout three days

20How much will the man pay for the rooms?





21Kumiko came to China three years ago

22She came to study Chinese

23She joined an English club

24She can speak Japanese, English and Chinese

25She will return home next month


